posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +17 / -1

I sort of took a glance into the normie world because I noticed that Count Dankula etc. were getting a bit of headway mainstream wise because they had been invited on Piers Morgan's weird new show. I know the interviews were a bit longer in some cases and they had been chopped up for the internet but it really is telling how bad television is when you get spoiled by podcasts and such that easily go 2+ hours long depending.

I'm the first to mock breadtube content, but even breadtube content is better than television because at least even if it is just several hours of bickering people have the time to get the point across and some autist can clip the relevant points being made amongst all the drivel.

Another thing that's very frustrating about watching those kinds of television 'debates' too because you know that journalists are constantly fucking with things and asking questions that can't be easily answered within that timeframe so they ask something deliberately controversial they know can be misinterpreted within a 5 second response so no matter who it is they'll get cut off with the old "Sorry we don't have time for that response" what a bunch of dicks and they know what they're doing.

Despite how desperately they're trying to control it, it's a good thing the internet exists and is very difficult to control. Otherwise we'd all be pretty fucked just in terms of getting any kind of decent information and networking. I mean Rumble was advertising the RNC debates and I really don't understand why anyone would even bother watching those yet it seems there are some people who still do and moderated debated like that are even worse.