Vebent 6 points ago +6 / -0

Rule 34 exists for Tifa. Hell, I'm almost convinced it exists because of Tifa. We don't need a video game to show us her tits. There are several sites that are proud to display them.

Vebent 5 points ago +5 / -0

Unreal Tournament 2003. I miss proper multi-player games. Now it's all about skin collecting and whatever else is making multi-player games soul sucking.

Vebent 19 points ago +19 / -0

We just had 4 people die of an overdose in my area. Either yesterday or sometime this week. The fuckin hippie mayor we have held a damn candlelight vigil for them. They overdosed on drugs. They did this to themselves.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

We didn’t even go after her. It was all about Quinn. Sarkeesian and Wu inserted themselves into the picture and we were trying to tell them to fuck off. That was until Sarkeesian got chummy with game devs. Then there was a problem.

Vebent 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it’s safe to say that absolutely no major Internet personality is safe. The fact that anyone ever trusts or believes them is baffling. Whatever happened to never trusting anyone on the internet? We’ve had that rule since online message boards existed.

Vebent 4 points ago +4 / -0

So if the pronouns are non-existent then it should be alright for us to remove them through mods. Or basically deleting the txt file.

Vebent 5 points ago +6 / -1

Outside of what I think about Eric July, the comics are less than mediocre. It makes Marvel and DC comics look good in comparison. He also completely lied about using 3D assets. I highly doubt anyone would have a problem with him using them if he actually admitted to using them. But, nope. He was on some conservative black womans show saying it was all made up because “everyone is jealous of his success”. Then just a couple weeks ago he makes a video saying they do use 3D assets, but didn’t know until recently. The fuck? I’m done with that guy.

Vebent 10 points ago +10 / -0

We’re at a very dangerous time of the internet. Normies have taken over and don’t understand why we made rules of the internet. Why the internet before they’ve taken over existed. I predict it will get worse than what YouTube is doing and it won’t get any better.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Speaking of that, are there sites that do fan translations? I’ve been wanting to add fan translated subs to my anime for awhile, but I’ve been stuck with whatever crunchyroll has or other official bullshit for awhile.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

Show us. Show us where it is historically accurate. Where is it? Oh? It doesn’t exist. If there were any “black Vikings” it was very very rare and never documented in historical text. Because the black people they're thinking of hardly traveled across continents. Only the wealthy ever did. And even if the wealthy Africans did travel north, then you best believe Vikings would take over their ships and dominate the fuck out of them.

Jesus fuckin hell I hate these people.

Vebent 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another reason why I refuse to give up my PS3 copy of the game.

Vebent 5 points ago +5 / -0

I find youtubers in general to be one of the worst things to happen to the internet. Actually, to better clarify. YouTubers that constantly complain about YouTube rules and regulations and continue using the platform. It’s almost as if they have no dignity.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

My 100TB Plex, PlexAmp, and Kavita server completely agree.

And just so everyone is aware I do still buy games and movies.

Vebent 4 points ago +4 / -0

I totally forgot this show existed. Probably same with everyone else except for the few feminists that watch the show. Well, it doesn’t matter. Disney won’t learn from this.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

California is a beautiful state and what I mean by beautiful is the national forests, mountains, and the small towns in the northern portion. As for Los Angeles it is trash. The traffic is terrible, homeless run the streets, and crime is rampant. I should know because I use to have to drive through there daily. So if that is considered a “great American city” then I should be considered the greatest quarterback in all of NFL history.

Vebent -2 points ago +1 / -3

By having my own opinion and not following a bunch of sheep shows that I will have a bigger spine than you will ever have. Do what you want, but saying someone doesn’t have a spine because they’re going to watch a movie for the lore is the biggest pussy move I have ever seen. Getting all pissy because I don’t follow any group in this world.

Vebent -5 points ago +1 / -6

I’ve watched the trailer several times now. I’ve went from “yeah this looks cool” to “why are they using so much unnecessary CGI”. I don’t really care for Anya Taylor because she hasn’t been in anything important anyways. A decent actress, but nothing that would warrant movie studios to focus on her. I’m not too worried about her anyways because I never cared for Furiosa the character. I actually more enjoy the lore. Immortan Joe, warboys, cult of the V8, that kind of stuff. So I’m probably going to watch the movie just for that. Despite the bad CGI.

Vebent 5 points ago +5 / -0

And there you have it. Thats why Geto targeted it.

Vebent 9 points ago +9 / -0

I use to like listening to Ben Shapiro while I was over the road back in 2016. That was until he kept going on and on about him being the most hated Jew. No one likes the fact when the left uses race or ethnicity to their advantage, why the fuck should we draw the line with this guy?

Vebent 8 points ago +8 / -0

“Her true motive”? “All of the details”? Why do I get the feeling that this may end up being bullshit or they’re going to find a way to twist this to make Crowder look bad? I honestly can’t tell if they’re still salty over that contract nonsense or they’re envious of him getting the info.

Vebent 5 points ago +5 / -0

What is DCSS? I’m not too familiar with roguelike games and only know a few in that genre. Risk of Rain, Dead Cells, and Rogue Legacy.

Vebent 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went back onto Twitter about 5 months ago and I had to take a break again. I feel like it’s gotten worse. I don’t know what is real or fake. Did Hamas slaughter babies? Did Israel carpet bomb a bunch of civilians? We can’t trust anyone on the internet. Especially large Twitter accounts these days.

That’s why I’m glad the co-host of my show is recommending all kinds of anime. It’s a nice distraction from all the bullshit. Well, all the social media bullshit. I still believe that will be the destruction of society.

Vebent 2 points ago +3 / -1

Similar to Russia and Ukraine. Both sides are gay and full of faggotry. You’ll most likely find all kinds of corruption in both governments. I say we stay the fuck away, don’t fund anything, and wait for one of them to destroy the other.

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