Rezlung 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well I didn’t address it because to me it’s a stupid question. Like I said, I don’t give a fuck about what happens in Ukraine! I live across the world, and if western governments packed up and never meddled in Eastern Europe or anywhere else again, and spent money here instead of on foreign wars, MY little life would only improve.

But I’ll humor you even though it seems pathetically obvious. Putin topples the regime in Kiev (currently led by a comedian known for playing the piano with his dick) and annexes the eastern part of Ukraine, leaving a small rump state where he installs a friendly puppet regime. This new Kiev country might even be allowed to have elections and elect a government that is unfriendly to Russia, but it won’t matter because they’ll be effectively neutered by having their territory reduced, and they’ll probably be forced into concessions where they’re not allowed to build up a military like Japan post world war 2.

You obviously wanna say “AND THEN PUTIN WILL MARCH ON POLAND!!” But honestly, and he’s said this, there’s no reason to. Russia is turning to Eurasia and Asia for trade. They have all the resources they’ll ever need; Europe has nothing. I’ll remind you that Russia tried to join NATO and was refused because the Cold War dinosaurs in the deep state wanted to have an enemy. Russia will turn away from the west and become rich and prosperous while we sit over here and destroy ourselves with mass immigration, climate change policies, and gender ideology.

Rezlung 12 points ago +12 / -0

Omg the cope. Dude he admits to eating nothing to save his calories for alcohol. He’s got a stack of whiskey bottles on his kitchen table that clearly just exists there. He couldn’t do sober January, he bitched out by saying he was only going to not drink on camera. You obviously don’t know an alcoholic when you see one. https://youtu.be/VKF6LDXA0_o

Rezlung 9 points ago +9 / -0

For the record, I watched Nick from the beginning of the Vic saga until recently when I unsubscribed from him on YouTube (and bookmarked his Kiwifarms thread).

he still makes the same enjoyable content he’s always made

Do you ACTUALLY watch him? Because he doesnt “make the same enjoyable content”. He doesn’t have guests, he doesn’t do trials, when he actually gets around to streaming it’s boring as hell and he just drunkenly rambles and spouts off the smarmiest BS ever. No more Friday panels. Unbreaded got played out but there was nothing to replace it. No effort whatsoever and it was obvious. And you reeeeeally notice the absence of superchats. It’s crazy that at least like 30% of his show was just responding to superchats and doing toasts for people and shit, and when that slowed down for him you could really feel the content thinning.

Rezlung 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol you are actually delusional. I haven’t been cornered and you haven’t demonstrated that I hold any false beliefs at all. Can you try to engage with reality instead of whatever script you have in your head?

Rezlung 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can you take a step back and think about how unhinged your comment looks? Two more weeks and what will be over? The war? Who ever claimed that? And why would you assume I think that? And what am I or would I be worrying about? Are you on crack?

Rezlung 6 points ago +6 / -0

Russia doesn’t want to take over Europe. They’d rather sell Europe natural gas and other resources. Why do you imagine they want to take over Europe so badly? There was nothing “manifest destiny” in Putin’s interview with Carlson. Literally the opposite. He stated that Russia has all the resources it needs. Like, look at a map; Europe is a blip compared to Russia, and they have no resources. As we speak the german economy and industrial base is withering on the vine without Russian natural gas, whereas Russia’s economy is performing better than any western country even with sanctions in place.

The hysteria that people like you have when it comes to Putin is frankly childish. The world is not a movie, he’s not a comic book villain. Calm the hell down and look at the situation objectively.

Rezlung 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you think the interaction you're getting on there is all real, yes you are the dipshit who needs a reality check not me

Doesn’t sound that reasonable to me tbh. You think you’re the only one smart enough to recognize what bots look like on social media?

There miiiight be other reasons than your dwarfism for your lack of success with women I’m thinking.

Rezlung -1 points ago +1 / -2

I know they’re not bots because I meet them in real life…. God man, life as a manlet must be so desperately sad. I legitimately feel sorry for you.

Rezlung 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know you’re 5’6 because you’ve said it before, and you think everyone else is too dumb to realize they’re just getting replied to by bots and scammers because you don’t get any responses. I’m just making sure you know that no, men over 6’0 get messages from actual women who then have sex with them.

Rezlung 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bro, I’m gonna give you a harsh reality check. It’s because you’re short. I’m 6’4 225 lbs with a six pack, and have no problem on dating sites whatsoever. I don’t even send messages normally, I just respond to messages sent to me. It’s not fair and it sucks that women are so shallow, but you need to stop lying to yourself so you can assess your situation properly and work from there.

Rezlung 8 points ago +8 / -0

They made Mark’s best friend flamboyantly gay too.

Rezlung -2 points ago +1 / -3

I once shared a floor in an apartment building with a couple of off-the boat Africans of some sort and they smell of the food they cooked one time was ATROCIOUS. Unbelievable. It smelled like rotting lawn clippings and manure. Also the dude of the couple couldn’t figure out how to use the laundry machine one day and had a chimp out and broke the door to the laundry room. Then I think they got kicked out because they abruptly left after living there for three months.
All in all though, better floormates than the white trash alchoholics who moved in after them and would fill the building with cigarette smoke and pound top 40 radio at top volume. I moved because of them.

Rezlung 13 points ago +13 / -0

Invincible on Amazon Prime has a lot of graphic violence and blood and still feels kinda woke to me. Quality superhero genre stuff will always have a good chance of being successful but the days of it always being the dominant force at the box office are probably over. Westerns were once all the rage, and now although people are willing to go see a decent cowboy movie they’re not the cultural touchstone they once were.

Rezlung 65 points ago +65 / -0

Holy fuck am I ever done playing these stupid games with these overgrown children.

Rezlung 16 points ago +16 / -0

My brothers and I would watch that show every weekday at 4:00 after school, and my mother would usually be in/around the room. I remember when we went to see Batman Returns, my mother remarked as we were leaving the theatre that “one half an hour episode of that cartoon you guys watch has better character development than that whole movie”.

Rezlung 8 points ago +8 / -0

Apparently this is a dramatization and this man is not a real professor fyi.

Rezlung 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just wear gym shorts from wherever and old t-shirts. More holes = ventilation. I go to the gym too frequently/do laundry too infrequently to wear purpose-made gym shirts every day, although I do have a bunch of them. I just hate wearing anything that has big obnoxious logos everywhere which seems to be common for workout clothes. I’m not paying to advertise for some company’s stupid brand by walking around like a walking billboard with its stupid fucking logo all over me.

Rezlung 3 points ago +3 / -0

Long live King Sausagefingers

Rezlung 26 points ago +26 / -0

Just stumbled across the video of him brandishing what appears to be his father’s bloody decapitated head and talking about woke mobs destroying the soul of America on /pol. I didn’t feel like sitting through 14 min of it, but what I saw had me rolling my eyes with how on the nose it seemed.

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