RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah the glorious days of Diablo multiplayer.

Find someone who would give you a dupe of a 255 charges Archangel Staff of Apocalypse, and a bunch of stat points potions to dupe yourself.

RoulerBleu 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to play an old MMORPG ( T4C ) and the level of autistic min-maxing to be found requires in-dept guides for every different character build.

Erased a wall of text nobody cares about. I will just say there are entire websites in multiple languages detailing how to farm EXP just so you can mix-max stats for level-up HP and mana growth while your character is basically useless with no damage output for over 100 levels, in a game with a 199 level cap only reachable long term on servers with the X10 EXP setting.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +9 / -1

Also, Iran ran bulldozers over the crash site of a plane hit by a missile.

They destroyed the evidence because it's a missile Iran themselves sent by mistake.

Now what does this suggests about the 3-letter-agencies' behavior surrounding the assassination attempt on Trump?

RoulerBleu 17 points ago +17 / -0

Correct. The other child killer was never heard of again.

John Venables kept spilling the beans and trying to rape kids, but the police kept protecting him.

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Reminder that John Venables was repeatedly protected BY THE POLICE of the consequences of his predation on children.

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ask yourself if your politicians are prioritizing the honest interest of yourself, your family, your race and your culture for the continued existence of your people.

Nothing matters if you go extinct.

Western institutions have been subverted to destroy White ethnicities.

Even if you explicitly vote to stop that and win the vote ( ex : Brexit ), the agenda behind the scenes and your ongoing destruction isn't put on hold.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

Might try a trimmed version. Could never get into it.

DBZ's Anime burned me to a "certain style" of putting out 5 episodes that should have been 1 and it wouldn't sacrifice anything.

2/3 of non-content ( intro, outro, "in the previous episode", "in the next episode". )

1/3 remaining being plagued with filler talking and "charging attacks".

I can't get into anything giving a faint hint of pulling this shit.

RoulerBleu 24 points ago +24 / -0

And then in Frozen II they flooded the kingdom with browns, + White People Bad, Brown People Good, narrative.

RoulerBleu 12 points ago +12 / -0

Reminds me of the 1995 Baguette Referendum for Quebec independance.

The federal government produced citizenship papers is if it were toilet paper. Pump it out as fast as possible to influence the vote. Call anyone sounding the alarm a dangerous racist.

Only once in Canadian history did Quebec mysteriously get more migrants and new citizenships than Ontario : during the months prior to the referendum.

The citizenships granted during those months ( who voted 90%+ No ) far exceeded the margin of the federal government No victory.

RoulerBleu 28 points ago +28 / -0

The English voted for Brexit in large part to stop mass migration.

Instead they got infinity blacks and browns flooding the place as if they voted for Remain and Open Borders.

Clearly voting dosen't have an effect on this. Other means are Rule Violations.

And rules will have to be violated to stop White genocide.

RoulerBleu 21 points ago +22 / -1

It's not really an ''age of consent'' since the little girl, teenager or woman dosen't exactly get to refuse.

Refusing her ''duties'' under marriage means she can be punished by her husband / rapist untill she complies.

He can get her compliance by hitting her with a stick no longer than the forearm, and no thicker than the thumb, and must not hit the face.

~The most feminist religion is Islam, says Feminism.

RoulerBleu 1 point ago +1 / -0

He might want to ask his wife's son how to read books online.

If he wants to go to a physical library, here is a search database for public libraries in Tennessee :


Also, It's likelly all the schools have a library. My small town semi-rural school had one back in the day.

RoulerBleu 19 points ago +19 / -0

Pathetic lashing of a transformer trying to censor people so they cannot state the obvious.

Imane Khelif is an adult human male, with XY chromosomes, who was banned from the women's World Boxing Championship of 2023 for being a male.

RoulerBleu 15 points ago +15 / -0

Downloadable installers

GoG says hi.

Also no DRM.

The download page of your library also has previous versions, though not all of them.

(Of course not all games are avaliable on GoG.)

RoulerBleu 24 points ago +24 / -0

Imane Khelif was banned from the 2023 Women's World Boxing Championship for being male.

Same with the other male who ''won'' gold in the other olympics women's weight class boxing category : Banned for being male at the Women's World Boxing Championship.


It really is similar to GamerGate : the media is fucking lying about everything again.

RoulerBleu 5 points ago +5 / -0

This isn't the first time they made fantastical claims of large-scale atrocities that couldn't be corroborated and when investigated, proven false.

But elaborating on that is strictly illegal in several countries.

RoulerBleu 11 points ago +11 / -0

They were charged for being White. They just threw whatever the fuck at them.

RoulerBleu 10 points ago +10 / -0


How can you make it to the Olympics yet break ( hehe ) under that level of ''pressure'' that can be skipped by not deliberately looking at what people write online?

reads story

Oh, so she was never supposed to be at the olympics.

Break dancing shouldn't even be an event there.

Her performance is the equivalent of an unremarkable amateur who trained for a few months. GTFO the olympics cunt.

PPS : A woman totally unqualified somehow ended-up in an extremely prestigious position, at which she performed extremely poorly, then all the media rushed to portray people criticizing her and joking online as ''abuse'', ''harassment'' and ''mysoginy''.

Where have I see this before? checks forum name

RoulerBleu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh there is the missing piece for glaring hole from the Didn't Earn It grifters story.

Thank you.

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