Owmyballz 1 point ago +1 / -0

His wife's labia and butthole will be shared across the world and it will be the gift bought up to his children through her at school. The shame and stench can't be washed off her.

Owmyballz 1 point ago +1 / -0

They invited those students into their home. They know the politics they indoctrinate into the children. Its an example a jew doing McCaulley Caulkin face when the children they've brainwashed to hate the West and support Islamic terrorism turns on them the Jew. It's like a chicken taking in wolves and train the wolves how to hunt chickens and then be surprised when they end up in the wolves mouths.

Owmyballz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh I would rather see them all unemployable, you know what they tried to do to us, but this time its for what they actually did and not lies.

Owmyballz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dude, you don't understand the art of the troll. When they apply for work and state they worked at Kotaku and their company then googles the site and clicks and goes to a Pedophile Alert site or Lemonpart.org forward, well now they are going to have some problems finding work now aren't they?

Owmyballz 12 points ago +12 / -0

She's white, she's a millennial. Fortune 500 firms are racially discriminating and are not hiring the white fucking savior generation and instead are hiring unqualified individuals who are black and brown and yellow due to skin color. They could have a perfectly qualified white kid and an a perfectly unqualified black person and the black person gets the job 100% of the time for new labor.

This is the bloomberg linky:


I swore there was a better one in USA Today that listed the companies and age by race and oh my god the horror. You didn't see young white kids being hired at all it was all late 30 and above white. We are talking immediate class action lawsuits.

Owmyballz 10 points ago +10 / -0

Kotaku isn't for sale yet. But its likely they will be getting sold. But some things I could think of turning Kotaku into:

-Pedophile reporting site

-Communist crimes against humanity site

-Forward to lemonparty.org

-A permanent record with the name and record of employees who worked at Kotaku as a warning to future employers

-Forward to https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/

Owmyballz 4 points ago +4 / -0

They won't be removing those drugs, they want a feminized and mentally ill population. Being able to recycle birth control pills in your drinking water is a feature not a flaw.

Owmyballz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not damning all Jews. However, the jews helped form the soviet union, they had about a decade of shared power give or take before being ejected. The Jews also were treated horribly by the Europeans during the 1500's to 1800's and then Germany. The Jews do have beef with Europeans. Blacks have beef with Americans due to slavery.

When you hear about these conspiracy theories about how Jews and Blacks wants to remove whites from America or the Jews want to remove Europeans from Europe. OK. Well then you see programs training white children to hate themselves. polls where younger generations are taught to support communism and the money funding it is obscured.

It looks to me that a very few money'd people are supporting this. And then I'm eyeing Soros Foundation and Rothchild's, just two Jewish organizations that would have beef with how Jews were treated. Soros is open about buying DA's he's not open on his immigration NGO's.

We are not talking about a country, millions of people, thousands of people probably a dozen or less extremely wealthy Jewish people funding this nightmare of hatred and immigration to replace whites from their own Continent and North America. Maybe its not even conscience, maybe its the Frankfort school and they believe whites have got to go with their values of liberty and individualism and their own implicit bias (yeah leftardism) getting them to support this.

Maybe its the WEF or maybe it a few racist as fuck Jewish billionaires with a long memory using the WEF to kill off Whites or maybe happenstance, but as a people, something ain't right what is being done to reduce white populations in their own countries. Just look at white erasure by the BBC from history. For some reason there has to be unlimited immigration of blacks, muslims and indigenous into white homelands to displace whites as the majority.

All I know is that in Great Britain there are Muslim rape gangs getting away with raping White girls and little to nothing was and is being done to truly stop it. Stating the police won't do anything because they don't want to be called racist, no. There is build in genetics to protect children of your own race in men. Every man of European stock who saw Jewish women being raped, killed and their bodies being stripped and used as furniture for Hamas wanted to take arms up and kill those bastards. Its innate tribal and warrior in male genes. But yet in Britain they allow their own children to be raped. This is taught behavior and its damn well not coming from whites.

Owmyballz 1 point ago +2 / -1

Soros is supporting Hamas supporters in the US attacking Jews. Soros has sent funds to Hamas. Soros stole from the Jews as they were being rounded up for cattle cars and had no feelings of shame for what he did. Calling him a race traitor is an understatement. If this was the 1890's and Soros was black, he'd be in the clan wearing a sheet bringing a rope to hang black men.

Owmyballz 5 points ago +6 / -1

The Jews were the Mensheviks in early Russia. They helped to form the hell known as the Soviet Union. A large number of them were purged, expelled and generally treated as second class citizens by Stalin.

The Jewish motive to support the communists were how badly they were treated by the pogroms. Its not as if the Jews in Russia did not have a motive to what to try communism, its better than what they experienced in the past.

As to the West, the Jews are not a complete leftist menace, but the secular Jewish politics slant to the left. And a select number are directly and openly attacking the West.

A good example is Soros. He's secular and frankly his behavior is that of someone who hates the West. He's a Jew who survived the holocaust as a boy, in my opinion as a catamite, for an older man who claimed he was his god son. He discussed openly about how he had no problem stealing from Jews who were sent to death camps .


He is the number one donor to the DNC. His NGO's are pushing migrants into the US. He openly finances DA's who then attacks the victims of crime. He appears to be doing everything he can to destroy at least America. Visit Chicago or Philadelphia for an example of how he's bought DA's and use them to attack Americans. He finances groups pushing DEI onto elementary children, college admissions and corporate hiring. He's frankly a disgusting racist.


