Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember back in the day when we always thought that we could change a lesbian to love dick again? Who would’ve thought it led to this. Just say you are a woman and guilt lesbians into accepting your dick.

Vebent 8 points ago +8 / -0

It doesn’t matter who wins the primaries. Because we’re at a point where the democrats can get away with voter fraud (at a much larger scale if they wanted to) and if any Republican candidate calls it out they’ll be completely dismissed.

This is definitely going to happen if Trump wins the primaries. From the looks of it it’s almost guaranteed that Trump will win. Once that happens dems will cheat bad, Trump will call it out, and no one will listen due to his history.

Honestly, I don’t even want Trump at the top of the ticket. It doesn’t make sense to me how he’s winning, but it seems like DeSantis isn’t very impressionable, and Ramaswamey isn't as popular because… why? I don’t know. I can’t find anything wrong with him. And you would think DeSantis would blow everyone out of the water because of how much he changed Florida for the good, but it just seems like he’s purposely losing.

I really think this is a setup to get Trump at the top just so they can cheat big. I’m talking major voter fraud across the board. They know they’ll be able to get away with it with Trump as the leading Republican candidate. Really pay attention to this election. This is going to be the one to change how elections are ran from here on out.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

She’s making a very strong case as to why women should not be in power. And I’m not even religious. I just don’t like how there are these activists get a leading position in the church and then does everything in their power to justify their actions rather than take responsibility.

Vebent 8 points ago +8 / -0

I hope Amazon sees this and stops making the shows.

Vebent 17 points ago +17 / -0

Bingo. This is a typical tactic of trying to get the results you want with as little backlash as possible. They’ll keep changing the name until everyone forgets a social credit score exists or there’s very little news about it. You’ll still hear about it from Glenn Beck, because he was one of the first to report on ESG, but you won’t hear about it on any other major right wing news outlets because nobody will care by then.

Vebent 9 points ago +9 / -0

I hope the creator tells CR to fuck off and finds a difference localizer that isn’t this corrupt. Who am I kidding? They’re all corrupt.

Vebent 12 points ago +12 / -0

I agree with a few of his takes, but I just find it annoying that he has to fit his hate for women into anything that has nothing to do with women. That’s a skill that I wish to never obtain.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

As hysterical and completely out of touch the writers are with reality, this is not an actual Spider-Man run. This is from Edge of Spider-Verse that has various stories of Spider-Man’s in other dimensions. This is also about a year old.

So not to worry, my fellow Spider-Man fans. We still have Spider-Man. And we also have Miles Morales. Who is black. That is very important information to know. Miles Morales is black. Do not forget it.

Vebent 31 points ago +31 / -0

“But but but Guyladriel did it so I can too.”

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I already have 2 people. If one of them ends up dropping out then I’ll hit you up. As for Diablo, this is going to be my last Activision game. I only bought this because they went back to their dark and gritty roots. None of this cartoon bullshit from Diablo III.

Vebent 7 points ago +7 / -0

Eh, I have mixed feelings on the whole thing. I still watch him every once in a while. I’m already watching him less because of the Dave Landau interview. What I will say about the situation is that it seems like he brings his work home with him. Because of how he lectures her on what makes a great wife or something like that. That’s my only complaint. Well, that and figuring out why the hell he only has one car.

People like to bring up that she’s pregnant. Ok, she’s not disabled or anything. She just has more physical limitations. And it’s just her and Steven. She shouldn’t have that much to do anyways.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s cool. There’s already one guy on board. Discussing with him right now on how we should go about everything. Once you guys get everything going then keep us in mind.

Vebent 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s all good. It would be better if I had friends join, but the people I know aren’t into video games like I am or streaming.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have no clue. When I first saw that I thought the same thing. Where are the followers when there are that many views? The only conclusion I can come to is people looking up new streamers, watching for a few minutes, and then closing the video. Maybe there’s something I’m missing that will get people to follow. I don’t know.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dead air is the one thing I hate when doing this myself. This is another reason why I want to get a couple of people in on the action. I also get not liking your voice. I have that problem also, but I’m looking at the benefit behind it. That doing this helps me stay more focused and on task rather than jumping back and forth and then forgetting what I was talking about.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. It would be nice to make a living, but right now that’s not my main focus. My main focus is being consistent with the stream and building up a following. I’m hoping it’ll get big enough to show that there are voices like ours in the gaming space.

Vebent 19 points ago +19 / -0

I am now getting way more unskippable 15 second ads in the beginning of a video than I am getting skippable ads. And it’s not just one. A lot of times it’s 2 of them. I switched from the mobile app to the browser because of this. No way in hell am I dropping my adblock.

Vebent 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only reason why I don’t think he’ll fit is because he’s overcasted and it seems like he’s a product for marketing purposes rather than a legitimate actor.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s because they’re trying to maximize ad revenue. What they fail to see though is that if you’re a Republican or conservative content creator there’s no having both maximum ad revenue and freedom of speech. You can only have one or the other.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I always make sure when I get my anime that it’s both English and Japanese dubs with English subs. The problem is that where I get my anime it doesn’t mention if the subs are pulled from Crunchyroll or if they’re fan subs. Because I much prefer fan subs to avoid stupid situations like this.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

The best part is that you can now tell them that they’ve done this to themselves and that they now see the kind of bullshit they pulled on users. You can tell them all of that and there isn’t a damn thing they can do, but block you. No bans or anything.

Vebent 5 points ago +5 / -0

I highly suggest everyone archive this tweet and download the video. I hope O’Keefe has really good security that watches him 24/7 because I can see Blackrock going after him over something small like this.

Vebent 10 points ago +10 / -0

You know, at first I was thinking it’s Fable. All the characters look like they were born from dung pie piles. Then as I see this picture more and more floating around social media, I start to get an understanding that there’s a lot more off about this than I originally thought. This is suppose to be a woman, but there’s no tits, she has a really dirty face, a crooked-ass smile, too much unkempt hair, and the eyebrows are too much. You could’ve given her a deeper voice and everyone would think she’s a man.

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