I used to live with 5 liberals in what used to be a crack house, because the rent was a third of what I was paying before. One of them was a schizophrenic who had no job and lived off welfare. He was like maybe 140 lbs. All he ever ate was stuff he got with food stamps, which primarily consisted of 7/11 convenience store food and Chef Boyardee soup containers. Not a full can of soup, just the little tiny ones that you would find at a CVS pharmacy or a Wawa.
I have no idea how he didn't die of malnutrition.
Lol I'm not counting on this country even being around, let alone me being alive for long enough to collect it. Whites are going to be a minority in this country soon and we all know what happens to them once they go from being a majority to a minority. We could reverse that trend, but the current administration seems to be putting that on hold to protect their kike masters.
They contribute financial waste and a toxic work environment.
They have to press the send button. It's literally their choice. Their decision. Their action.
Do not ever have sympathy for modern women. They do not deserve it.
Even Submarines have to use their sonar at some point just to see what is around them and correct for minor drift in course. Most of the time they use passive sonar (i.e. listening to the ambient noise) to avoid revealing their location, but even with gyroscopic inertial navigation assistance, tiny errors accumulate over time, and they have to send out a sonar pulse to see what is around them in the water.
They also periodically surface to attain a gps signal and receive comms, since it's pretty hard to penetrate 1000 feet of water with a radio signal.
The real problem is more than just somebody being arrested for a drawing. As bad as that is, the real problem with these types of laws is that they are a foothold for other censorship laws to get in. They create a precedent in law for more sinister types of censorship, like hate speech laws, and eventually thoughtcrime.
A lawyer arguing in favor of these laws would say something like "people are fine with this example of censorship, and it is clearly improving society's morals. Why not censor hate speech as well?" Once they start censoring "hate speech", they can just nebulously redefine what hate speech is on a whim, and bam, you have the modern UK experience.
They already do this using examples like "it's illegal to yell fire in a movie theater if there is no fire" and "you can't say 'bomb' in an airport" to justify limiting the first amendment.
Lolicons may be degenerates, but their rights are my rights too.
Well he is Canadian so I'd go with being a progressive who is 30 years behind the times.
a lot of libtards haven't been taking it very well.
My 50 year old socialist polyamorous coworker with dyed red hair had a meltdown at the end of the workday on Tuesday. He randomly brought up the tariffs to me and how Trump is destroying the country with terrible foreign policy. I told him I wasn't going to listen to a guy who thinks socialism is a viable economic model for opinions on economics and he immediately started going on a tirade about how I have an orange ring around my lips because I apparently suck off Trump all the time.
That is absolutely bizarre, because it doesn't even violate any German laws that I can imagine could possibly exist.
But what about the ones you failed to imagine? Like Schrodinger's Hate Speech Laws that only exist for non Islamics?
Did Konstantly Kissing tell you to write that?
Eh, he's an actual Nazi.
And you're a brown female.
Uterus detected, opinion rejected.
I'm dying watching the train segment.
Literal fucking animals can't even stop themselves from hurling themselves in front of or under trains that they can fucking SEE.
I don't think Aaron Clarey is one. He's far too based on economics and women.
while not explaining what triggered him.
You are brown and a female. A light breeze could trigger you.
He's a Jew?
That's been pretty well known for a long time.
I had no idea.
Well there's a shocker.
You said entitled three times in one sentence, and I'm not sure that's enough to describe the level of entitlement modern women have.
Just like blacks with crime rates or indians with nepotism. It doesn't have to be all of them, just enough to cause a problem, and it basically cancels out any positive aspects of the rest of the group.
"I can see how she tricked you so easily. You've always been a sucker for big boobs."
I too, am a connoisseur of the big tiddy.
It is actually astounding how much stuff has corn syrup or some other sugar in it.
Even god damn beef jerky has it. I'm surprised they haven't found a way to put it in bottled water yet.
Of course, the law now is so complicated that you'll never be able to mount a defense without the same seemingly-infinite pockets that the government has.
I am of the opinion that there should be a hard limit on the length and number of laws that we have.
It has gotten so bad that not only do you need a lawyer for most legal issues, but the lawyer themselves are so specialized that they do not understand every law themselves. And that extends even further to judges, because there is no way that a judge is capable of knowing every law in the foot thick book of laws that are in the USC.
"Billionaire's son is directionless"
Hey can I have some of that directionless plx?