ProfessorCrackPipe 12 points ago +12 / -0

If only there was a political party that would have actually stood up for the people. Oh, wait, there was, but Canadian sheep ignored them and voted for different flavors of globalist socialists, instead.

ProfessorCrackPipe 30 points ago +30 / -0

I’ve heard from a few sources today that the FBI even came out and said that the attack was planned ahead of time, and had nothing to do with Trump’s rally. And the timeline doesn’t match up, anyway, as was reported earlier. The attack began before Trump was even finished speaking.

Oops...that second, rushed impeachment looks mighty stupid now.

ProfessorCrackPipe 22 points ago +23 / -1

How about a Giga Lockdown where Herr Merkel prevents the rest of the world from leaving their homes as well?

That’s ridiculous! As if a German Chancellor would try to impose their will on the rest of the world...

ProfessorCrackPipe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Al Gore might call this an inconvenient truth. Come to think of it, where is that asshole these days?

ProfessorCrackPipe 11 points ago +11 / -0

This might be the one of the things that angers me the most about leftists: they’re all mind readers, and they’re the final authority about what you mean.

I think it’s another aspect that’s reinforced in the college experience. Certainly in writing and English classes. If you can cite “sources” that agree with you, they’ll just rubber stamp it with a passing grade, and move on to the next one. Even if they think it’s trash. In other words, there’s no objective truth, just what you think, and if you can find a handful of people that agree.

The funny thing is, it’s not even necessarily an overt attempt at social engineering, just laziness, and the overall assembly line reality of your average liberal arts college. Get the students through, and collect their money.

ProfessorCrackPipe 12 points ago +12 / -0

I honestly think this, and all the crazy, totalitarian quotes that are making the rounds, are just bait. They’re trying to goad a lone wolf, or better yet, a militia into acting.

A real attack with a few dozen people killed by actual right-wingers would give them the final push they need to crush the second amendment.

With that out of the way, they’ve got nothing pressing to take care of. They’ve already done away with elections and the 1st amendment. Joe can sit in the basement for two years, until Kamala takes him out behind the woodshed and Old Yeller’s his ass.

ProfessorCrackPipe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pog? Like the 90s game?

That was my question, too. I still have no idea what the game was. I just remember the damn things were everywhere for a while. If I remember correctly, the Playmates Star Trek: TNG action figures even came with them for a while. Man, I miss the 90s...

ProfessorCrackPipe 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is an asymmetrical battle and only through subversion, and yes, that includes collaboration with the Chinese, Muslims...

Strongly disagree. To my mind, the Chinese leadership, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the big corporations/banks are the ones driving most of this madness. Suggesting we collaborate with two of them is suicide.

For what it’s worth, I didn’t downvote you; you’re welcome to your opinion.

ProfessorCrackPipe 45 points ago +45 / -0

I remember the early days of the web -at least early in the sense that access was becoming commonplace. I guess 1995 or ‘96, I’m thinking of. It was the wild west in those days. Unsophisticated, unregulated, new, and exciting. I never would have thought it would turn in to such a dumpster fire a mere 25 years later.

ProfessorCrackPipe 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ultimately, is it possible we give social media most of its power? Maybe it’s time to let it all go. Delete those accounts, and stop visiting the site. They’ll still exist, but they’ll be about as relevant as Kotaku is now.

In a wider sense, all I can say is consider getting involved locally. That’s the only positive thing I can think of right now. If the majority of pissed off Trump voters start getting involved in local politics, and showing up for State elections, it still has the potential for huge change. Getting election reform in just a few States could make a massive difference, and give a roadmap for other States to follow.

It’s a better option than sitting around and waiting for other people to drive change, which I have been guilty of for far too long.

ProfessorCrackPipe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember that Presidential alert system they tested out a few years back? I’m half expecting my phone to go off at any moment with a notice that some shit is going down.

ProfessorCrackPipe 34 points ago +34 / -0

On one had this is shocking, on the other it’s just par for the course. Like many others, I haven’t touched Blizzard since their blatant public pandering to China began.

ProfessorCrackPipe 18 points ago +18 / -0

Presumably from one of the congregations that have rainbow banners outside with signs that say stuff like “I love my church-everyone is welcome,” or “God loves everyone.”

It’s been pretty wild to see the corruption of churches, especially given that I remember people warning about this kind of thing back in the 80s and 90s being dismissed as fundamentalist kooks.

ProfessorCrackPipe 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is probably their plan, to be as blatantly stupid and blasphemous as possible. That way everyone gets angry, and they can use it as an excuse to never have to pray in Congress again.

ProfessorCrackPipe 10 points ago +10 / -0

The people that did this better hope they don’t get caught. I have no doubt some insane prosecutor will try stick a hate crime charge on them.

ProfessorCrackPipe 22 points ago +22 / -0

There will be consequences? That’s big talk from a guy that constantly has to beg people for money to keep his website open.

by Deadlaw
ProfessorCrackPipe 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think we're going to have to learn how to build real-world self-sufficient communities again. Act like outsiders settling a strange land with a hostile native population. Then it becomes a question of trying to find a region where that's both feasible and where the hostility of the native population is minimal.

I have been thinking along similar lines. If I had money now, I’d be looking at buying as much land as I possibly could. The potential downside to that being if they really want to strip people of land in the future, they can make taxed prohibitively high, but cross that bridge when we get to it.

I think that’s kind of where we’re headed, some kind of gated community/tiny city-states, where no one is claiming to be politically autonomous, or attempting to live off the grid, they just live surrounded by private land, and take care of their own stuff, for the most part.

ProfessorCrackPipe 7 points ago +8 / -1

I don’t know why Trump would sign this, as it’s looking like a pretty sure thing that the fraud is going to go through, and he’ll be forced to leave office.

If I were him, I’d make like I was going to sign it, so the media is covering it live. Then have a speech that highlights some of the worst of the completely unrelated spending, and then veto the damn thing.

ProfessorCrackPipe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Perhaps it will be affectionately known as “The Smithsonian Twat.”

ProfessorCrackPipe 6 points ago +6 / -0

Assuming this will be in DC, no doubt it’ll be a giant eyesore, and ruin the longstanding symmetry of the mall, just as the black history museum.

ProfessorCrackPipe 14 points ago +14 / -0

First of all, nice grift from a Yale professor. This book can be nothing but speculation. We haven’t returned to anything near normal yet, so pondering the long term effects is pointless guess work.

Secondly, where the hell has this bozo been for the last 10 years? Did he miss the rampant hedonism powered by “dating” apps, and the skyrocketing levels of STDs that have gone along with them?

ProfessorCrackPipe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, don't play pharmacology and try to dilute from horse posology

Big +1 on this. While it’s likely obvious to most, don’t go playing around with this stuff. It’s been years since I handled it, so I don’t recall the specifics. I’m pretty sure I recall there being serious warnings about human use on the ivermectin sold for livestock.

ProfessorCrackPipe 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wish more games would go back to the good old linear, story-driven FPS format.

So do I, but that's pretty much suicide. “Linear” has been a dirty word for over a decade now. Not everyone has the time or desire to put 150+ hours in to every game, but that’s what the the loudest voices say they want, so we get it.

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