SR388-SAX 1 point ago +1 / -0

"They have such a strict galaxy-wide patriarchy that all it takes is like 5 years and one woman and one weak-willed leader to overthrow it."

SR388-SAX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta agree here -- and also, heroic sacrifice is a good way to go.

The thing I always found amusing was at the end with the "they're coming down all over the globe!" bit.

Fucking how? It took the entire remnants of the US air force to hit one of those vulnerable laser cannon things. Maybe Russia would have had enough air power to get in a lucky strike as well but everywhere else? SOL. IIRC, there was even a shot of one coming down over like an African savannah and even at the time I was thinking, "what, did they chuck spears at it?"

SR388-SAX 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you make an amazing movie IDC what race people are

Neither did I. Until I came to understand that the movie makers hate me.

SR388-SAX 2 points ago +2 / -0

Season 5 has the new female captain to replace Sheridan and she immediately comes in to show up Garibaldi, beating him up a couple of times, and then help him get out of the grips of alcoholism later.

She wasn't a total girl boss but it was pretty embarrassing to watch. At least they found a premise to put her in a bikini once.

Oh, and there's the "the only time I ever knew love was with Talia Winters" from Ivanovich before she maybe sort of loves the ranger dude while on her death bed as he sacrifices himself for her when she'd never given him any reason to and 100% friend zoned him. At least it was a hot lesbian "romance" I suppose.

SR388-SAX 3 points ago +3 / -0

Watched the original run of Twilight Zone. There was a bit of proto-woke here and there but for the most part it was really, really mild.

Except for two episodes.

One (I think it was called "He's Really Alive" or something) opens on a group of neo Nazis standing on a street corner holding a pathetic rally with a sweaty, insecure leader who gets his ass kicked by a heckler. I'm like, "ok, I know where this is going." Skip. Didn't even make it to the Rod Serling introduction.

Another (I forget the title) takes place in some guy's attic where he's cleaning up some stuff. He's a WW2 vet who fought in the Pacific theater so doesn't have a high opinion of the Japanese. George Takei walks in (I should have skipped the episode as soon as he walked in) and the vet says some bigoted stuff to him but also immediately laughs it off in an "I'm just giving you a hard time" so I got fooled into thinking, well, maybe they'll actually show these guys getting along and that war is hell.

Well, it didn't go that way and it became pretty clear that George Takei was going to murder him and it was going to be a Good Thing. So I skipped the rest of that because fuck George Takei anyway.

The rest was very good. Men doing man things, women doing women things, and villains getting what they deserve.

SR388-SAX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I downvote him mostly because his posts are difficult to read while rolling my eyes so hard.

SR388-SAX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, you made an analogy to the Soviet Union. If you lived there, you’d have to spew the party talking points publicly.

Like Kaarous, I'll die first.

And, hopefully, make whomever does the killing regret it.

SR388-SAX 16 points ago +16 / -0

Broken people.

Probably demon-possessed.

And I say that as someone who doesn't believe in supernatural phenomena.

SR388-SAX 8 points ago +8 / -0

They didn't just fuck with gamers. (not necessarily Jews, but the powers that be, whoever it happens to be)

They've fucked up sports. They've fucked up music. They've fucked up movies and TV. They're making the "circus" part of the "bread and circuses" utterly awful.

Not to mention that they have fucked up the bread part too by making almost everything either a slow poison, or too expensive for most people to afford to eat.

SR388-SAX 7 points ago +7 / -0

The implication here is, I believe, that the "left" is a product of Jews, so you're asserting circular ownership.

Probably not entirely wrong.

SR388-SAX 6 points ago +6 / -0

Everyone in Islamic caliphates is oppressed. And everyone (men and women) participates in and perpetuates it.

Women tend to be the strongest enforcers of moral orthodoxy.

SR388-SAX 2 points ago +3 / -1

Oh hey, our sometimes-resident feminist retard shows her bigoted, misandrous face again.

SR388-SAX 3 points ago +3 / -0

"When you're losing an argument, just Gish Gallop away from it and pretend that you've won."

While I'm not anti-abortion (I think it's probably an unavoidable but necessary evil, though I'm pretty convinced at this point that it's far more damaging to women than just having the baby would have been), I am consistently embarrassed when hearing the arguments from the pro-abortion side as they slide goalposts from field to field to rink to court to course as they dodge the morality question.

SR388-SAX 15 points ago +16 / -1

They deserve each other.

The only thing that makes female-identitarian (bio) women more tolerable than trannies is that a few of them are attractive. These events tend to draw the type of women who think they need a special space to cater just to them to be safe from the evil male gaze, so I'm happy that it was invaded by a group of the most fucked-up group of men on the planet.

SR388-SAX 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been trying to explain that HR is a fully ideologically captured industry.

I got stuck at a dinner table with HR at a company retreat last month. It was the single most dangerous situation I've ever experienced in my career. Piss off the wrong person and get canned and then blacklisted from the industry.

Fortunately, I'm good at playing nice.

SR388-SAX 5 points ago +5 / -0

You need to have it out with Giz to decide whether Jews are an ethnicity or a religion.

But I'll second DefinitelyNotGN in that I don't know of anyone who have a distaste of Jews for their ethnicity. I think it has more to do with the fact that the religion seems to consider non-Jews as animals, and many Jewish people (religious or otherwise) also seem to consider themselves to be a special class, and they behave that way; whether it's because of a religious belief or just a general inherited bigotry is irrelevant.

SR388-SAX 0 points ago +2 / -2

I like Whitney Webb but she has a case of Peter Theil Derangement Syndrome. I've listened to a lot of interviews with the guy and he seems eminently reasonable.

Maybe he's a secret lizard person, but he really doesn't come off that way.

SR388-SAX 34 points ago +35 / -1

I didn't always have a negative view of miscegnation or gay people in media.

SR388-SAX 12 points ago +12 / -0

I don't understand how there are any officers left in the military.

You forcibly conscript me and hand me a gun, the very first thing I am going to do is turn around and shoot you (or whatever delegate you have put in authority over me) with it.

SR388-SAX 2 points ago +2 / -0

having decently good looking characters and showing skin is too much

Decently good looking women. Men can still be shirtless, but it would be unrealistic for women to fight without full body armor unless you buy the DLC, then it's ok.

SR388-SAX 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey! Amazing! You passed!

Now can you quit being a retard everywhere else?

SR388-SAX 14 points ago +16 / -2

I will admit that I made a mistake going all in for RDS

People do stupid shit all the time. Politicians (and businessmen who barge into politics out of necessity) are no different. This isn't something to start throwing up mea culpas over.

As Bongino always says, every political figure is a collection of pluses on some issues and minuses on other issues. DeSantis still has a pretty solid series of pluses with some dumb minuses.

SR388-SAX 9 points ago +9 / -0

Genuine question: how would you feel if you hadn't been a retard in your last post?

SR388-SAX 6 points ago +6 / -0

He also said they'd all be eternally damned unless they accepted his salvation, so there's that.

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