SendTomBoys 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's not a typo what are you talking about LMAO Sturm and Drang are real words with real world meaning

SendTomBoys 0 points ago +3 / -3

Muslims are subhuman shitslime so they're well within their rights to harp on about the goblin creatures

SendTomBoys 10 points ago +11 / -1

Good human beings don't care what happens to Muzzies or Joos. Stop being a fucking pussy about it.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +8 / -1

And for anyone else's information that needs it, doing that shit TO them doesn't keep you clean.

I've had degen fantasies for years involving women because my first two gfs were hidden whores and I was young and naive and just went along with the choking, slapping, and damn near beating them senseless because they swore up and down it was fine and normal.

It's not, and it led down more disgusting paths I wish I hadn't gone tbh.

Whores can be fun but they will leave lasting damages on you even if it doesn't feel like damage at the time.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +3 / -1

Why is what anyone does here so important to you? You have to be the most retarded, unloved of incels to spend time replying to every post on a forum you don't even like or enjoy.

Never in my life have I wasted time forum trolling because I'm not a loser with infinite time to spend. Christ I almost feel bad for you because the vision I get of the type of person with the time and mentality to do this day in day out... Ain't pretty.

SendTomBoys -5 points ago +6 / -11

Nintendo has been trash for ages. Any fucktard still buying Pokemon or Mario or really anything from them at all is a brain dead loser. They put out shitty hardware for a premium price and shovel rehashed garbage and the normies just swallow it up because gaming is "le cool 😎" right now.

M$ and Soyny are the face of degenerated gaming industry but Nintendo is the face of becoming lazy and cocky because you've entrapped retards.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

"naturally" holy fuck the jewmeat shlorping is insane

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

Well that's feminine humans for you, male or female. They can't just drop it, they can't let it go, they think they're right and are entitled, spoilt children wearing adults skins. This is why men throughout history had a.. firm hand, when it came to making women behave themselves. Women can't be trusted to self regulate. Sure, plenty of men can't either, but not to the degree of how basically 90%+ of women can't do it.

SendTomBoys 0 points ago +4 / -4

Can't tell if leftoid shill retard or normal retard.

Cops aren't a fucking hivemind conglomerate you retard. Every single fucking town and city has different policies set by the local governance, and the actual population present plays a part too. Cops in some faggot Blue City are going to kneel for niggers because they're more likely to be faggot self hating whites.

I don't even like cops, don't make me defend them because you lack basic critical thinking skills.

SendTomBoys 11 points ago +12 / -1

It's funny how the foreign allies of the USA who loved Trump, were the leaders of countries who WEREN'T taking advantage of us.

Germany, France, the UK, all those bastards love utilizing our tax dollars and military might and shit on us openly.

Ever since we bombed Japan into an attitude adjustment, they've been a great ally of ours ever since.

SendTomBoys -6 points ago +5 / -11

I'll never get the hyper nationalist types who think everyone should just completely fuck off.

I'm of the opinion that it should be like business deals. We share ideas, we cooperate where it matters, hell we even visit each others operations and have celebrations after work.

But we don't permanently intermingle and strangle our the things that make each other unique.

I think Japan is a great ally and I love that they love us and I think most of us love them. It's cool to have allies/friends/admirers halfway round the world with completely different cultures but a mutual respect.

I think we can be great friends with a condom of a barrier between us lmao

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

How about Jews don't actively do everything in their power to make people hate them and... People won't hate them?

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean if you believe in the Bible or are just a science guy, it's in a females nature to be able to manipulate the male. I read on this ages ago so I have to preface it with "just trust me bro" because I couldn't begin to tell you where to look and I'm too lazy rn. Reader beware I guess.

From a scientific pov, female humans developed manipulative tactics as a survival mechanism because they don't have the physical strength to care for themselves like males do. They also require protection when pregnant.

Supposedly the cries of a female elicit the same reaction in males, as the cries of children do. They adapted into mimicry to get what they want.

Females, also as a survival mechanism, adapted the behavior of trying to force themselves into the male sphere as much as possible to keep the male aware of them, because obviously outside of sexual reproduction, males don't need females to exist.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +8 / -1

Reminds me of that discourse a week ago with the "conservative women" who were all excited to talk about how they're all going to vote for Joe Biden because TRP is Muslims or some shit.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the story of gaming now. Plenty of small studios are making interesting and good games.

I'm not into RTS or city builders, but a new favorite came out recently.

No Rest for the Wicked is an isometric Soulslike with survival and crafting elements and has a future promising expanded player housing and farming.

It's unlike any singular game I've seen, and the devs stated they're making the game THEY want, and not something for mass appeal.

It has its issues ofc as an Early Access game, but the devs are quick to patch and update, they pushed out like 6 in a week.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're not exactly wrong imo, I've seen plenty of whores claiming to be Muslims in the west, plenty of misandrists too. Clearly they know nothing about Islam haha

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the type of gambler I believe I'd be if I ever bothered with it.

I literally can't comprehend the "oh I can get a little more" mentality.

Brother if I hit a pot and win 1k, I'm out. Same for 5k, and I'm more expeditiously out the club the higher the money gets.

I can't fathom winning/earning any amount of life changing money and then saying "nah I should risk losing it all"

SendTomBoys 15 points ago +15 / -0

Bayonettas suit being made entirely out of her hair and having it slowly disappear over time the more magic you spam, and just how fucking caked up she is in general, would disagree with that guys statement.

Bayonetta is a thicc bitch and they make sure the player knows it

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +5 / -2

You know I'm a bit of a misogynist myself... But anyone who says femoids/moids needs to fucking kill themselves, expeditiously. Holy shit you are so terminally disconnected from reality at that point.

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh, glad I just figured this out at 30.

Yes that's my fault in the end for not being educated, but when your entire life is spent having the company do it, I guess I never questioned it as a responsibility.

I figured it was only your job when you're freelance or an owner yourself.

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