It's not the "News Movement" - it was the UK Government that did it. This is not "collusion", this is illegal government censorship by an out of control totalitarian government.
Look, If Brand is tried and convicted THEN you can deperson him - but all we have now is cackling hen gossip and accusations that would make the witches of the Crucible blush.
These evil regimes need to be overturned and our rights and liberties restored.
That whole scene was cringe - but what was even more cringe was the 300lb cow telling us about how Apple won’t use leather in any of their watch bands or iPhone cases anymore because it hurts the environment.
You know what hurts the environment?! Your eating habits!
So… the guy who was in charge when 9/11 occurred (and some say orchestrator of) got us into the disastrous Iraq war, costing us untold billions and blood, the guy who actually shot someone while hunting, the guy who was in charge when the US Economy collapsed in 2008… Says Trump is a threat to the US?!
This goes a long way to explaining this weird trend we’ve been seeing in movies and content.
If anything I’d argue you saw this much earlier like with MTVs undressed where each scene barely lasted 2 minutes. ADHD theater…
Net Neutrality was NEVER about content - if you ever pointed out that none of the NN legislation protected content and that the whole NN movement was nothing more than propaganda by netflix and google so they didn't have to pay bandwidth by the byte you'd be hit by the NPC update that said it would hurt the poor because they'd have to pay more to access basic services or that measured usage hurt the poor. (Not that I'm against unlimited data - all for it and I probably would've supported NN if it protected all content... which it didn't.) The whole thing was a scam and we effectively have the NN they wanted anyway today.
I don't get it... Volition, Disney, Warner Bros... everybody seems to be driving their companies off the cliff to serve the woke agenda and... for what? Virtue points?
Just had a thought which is about the only thing that makes sense to me - TenCent and other CCP firms must be backfunding these groups as part of Blackrock with the ESG to destroy them and then come in and be the dominant entertainment sector in the world with CCP propaganda that will be, ostensibly NOT woke.
Heels vs Babyface already encountered a female character that's cloned from a guy - I saw it happen live, it was great.
Start at 58 minutes
As is tradition