Manufactured consent: seems lots of people are saying it, so it must be true.
"5GW is a war of information and perception"
This means that a Fifth Generation Warfare conflict can be fought and won without a single bullet being fired, or even most of the population knowing that a war is taking place.
Stop watching/reading shonen/shojo and look into seinen/josei if you want older main characters.
"Asuka is every guy's ex-girlfriend." - from the english commentary for the Evangelion Death & Rebirth dvd.
"That's just how they draw westerners" is the default response whenever anyone noticed the way anime portrays westerners.
But Chairman Keel is speculated by some to be the "Wandering Jew".
Ask him if he can play the piano without removing his pants.
I'm not really into manga, but I remember K-0n, Azumanga, and Yotsuba being relatively safe titles. Do your own due diligence before gifting:
Side note: There is no Japanese equivalent to the Comics Code like in the US. Just because something has cute art doesn't mean it's meant for kids. When researching anime/manga, you might run into the following terms that can be helpful to filter content:
shojo: manga or anime intended primarily for girls
shonen: manga or anime intended primarily for boys
josei: manga or anime intended primarily for women
seinen: manga or anime intended primarily for men
ecchi: soft-core pornographic or sexually suggestive anime and manga
hentai: sexually explicit anime and manga
This may be a troll answer. Please watch at least the third episode yourself first before subjecting yourself to an afternoon of having to calm down your crying daughters.
Fuck em.
Don't stick yo dick in crazy. Them vaginas probably be haunted!
What this looks like to me is everyone involved thinking the rules don't apply.
Weak men create bad times.
Welcome to the Communist States of Bidenistan!
I no longer watch MSM, but when I catch someone else looking at it I've noticed a lot of what gets passed off as "local news" is just advertising for local businesses masquerading as news.
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
Kept hitting Send but it would not send.
Noticed the box with funny message.
It must want me to check the box before hitting send.
Don't wanna check the box.
alex jones war cry intensifies
Google pushes them. All part of the plan to normalize your brain to content that is fake and gay.
Literally "It's not about the money. It's about sending a message."
They are not capitalists. They're marxist propagandists.
They bought the most popular movie franchise in the world and said
"We need to push our propaganda out through this."
It's anti-illegal-immigration.
Displaced South African farmer? Give 'em the Chinese farmland.
Gaza refugee? One way plane ticket to Israel!
Article reports on a problem finding an actress to play Rowling.
Everyone involved probably has trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. Any actress taking on the role could wind up getting Baldwinned if the script calls for her death.
the elites have no idea about the country they're trying to invade
Schumer's raw cheezberder enters the chat
NPCs identify with robots, so this question never occurred to them.
Hillary hasn't aged well.
I was able to get all the OS/TNG movies at bargain prices except for Undiscovered Country and Insurrection.
Undiscovered Country is reminiscent of our current path towards World War III with Russia.
Insurrection reminds me of what's happening with Lahaina, Maui.
You Are (Not) Economically Viable!
Mollie Tibbets died for ethnic food.
Unbreakable in the hippo's stampus.
The inability to distinguish fantasy from reality is a serious epidemic afflicting too many young people.