Rezlung 18 points ago +19 / -1

So in other words, you DO have ethnic jewish ancestry, even though you’re an atheist. I really, really never wanted to do all this noticing. 2010 me would be horrified at the things I’ve come to believe, but the evidence is just shoved in my face over and over again.

Rezlung 3 points ago +4 / -1

I’m not ignorant of the past you arrogant nerd, I’m just not a dramatic, virtue signalling vagina about it.

Rezlung 9 points ago +10 / -1

How about we stop moralizing and pearl clutching and talking about our feelings of “disgust” in such feminine, emotional terms when it comes to a war that literally has no living participants. And honestly, even if we were talking about an ongoing war how about you stop being a little bitch about it. “I’m disgusted!” Well boo fucking hoo princess.

Rezlung 9 points ago +9 / -0

Almost as if when the truth isn’t censored it begins to reveal itself.

Rezlung 11 points ago +11 / -0

I swear they can sense when you’ve been getting laid a lot and it makes you more attractive to them on some subconscious level. There’s almost a feeling of momentum where it’s easier to get laid (with multiple women I mean) if you’ve gotten laid a lot recently. Whereas I know as a man, if I intuited or found out that a woman I was interested in had slept with four different men that week I’d be kinda disgusted. The key/lock dichotomy at play I suppose.

Rezlung 2 points ago +2 / -0

The worst are the ones with borderline personality who start fights and drama constantly all the time because in their crazy little heads strife and conflict are inextricably co-mingled with love and affection and no matter what you do and how much you appease her you’ll never really have a moment’s peace and before you know it you’ll spend years walking on eggshells, going from one ridiculous fight about nothing to another because you forgot what normal is like after the first 2 years of this bullshit. Stay single boys.

Rezlung 16 points ago +16 / -0

Does anybody NOT love fried chicken though, for real? What’s to dislike?

Rezlung 10 points ago +10 / -0

Role: played. Toll: paid. 👩🏼🤛🏿🤛🏿🤛🏿

Rezlung 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sure are a lot of fucking survivors of a supposedly deadly, industrialized genocide. Almost like it’s a fabricated narrative that benefits a certain group of people and places them in a sacred victim category where they can’t be criticized, even as they mercilessly bomb civilians in Gaza and have secret tunnels filled with child-sized blood stained mattresses in NYC.

Rezlung 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know right, shotokan lmao. I would steamroll your 5’6 ass so hard if you tried to use that BS on me 😆

Rezlung 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honest question: how would you feel if you hadn’t eaten breakfast today?

Rezlung 45 points ago +45 / -0

Do you really feel sympathy for trannies man? They’re disgusting people, sorry to break it to you: they’re universally porn-addicted, sexually degenerate freaks, and they’re yielding sexual gratification just from you playing along with their little charade. Stop feeling sorry for people like that, they don’t deserve it.

Rezlung 9 points ago +9 / -0

Even though I often enjoy the content, consumeproduct is such an obvious glowtrap. There was a stickied post one time all about how to join up with/create your own direct action white nationalist groups like patriot front and it was so obviously just trying to entrap people. The glowniggers seem to be reallly committed to astroturfing their “white nationalists are the greatest threat to our nation” narrative.

Rezlung 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bruh you’re simping for the jews, and as demonstrated in this thread via the Talmud, that makes YOU the pedophile lover.

Rezlung 7 points ago +7 / -0

It makes no sense as a man to marry a woman at all unless she is far richer than you, let’s be real. Outside of emotional/religious reasons, there is literally no upside for a man. If you’re the type of man who can score with women, you can get them to have your children and stick around without getting officially married anyway. If you can’t get laid/have children without getting a woman to marry you first, she’s planning on leaving/divorce raping you eventually anyway. It’s unfortunate, but officially tying the knot with a woman just makes it easier for you to get fucked over later on when she decides to leave (which, statistically speaking she will). But is she’s super rich, head to the chapel I guess because then if she leaves you get the payout… but how often does that scenario play out?

Rezlung 2 points ago +3 / -1

Fresh and Fit have absolutely nothing to do with ‘breadtube’ they are squarely in the Red Pill/ Manosphere category. You are 100% misusing the term by applying it to them and similar content; it specifically applies to communist influenced creators, and the name comes from Kropotkin’s ‘The Conquest of Bread.

Rezlung 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s rich coming from a fucking jew.

Rezlung 2 points ago +2 / -0

What do you define as “breadtube”? I thought ‘breadtubers’ were just lefty/communist political commentators on YouTube like contrapoints, vaush, big Joel etc. When I hear you bring it up I’m not sure we’re thinking about the same thing.

Rezlung 15 points ago +17 / -2

I’m chuckling at the racism baked into your little Defense of the Jews here

Rezlung 10 points ago +11 / -1

Could you be any more obvious? Dear god

Rezlung 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don’t think women will give a fuck because they’ll have their own versions of the sex dolls, they’ll still be able to fuck chad who won’t bother with/need a sex doll, and they’re generally not insightful enough to realize exactly why they’re unfulfilled and unhappy til it’s too late.

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