OmegaBird 20 points ago +20 / -0

Homeworld 3 was another "I told you faggots so" scenario. I didnt pre order, which only a moron does. I didn't buy it on day one because I hate all game companies with teams larger than can be counted on ones own hands and I knew gearbox and RANDI BITCHFORD would fuck it all up. Once again, Im proven 100% correct. Glad I waited and didn't pick this up.

OmegaBird 8 points ago +8 / -0

You couldn't afford a U.S. cent, so of course you want dollars like the parasitic scum that you are. Impure of blood, tainted of genetics, a lesser, sub human piece of biological waste masquerading as human. You dream of the day you could become a real man, but you will never because you're a Islam apologist and defender of false religion.

OmegaBird 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fuck off and die Squeenix, please, and take final fantasy and every other IP you have to the grave with you. I'm willing to even sacrifice final fantasy tactics for you to just fucking die.

OmegaBird 28 points ago +28 / -0

Lol there are YouTube channels with free content that have more viewiership than this shit. That's fuckin hilarious.

OmegaBird 1 point ago +1 / -0

NMS is interesting and has a lot of potential but I end up getting board as shit as it reminds me of Minecraft.

OmegaBird 3 points ago +3 / -0

I plan to wait for DIE to die with the left wing after trump takes office and allows the world to see that the world is fed up with left wing retardation. Once meritocracy restored, I'll take flights again.

OmegaBird 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also known as people with unstsble emotions and unbalanced lifestyle have a need to make a fool out of themselves for being emotional train wrecks incapable of rational serenity.

OmegaBird 2 points ago +2 / -0

Death to all consoles and their developers!

OmegaBird 8 points ago +8 / -0

Helldivers 2 is still not worth redemption. Nuclear solution is no quarter, no tolerance. To let it serve as an example to fear to future devs never to take the publisher deal or to hire faggots don't play the game as community managers.

by Lethn
OmegaBird 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad I mostly play story driven single player games... And factorio.

OmegaBird 4 points ago +4 / -0

I heard Hades 2 un-hotness'd all make and female gods in the game for whatever reason. I guess that rumor was true from what I'm seeing. Are the devs woke retards or is this some SBI bullshit? Either way, I probably won't but this because of the perversion of what a Greek god is supposed to represent.

OmegaBird 5 points ago +5 / -0

This revolting thing Yaniv needs to be imprisoned forever and never allowed to see the light of day again.

OmegaBird 9 points ago +9 / -0

The crime minister is desperately trying to shield himself from crticisism. Of course he is completely guilty of this crime and should be jailed as a result, we have seen the black face and other racial stereotypes that trudy has propagated, which constitutes hate by the leftists definition.

OmegaBird 9 points ago +13 / -4

Jeremy the dumbshit. Surely you could have just linked the ADL post instead of that quartering faggot.

OmegaBird 3 points ago +3 / -0

This, im glad some of us that the integrity to punish devs and publishers with no recourse. It should serve as a warning to future devs.

OmegaBird 8 points ago +9 / -1

It's a warning to future devs. Fuck helldivers and gratification now. It's about sending a message to the future to prevent these Faustian deals from being considered.

OmegaBird 5 points ago +12 / -7

No we didn't, we haven won't until helldivers COMPLETLY fails and goes under. Don't be a fucking soyny faggot and go back to playing this game. It needs to fail and a message engrained in that financial destruction. Weak faggots and traitors to gaming will go back to helldivers.

OmegaBird 3 points ago +4 / -1

Fuck off and die SOYNY and take helldivers with you. I would be very disappointed if people went back to this game. It would be as equally pathetic of a weak backtrack of the helldivers community to return as it was for SOYNY to backtrack their decision. They need to eat those class action law suits and this game NEEDS to fail.

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