TriangleGang 25 points ago +25 / -0

H1B visas are a scam. Maybe the intent was originally to fill hard to recruit positions, but it's clear that the just like everything else, corporations have perverted the rules to their own benefit. The entire visa program should be terminated.

TriangleGang 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's true, McDonalds the corporation gets their money selling everything to the franchisees.

If I'm not mistaken, the franchisees have to buy all the food and support equipment from corporate though, so the shitty quality of the food is all on them.

One thing I've always noticed is that the lettuce at the US McDonalds has a funny taste. It's been the same taste for at least 20 years and is the same at every one I've ever eaten at.

TriangleGang 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've been to McDonalds in several Asian countries and Australia. Every one was better and included pretty much the complete US menu plus local additions. I think the most underwhelming were the Philippines, but even there they added fried chicken and rice to the US menu. Hell, even Hawaii has a teriyaki burger and taro pie.

They also have cooler toys overseas. Japan had an exclusive Gundam vinyl figure painted black and gold and Australia had a knockoff Lego set a few years ago for example. This year they had some commemorative glasses with artwork featuring Happy Meal toys from the 1970s-1990s for sale. Some countries got real glass, others got plastic- the US got plastic.

It's weird that the US version of a restaurant that is often seen as a symbol of the country itself is easily the worst.

TriangleGang 2 points ago +2 / -0

Out of curiosity, what does "pre-sorted" mean? Does the originator deliver it to the postal service already divided up for the different carrier routes?

TriangleGang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh, the setting often has little to do with the quality of the movie. If they tell a good story, I would watch a movie about a mailman or garbage man, or whatever.

For example, The Best Years of Our Lives is one of the best films about World War II, and it doesn't have any combat at all. It's about three servicemen returning home and each of their different difficulties with reintegrating into civilian life. It was an academy award winner and was ahead of its time back when men just didn't talk about the baggage they brought home from war.

In contrast, the previews for this had snippets like "these uniforms aren't made for our curvy negro bodies" and "the white man doesn't think we can do this and wants us to fail". It sounds like 100% modern-day dreck.

TriangleGang 8 points ago +10 / -2

And that’s different from you and I, how?

I'm not self-important enough to think that I'm improving the news by inserting my running commentary on top of it.

But hey, you apparently see his value because you posted this video and you're vigorously defending him. I guess I found the answer to "who" this guy's audience is, but I'm still failing to see the "why".

TriangleGang 13 points ago +14 / -1

The post popped up and I was curious what the "Chipotle Incident" was. His face blocked enough of the text that I closed the video and just googled it after 5 seconds.

It was a sheboon hopping the counter, with the twist that in addition to fighting the employees she tried to prepare her own meal. In DC- the location was part of the text he was blocking that I wanted to see.

I stand by my assessment that it would have been better to just post the actual news, and remain perplexed why people would choose to view this guy commenting on a story rather than just read or watch the story themselves.

There is a place for these sorts of videos, providing the commenter has some sort of relevant knowledge, like when a legal expert does a play-by-play of people's videotaped encounters with police. But this guy is just some basement dwelling rando, so I'm not sure how people perceive that he enhances rather than detracts from the story he's commenting on.

TriangleGang 11 points ago +13 / -2

The story is interesting, the dork in the left corner commenting on it (whose picture is covering up text from the actual story) is not.

Why do people watch these "fake YouTube celebrity comments on latest news story" videos?

TriangleGang 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a casual student of WWII history, and knew of this unit from long before the movie was made in a gee-whiz trivia sense; i.e.: "did you know there was a black female unit that handled the mail in the ETO?"

So, I think people are right that there might have been enough there to make a movie about and oddball WWII topic al la Monuments Men, it's just that being made by Tyler Perry and being made current day means it's got to be hammering The Message and I'm just not willing to waste my time watching that nonsense.

TriangleGang 12 points ago +13 / -1

Isn't the blue check something people pay for, and it means your identity has been verified? How does belonging to unpopular groups or saying unpopular things effect who you are?

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

I honestly wish they would. Something is fundamentally broken in this country, an existing processes are going to be able to fix it.

TriangleGang 14 points ago +14 / -0

The meme that once an Indian has hiring power they hire all Indians is true.

I had a friend that worked at Microsoft 20+ years ago. He was one of the Volt contractors that they had to hire because a court ruled they met the definition of employees, not contractors.

He was complaining about this back then. Once the cheapo H1B pajeets got into management, they only hired more pajeets.

I had occasion to visit the mall in Bellevue, near MS HQ, a year or two ago and it was all pajeets and Chinamen (where are they working?). It was maybe 1/10 whites walking around that place.

