Beware of whack jobs who would sabotage a star ship to forcibly create their totalitarian utopia.
We went back and forth over whether what these people were doing was a positive thing or a negative thing. Star Trek is such a tech show, and making these people antitechnology, it was almost like doing a negative show on Greenpeace.
At the American Museum of Natural History's exhibition The Power of Poison , you'll learn how certain colors may signal that an animal is poisonous or venomous. These warning colors are good for both predators and prey and can be seen in a variety of species, ranging from moths to mammals, across the animal kingdom.
It's... right there in the testimony.
crunches ramen
Just... gotta look it up, cumo.
Seeing excitement over their empty lamentations, it's like people forgot how the certification voting went down on January 6th.
a lawful stupid who is eager to lay on hands
--Any Public/Private entity receiving public funds may not compel vaccine info/compliance
Do COVID relief funds count as public funds? Checkmate Marxtards!
Street Fighter 2 vomiting animation intensifies
Anyone who is still a "normie" at this point is an NPC.
Sorry grandma is programmed by MSM.
"Remember, it is illegal for you to look at these dot wins. It's different for the media. That's why everything you're learning about this, you're learning from us."
Regarding Berman, Ron Moore reflected, "He really thought that Gene (Roddenberry) wouldn't have liked the whole Maquis story line."
"I know you. I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation. Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators because one day they can take their 'rightful place' on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways you're even worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious. You assimilate people and they don't even know it." - Michael Eddington
Is the NPC meme real?
The masked sheeple aren't enough evidence for you?
Epstein Little St. James Island or similar
The NPC meme is not just a meme.
The term "sheeple" exists for a reason.
if they don't defend their trademark, it become public domain
Everyone should be thanking these cops for trying to help this guy live.
Eh, after the past year of Burning, Looting, and Murdering, I'm fine with letting them freely flop around 'til they pass.
Floyd's life choices lead to his death. Society would be better off without government interfering with the consequences of such choices.
End the lockdowns. End the mask mandates. End the nanny state.
Personal freedom and personal responsibility!
those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience
All the crazy moms displaying Munchausen by Proxy come to mind.
violence against the establishment is an inevitability
Face masks are a visual indicator of who won't rebel. Not sure about your community, but I'm surrounded by NPCs/sheeple.
And everyone looking at him like he was a lunatic.
This is why I still love DS9. Even though there were some commies trying to push their SJW narrative, others on staff kept it real.
The episode production notes on Memory Alpha occasionally has some interesting stories of these behind the scenes conflicts.
Sisko is great when he's not virtue signaling over a holo suite program set in 1960's Vegas or having delusions about being an oppressed science fiction comic book artist.
Why peepo comin' to take the black peepo's chillins!
Thas like what Hillary did to them villages in Hatey!
All y'all KNOW what I'm talkin' 'bout!
Can't have normies learn the concept of "false flags". Might cause them to start questioning things.
Most board games and card games. They're only as infected as the people you play with.
Tabletop RPGs were fun 20 years ago. I really enjoyed D&D 3rd edition ("The d20 System"). Not so sure about the newer versions.
The front of his hair also ought to curl into an "S" shape over his forehead.
I was confused when all the threads started popping up on patriots with "MTG" in the title.