I'm sure the uptick in violent crime in Dublin only neatly tracks Ireland's immigration policies by utter coincidence.
So STFU and move the company out of Canada. It's not like any of their "talent" works on site anyway.
Composer safety league? Composing studios? Has professional music composition descended into such depths of mediocrity that it is no longer a mostly solitary pursuit? Have I been tricked and Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner etc all actually sat around in cubicles a la Office Space, belonging to "studios" so full of composers everyone needs a safety league?
What am I missing here?
Why do people keep supporting and playing these shit-tier games?
ala suburbia hates Trump
What makes you think that?
So all of your argumentation hinges on the silly notion of a de Santis victory. Again, good luck.
You want to complain about Dominion machines instead of trying to take actions to win elections and then have the power to ban these machines you hate.
Fuck off with that. Stop putting words in my mouth. I don't "hate" anything. I know that those machines are in-auditable, thusly suspect by definition, and shouldn't be trusted to run your local HOA election, let alone elections of real consequence. "Hate" doesn't factor into it.
If you think Ron de Santis is the winning path forward to eliminating corruptible voting machines, you don't understand why Trump won in the first place.
Ron de Santis isn't going to "improve" anything. If he's your savior, I wish you the best of luck.
And keep your stupid accusations about "not accepting reality" and "magically" doing anything to yourself. That's a shitty strawman you're erecting of shit I never said or claimed.
The only way to have faith in the system and create actual election integrity for the future is to win elections by winning by a margin larger than any potential margin of fraud.
Why would you cede actual election integrity for this sham? Why do we have to live with and accept in-auditable electronic machines as some kind of foregone conclusion? Why are we accepting mail in ballots? Why would Ron De Santis winning by some hypothetical "no fraud" margin change any of this?
Sorry, but I wholeheartedly reject this concession. Absolutely unacceptable.
100% wrong. I don't care about those morons and their claims. The burden of proof in election integrity lies on the facilitators of said elections to prove to me, the citizen and voter, that the processes employed are reasonably free of corruption. Which means you need to show me an audit trail. Which you can't do with a Dominion machine.
You're speaking of criminal trials. IDGAF about that. Apples and oranges. I'm talking about election integrity and transparency. It isn't on me to prove how you committed fraud in an election, it's on you to demonstrate why anyone should believe the results of said election in the first place.
He could have prevented it all by just not locking down for COVID.
Governors locked down. Trump had no authority on that.
You'll never know what's happening with a Dominion machine because it is inherently in-auditable. Prove to me the integrity of any election involving Dominion equipment. You can't. So we will forever be consigned to half the voting population screaming fraud - rightly so - until this is rectified. Yes, it includes mail in fraud. But stop discounting the very real issue of in-auditable electronic machines.
What behavior?
Maybe this guy is a Fauci/CIA asset hoping to deflect responsibility from his involvement and funding. He would love nothing more than for the prevailing narrative to be "Chinese bio-weapon" instead of "irresponsible gain-of-function research paid for and supported by Fauci."
He was German. And Jewish. Imagine that.
Imagine being unable to grasp that there were German Jews.
So is this guy genuinely retarded or is he part of the Fauci gain-of-function cabal?
“The thing that warms my heart the most,” he told me, “is people who say, ‘I’m an atheist, agnostic, or I left the church or I left religion. But this is the kind of Christianity I can believe in.’”
Yeah. Sure. Because nothing warms the heart of a true Christian more than hearing people say they are atheists. Likewise, tons of nonbelievers run around saying "I'm an atheist but maybe actually I'm not because I believe in this guy's brand of Christianity."
Give me a fucking break.
I think it should depend on context. If I'm covering an actual shift, i.e. a security gig or manning a ticket booth or anything else that reasonably requires a person to be somewhere during a certain time slot, then fine, punctuality should be a priority. But being at a welding station 15 minutes later than usual? Why does it matter? In fact, as long as the work gets done, you can show up whenever you want as far as I'm concerned.
Catholic Magazine
Perhaps it once was such a magazine, but now it's clearly a mere skinsuit being worn by globohomo clowns.
Thankfully, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot showed us that communism teaches love and education.
Video games are definitely the problem.
Unfortunately, this will make no difference to the Branch Covidians. They will continue to "follow the science."
It shouldn't apply to machine learning any more then any other computer program. Free speech attaches to the operator of the machine, not the code running on it.
Online learning doesn't work when you try to emulate a traditional classroom session via video.
General Secretary Weingarten is, as usual, projecting: it is she and her fellow communists who are wholly responsible for destroying public schools.
How many of those "conventional" vehicle fires happen on container ships during transport?