TentElephant 8 points ago +8 / -0

You can ban non-Christians, or even those not in good standing with a very particular denomination, from political activities within a state though.

TentElephant 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's not against the constitution for states to establish religions, and it was assumed at the founding that every state would be explicitly some flavor of Christian.

Handmaid's Tale is a fetish book little different than Fifty Shades of Grey. Woman gets forced into submission and used by high status man.

TentElephant 19 points ago +20 / -1

He put the adjective Christian there for a reason, as if that is the important part that increases the likelyhood of child rape.

TentElephant 17 points ago +17 / -0

At the same time, I think [Meloni] is not a danger [to] Italian democracy.

Unfortunately true

TentElephant 13 points ago +13 / -0

As if there is a functional difference between the government and corporations with regard to punishing wrong think.

TentElephant 50 points ago +54 / -4

That stereotype is fake and gay. Regime media loves to focus on every single instance of child sex abuse by Christians to distract from the fact that, according to a 2004 report by the Department of Education, kids are over 100 times more likely to be abused in a school than a church, and it is highly doubtful things have gotten better.



TentElephant 37 points ago +38 / -1

Her real vengeance was making the "far-right" party leftist.

TentElephant 3 points ago +3 / -0

This video is bad and the creator should feel bad.

TentElephant 24 points ago +24 / -0

A homosexual cannot be revolutionary.

-Fidel Castro

TentElephant 8 points ago +8 / -0

The euro, pound, and dollar will be at parity just in time for the roll out of a unified CBDC. Strap in folks. It's about to get so much worse.

by Cascade
TentElephant 7 points ago +7 / -0

The more people opt out, the easier it will be for March on Rome 2: Post-Modern Boogaloo.

TentElephant 37 points ago +37 / -0

America was very explicitly founded as a protestant white, particularly Anglo, ethnostate. Here Franklin shows they weren't even particularly fond of being Germanized, and when the Mormons appeared it was legal to shoot them. The nation of immigrants and religious tolerance narrative was crafted by a Jewish Catholic coalition in order to break the WASP power structure in the early 20th century. It'd be more accurate to say America is a nation of settlers that carved civilization out of the wilderness through pain and hardship, while immigrants has a connotation of people moving into an already established society. The left will always retort something about American Indians, which really just proves the point about the fate of a people with unsecured borders.

by Cascade
TentElephant 8 points ago +9 / -1

That's a good thing. It means people do not view the regime as legitimate in the terms set by the regime itself.

TentElephant 51 points ago +51 / -0

Shitlibs: The world doesn't need straight white males anymore.

Also shitlibs: Straight white males leaving is why nothing works anymore.

TentElephant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Foxes are terrible at using force, so engaging them that way is good for lions. You now have an excuse to arrest politicians while emergency powers allows the president to seize media and internet unilaterally. All of it is entirely legal, which provides legitimacy. If it comes to everyone putting on uniforms to settle our differences, lets get it over with.

TentElephant 13 points ago +13 / -0

That's both the easiest and hardest thing to do. Article 2 of the constution gives the president power to dissolve them with the stroke of a pen. There is going to be lawfare about it, but the best way to beat that is too simply overwhelming them. The very first move is to secure a few judges to funnel this stuff through and put all of the few ourguy lawyers out there in the AG's office or on the WH staff. Then you just have to move faster than the courts, at least 30 controversial executive orders every day.

Spez: If there is a risk of Congress removing him from office, good news, Article 2 Section 3 says the President can adjourn the legislature anytime he desires for however long he wishes. Go full Cromwell.

TentElephant 20 points ago +20 / -0

I know it's wrong

That's a false framework that has been sold by con inc to prevent real opposition. If I had control of the Whitehouse, I'd get some loyal people in place in the judicial system and build up some currently insignificant armed federal agency into my personal army. Then, declare all these corporations paying women to travel across state lines to murder babies criminal enterprises using RICO and round up all my corporate enemies, all the way up to Larry Fink, in a lightning raid. My loyal judges would deny them bail for being obvious flight risks. If it looked like the legal case was going to fall apart, I'd pay off some prison gangs to kill them all in a riot while the guards became conspicuously absent and the cameras mysteriously failed.

People might be outraged for a moment, but I'd keep purges going so rapidly the news cycle wouldn't be able to keep up. The military could be purged by using the informed consent rule to clear out anyone in the officer corps that didn't oppose the vax mandate.

TentElephant 5 points ago +5 / -0

It'd be reasonable to expect at least 20% of people would try it at least once just to experience all the play modes available, and attaching an achievement could double that. Players must be making a concious decision to avoid the women.

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