The ADL appears to be more of a Jewish hate group than a group to protect Jews. The intelligence agencies uses their lists as carte blanche to ban people and companies from the Web, limiting freedom of speech to the town square.

You cannot say all Jews are attacking the West, but you can say the people with power successfully attacking the West tends to be Jewish more times than not. Farkhan or Soros, who has done more damage to America? Soros by a very large mile. Why do you think the children are supporting Hamas over Israel, that is another Soros initiative. Soros is the ultimate self hating jew. And yes Israel isn't America, but we have a history of supporting Israel and watching children support a violent Islamic terrorist group openly is a new low for the US.


Owmyballz 5 points ago +5 / -0

At this point, the boomers have no ability to fight and Gen X is fast moving that direction. It will be for Millenials and Zoomers to decide if they want the same right to work and education as blacks and hispanics. If they choose not to fight, then they have lost.

I'm learning spanish and I am looking to move to Latin America, I'm disgusted with the West. I have no desire to fight for what it is.

Owmyballz 2 points ago +2 / -0

The main problem is called urbanization, which leads to more expensive and smaller homes with no use for the children. Compare that to rural where children help on the farm. My father is one of 13 children and grew up in a dairy farm. He was worked quite a bit in his days. And all of the children cam and helped the farm out during harvest. There is no need for someone living in a city to haver that many children, they serve no function and can't generate wealth for the family.

Increase rural living and you will increase the birth rate. Its why for every child born to a progressive there are 3 children born to conservatives.

Owmyballz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its funny watching the Germans that are ever so observant for any right wing views bring in right wing Muslims who rape and kill their women in the open but the German police don't want to be called racist so they let it fly. Now when another war kicks off in the Middle East and the Germans discover, wow a lot of Muslim's have Nazi sentiment directed towards the Jews and use their iconography /surprised detective pikachu face.

There were a lot of Nazi weapons sent to the Middle East, it wasn't out of the kindness of Hitlers heart but to eject the Brits and because the Nazi's and Muslims had a shared hatred of the Jews.

Germany is going to have a lot more riots directed towards the Jews and the leftards there won't do anything to stop it because they don't want to be called racist and lose all that good ethnic food because Diverse Food is Our Strength.

Owmyballz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just put out an Irish version of Roots where the Irish are the blacks and have the blacks speak with a southern drawl and be very inbred and stupid as the slave masters. See how they handle it.

Owmyballz 23 points ago +23 / -0

He's still masked, its almost 2024. Someone get him a shot of testosterone.

Owmyballz 2 points ago +2 / -0

This edition of the game will sell at expected levels because the players are expecting Peter Parker and then get bait and switched. Spiderman 3 will sell about a third less. Spiderman 4 will be a commercial failure and shut down Insomniac games.

Owmyballz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jumping the Shark has been replaced with Pickling the Dick?

Owmyballz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not really that noticeable.

Owmyballz 32 points ago +32 / -0

It got fairly poor quickly after they added the women writers. The jokes aimed at the guys, nope. They did put in a selfcest with the daughter fucking herself, I guess that was supposed to be funny somehow?

It just went to a morally degenerate leftist high road depression fest of suck.

Owmyballz 1 point ago +1 / -0

They want someone who can protect them physically and take care of them financially so they can raise a family. They can't fight their own biology same as we can't when we want a healthy female to fuck and raise kids.

Owmyballz 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's got a lawsuit going on against his company being named ISOM. He just established a video showing his company was named after his grandfather, ISOM Knox. Its possible, he paid someone to find a grave with ISOM as a name and to post it to create a paper trail to protect him in his lawsuit against a church over his companies name. I'm just putting it out there, lawyers have done stranger things to win a case.

Owmyballz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Larian Studios Divinity Original Sins 2, best tactical combat with surprises I've ever seen. Same studio that made Baldur's Gate 3, but with really impressive combat and decent story. You play their games for the combat, the RP element is good, but not a pre-Zombie Bioware level of writing.

There is pillars of eternity, but the writing is not the best in my opinions. Okish fights, interesting class mechanics, losely similar to Baldur's Gate 2. They did have ship combat I liked a lot as a minigame for what it was, felt like I was I playing an old 1987 5 1/2" disk text game for the ship portion loads of fun and memories.

Owmyballz 7 points ago +7 / -0

Tell them to ask Soros for some bucks.

Owmyballz 9 points ago +9 / -0

They really hate money, its an anathema to them, that is why they do this. Disney built up a large war chest and the resorts allows Disney to do a lot of retarded things like this. However, the fans are coming to the resorts less and less, their IP has been tainted beyond repair and Disney has started the decline into bankruptcy. In 5-10 years, Disney will be sold off for parts.

Owmyballz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its better to sleep in the car than increase your cancer risk and/or stroke out. If she kicks you out, look her square in the eye and tell her you aren't risking your life for her neurosis. If you were 60, sure, go ahead you are almost dead, however if you are a young man they have a higher rate of cardio effects and dropping dead.

Start looking up shelters, at risk youth centers, friends couches you can surf on, look for a job, anywhere. Get a gym membership to get access to showers, make sure you have your birth certificate and SSN - if she goes dickwad then get the police involved she can't deny you them as leverage. You can work as a baggage handler at an airport, barback, try to take the exam to get into a skilled trade as well.

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