Vermont maple syrup is also a thing. At the stores I shop at it's a complete toss up if the maple syrup stocked is from Vermont or Canada. I'm sure we can get by with domestic syrup.
"Change their spending habits"
80-90% of their population lives within 50 miles of the US border. They simply don't exist as a viable country without us.
Rico will be Hispanic
Wasn't he Filipino in the book? I wish they would just keep the characters in their original gender and ethnicity when they're adapting books.
I guess they really weren't sending us their best...
People forget that society only exists because we've all made a handshake agreement that allowing the government to run things like the justice system and the military is preferable to anarchy.
When society primarily functions to exploit the majority so that a few government officials and wealthy people can enjoy near limitless power and money, it's only a matter of time until enough of the common folk get tired of it that they start a revolution.
IMO, the modern western world is living on borrowed time, bought with the comfort that all of the conveniences we have today give the common folk. They simply have more to lose than gained by revolting, but if that equation were to change, woe to those in charge.
One of the quirks of the American justice system is that pre-trial confinement isn't considered a punishment, despite being functionally the same as the punishment you would get if convicted, so you can end up with situations where someone sits in jail awaiting trial when even the maximum penalty for what they are charged with is less jail time than they already spent in jail awaiting trial.
The right to a speedy trial is meant to prevent this, but each state determines would constitutes "speedy" differently, and they all employ weird formulas that only count time after certain events; like none of the time spent counts against the time limit until you enter a plea for example.
There's ways to fix this, but one thing I've noticed about police, judges, and attorneys, is it they all seem to be fine with the system as it works now instead of being rightfully horrified at situations like this. When the people who have the power to reform the system have no interest in doing so, it's not going to get fixed.
I have no clue who this guy is, but his opening voice over bears no resemblance to the actual person on the screen. He rolls in with this cowboy sounding voice over saying:
There are two kinds of men in the world, those with guns and those who dig...
Broadcasting from a hidden fortress in the Montana wilderness...
And then what appears on screen is what looks like a standard issue soyboy with pubescent beard and pencil arms. I couldn't even listen to the guy's show because the contrast between whatever image he's trying to portray and what he actually is was way too stark.
their friends at school mostly identify with mum's home country
And this is why open borders and unfettered immigration doesn't work. These kids live in England enjoy the benefits of being a resident/citizen there like public schools and welfare, but have no loyalty in return.
Now, the UK can go fuck itself, because this is a problem with their own making, but my concern is that you see the same exact thing in America.
I thought everyone got wise to the Red Cross after Katrina. They're a ton of articles about executive compensation and them wasting donations at the time.
That's a male, because a perm is a woman's hairstyle? I can't take anyone that looks like that seriously. I can't wait for fashion to move on; maybe they'll go back to crew cuts soon.
A gilded cage is still a cage, and wrapping an iron fist in a silk glove doesn't change what it is.
Western governments trumpet their freedom, but just because their form of oppression isn't as brutal as a dictatorship doesn't make free. The UK being the worst offender in this regard.
The term "third party consent" is deceptive. The father is the second party- unless their considering the fetus to be that, which would undermine the argument that it's not a person.
I'm positive the term was chosen on purpose since a third party is usually regarding as having diminished rights in disputes as their interests are separate and diminished in comparison to the primary parties.
Just to clarify: this isn't ASU proper, but the Air Force. The Air Force contracts out its distance learning to ASU's Canvas platform. You can see the Air University logo at the top left. The students that received this message are all in the military, and that's who the Executive Order applies to.
Hawaii Supreme Court: “The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities.”
Makes sense, since HI also ruled that the "spirit of aloha" nullified the Second Amendment.
Let's see them enforce this.
Oh, there were irregularities to be sure: they didn't even attempt to collect votes for seceding states, despite claiming that they didn't actually leave the union. By this time, Louisiana and Tennessee or under Union control and held the election, but they didn't count their electoral votes either.
The Union freely flipped from considering Confederate states to be "in rebellion" but still a part of the United States to treating them as a separate country as it suited Union needs, which is a whole separate topic. For example, they extorted them into ratifying the 14th Amendment as a condition of rejoining the Union- which makes no sense as they spent the entire War claiming they never legally left it.
My point being, Lincoln at least held the election to maintain the veneer that the country was still a democracy, and presumably would have stepped aside if he had lost. The narrative that Ukraine is a democracy heroically resisting an invader collapses if they simply turn off elections because they're afraid they won't be happy with the results.
Just a reminder that even Lincoln didn't try and suspend elections during the Civil War.
do all foreigners randomly get attacked with glass bottles or what?
No, just the ones who get grabby and commit crimes. The Japanese are known for their politeness and restraint. It takes a special kind of asshole to provoke them into violence like that.
This. The left in America ran roughshod over all the rights it claims to champion during the Biden regime, and it continues to do so in the countries with leftist governments.
The fact that these fuckers will jail you for speech they disapprove of when given the chance should tell you everything you need to know about their belief system.
This actually looks more fun than UBIslop's game.
Hey now, I see two people that were present before independence. Let's honor our founding fathers instead of vilifying them.
I know this is that new shitty Spider-Man cartoon because people posted the horrible artwork here, but I didn't know that anybody was actually watching it.
I'm not a fan of reddit. Their horrible moderation structure aside, I blame it at least partially for the demise of all the niche forums that used to be scattered across the internet. These forums often had experts in the topic, and included shit that reddit bans like WTB/WTS forums for guns.
Regarding the idea of paid subreddits specifically, it's just part of the further enshitification of things. "Hey this free thing is popular, how can we monetize it?" Is the epitome of rent seeking behavior that characterizes this era of capitalism.
In this case though, I think it's doomed to failure. Unless they're going to aggressively stamp out free subreddits that cover the same topic as the paid ones most people are just not going to go somewhere and pay to get the same thing they're getting for free. The only people this is going to interest are those who hate that their own personal echo chamber is periodically invaded by strangers who don't share their beliefs.
If it's worth their money to pay so that they don't have to periodically ban the newcomers they don't like, then whatever.
suppository of information.
I agree that it induces shit.
So she called them retarded? I think anyone that uses the term "ableist" should be punched in the throat.