When ever someone complains about something as “too sexual”, it means they have porn brain.
The amount of makeup she has on is enough for a Kiss world tour.
I was thinking that exact thing. They just don’t know grade level geography and think USA is the only “America”.
I don’t get this shoe culture in black people. They wear these expensive shoes but don’t want to crease them or use them. At least get a pair of crappy shoes that you can wear!
We all know why they want DEI. They can’t get enough of the “cultural enrichment.”
Online ads have become straight predatory. Even YouTube ads will have scams. Last thing Valve wants to deal with is a Trojan or other virus stealing people’s accounts because Ubishit requires a 5 minute infected ad.
“Don’t let your memes be dreams” is becoming a universal constant.
It’s been said a few times before:
The people who hate women the most are other women.
He is a true business man at heart. He truly believes if you make a good product, people will buy it.
The problem is big businesses have removed that mentality and replaced it with “Pay us for the illusion of a good product.”
He’s a walking, talking embodiment of modern day journalism: sprinkle in truths with lies to give themselves more credibility. I wouldn’t be surprised he is doing it as a live performance social commentary.
Was once was based is now a fag.
Correct answer.
But discovered my own answer by trying the beta: it’s neither. A drop list of character premades with no name will select male or female for you.
This is true. Downloaded the beta and the boobs are max a D cup. However, there is boob physics default.
Is is Type A/B or Man/Woman (Or Male/Female)?
Can we stop calling them journalists? They are stalking kids to dig dirt on them. They are child predators.
Let the plebs pay to beta test the game and get tricked into watching gay porn.
His investors might give an increase in their funding if they get a certain score.
So about 2/3 of all black players don’t give a rats ass?
I hope for self-deletions. Depressingly, they’ll just retire and disappear in Martha’s Pedo-Ranch.
Faggot Bitches of Insurrection
I believe it’s more in hopes he’d just stop it silently before wasting double tax payer funds to have the state prosecute itself.
Yea… no one writes anymore. The Feds/CIA need to change it up and submit their confession through their Reddit account.
Which is probably why Trump is doing it now and have Congress allies submit bills for it before 2026 midterms. It puts Republicans in line, get people’s butts cooking to vote (since midterms have always had lower turnout), and a massive weapon against Democrats.
Are we already tired of winning? Fuck no! We barely got out of the gate! Don’t think that far into the future. Imagine what he will do in a year.
Trump will rename Israel New Texas and start a financial blitzkreig into the Middle East.
After two years, we will rename the Earth The UPA (United Planet of America.)
The original already had modern day feminist representation. It had a strong independent single mother who regretted having children.
Also, the Truffle Shuffle will be replaced by twerking.