TriangleGang 28 points ago +28 / -0

What's really disturbing is the number of Chinese in the last few years of the video. Odds are they are either wealthy ones looking to export their wealth before their communist masters seize it or they are 5th columnists here to destabilize us. Neither benefits this country.

TriangleGang 4 points ago +4 / -0

Merry Christmas, frens.

TriangleGang 2 points ago +3 / -1

When he whistled, I was like "what the fuck is that about? Tell 2me they're not doing Krypto the dog". They're doing Krypto the dog.

My prediction? It will do terrible, but I won't be paying to see this either way.

TriangleGang 10 points ago +10 / -0

I wish we could marginalize them to the point where I didn't have to hear them constantly complaining anymore. You're not really on the margins if all your complaints are front and center in the news.

TriangleGang 11 points ago +11 / -0

That was my thought. They fly a bunch of drones around making it look sinister and mysterious and then the public begs them to regulate drones more because they are scared.

TriangleGang 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't they have immunity for elected officials in Canada? In the US, unless they commit a criminal act, any penalties based on the government official's official acts will be levied on the government itself.

TriangleGang 4 points ago +4 / -0

I look at the size and complexity of everything as a parabolic curve. There is a point where everything is in balance and the institution is at its "best" size considering the quality of the goods or services it delivers, the experience of the employees, the customer service experience if it's constituents, etc.

Endless growth is neither sustainable nor desirable. Big cities crow about how excited they are at increasing their population, but the increased tax base rarely supports the needed expansion of housing and infrastructure. We all have companies or products that we used to love and then everything turned to shit when they got bigger and dumped quality in pursuit of profit.

The sentiment is on point, although I disagree with the example. In general the EU is a regulatory hellscape, and I'm sure there's plenty of companies that would like to expand that are held back by their regulations. A luxury watchmaker is a poor example, because they have an entirely different business model, and a massive growth in output would simply devalue their brand.

TriangleGang 1 point ago +1 / -0

By "places to get rid of all that shit where it never would have been found" I'm thinking of stuff like burning the IDs and passport in a fire and stirring the ashes.

The gun's harder, but spraying it down with brake cleaner, running a rat tail file down the barrel, disassembling it, smashing the major components with a sledge, and throwing all the pieces in random bodies of water or wooded areas anywhere along his 5-day journey would do the trick.

It's not rocket science: don't keep the shit with you or any place associated with you, and destroy it before disposing of the remains in places that have no connection to you.

TriangleGang 6 points ago +6 / -0

In this case their fuck-fuck games backfired on them. If they had left the jury deadlocked it would be a mistrial and they could try again.

By dismissing the murder charge it's over. They can appeal the acquittal of the other charges, but they lost their chance at the murder conviction.

TriangleGang 8 points ago +8 / -0

Just about the only value police have to your average citizen is as a deterrent to potential criminals- which obviously only partially works.

Courts have consistently held that they have no duty to intervene even if they witness a crime in progress, meaning they can sit there while you are robbed, beaten, or killed, and there is no recourse.

Property crimes for people like you and me are rarely investigated at all. I posted elsewhere just this morning that I've known people who reported mail theft with video of the thieves in action including their license plate number and the police did nothing. I know multiple people who have had break-ins, and all they do is file a report.

In contrast, they seem to have plenty of manpower to issue you traffic tickets and various other revenue generating citations.

TriangleGang 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean he never should have even been charged, so "triumph of Justice," amarite?

He's just had his life ruined, and will probably never financially recover so that the DA could score points with the woke crowd. Nothing like weaponizing the justice system for political purposes.

TriangleGang 15 points ago +15 / -0

Jesus it's all red flags with this bitch:

I asked him if he’d been following COVID-19 rules as strictly as I had

I have a history of terrible men. I have dated all manner of narcissist, idiot, douchebag and misogynist. (Occasionally I’d hit a grand slam and get all of the above in one person.)

As an adult, I became an emphatic supporter of cancel (or rather “consequence”) culture, axing people for all manner of misdeed, whether a simple political difference or a onetime gaffe that to me showed a rooted moral deficiency.

I am a fair-skinned, cis-femme, self-supporting New York Jewess

I live in relative safety, unlike people who are marginalized and targeted, like those in the transgender and Black communities

Our bodies are battlegrounds, now more than ever, and gaining access to mine has always been a privilege to be earned.

So, we've got a standard issue far-left COVIDiot with TDS, who just somehow always dates "bad men". Hey sweetheart, the common denominator in all those failed relationships is you. And she's jewish, because of course she would be. She did they guy a favor by leaving his life forever.

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