That's straight out of Jordan Peterson's Jungian rap about the intersection of religion and psychology.
It seems like the NYT is deliberately going all-in with its role as Biden regime/leftist propaganda machine. There's no longer any pretense about journalism. The last credible bits are the weather report and the obituaries, and I'm not so sure about the obits.
Why couldn't the Saudis fly one of their hijacked airliners into the NYT building?
This includes executing Musk and his family in South Africa as race traitors
Musk is a black man?
Should I be ashamed to admit watching that was extremely satisfying?
With each cheapjack accusation, Trump's popularity grows, especially among Black voters. I'd be willing to bet the black vote for trump next November will be YUGE!
I would not be surprised if Trump stumps with an ankle bracelet on (a tip of the hat to Matt Taibbi). Who could've imagined that a US President would actually GAIN in popularity with each grand jury indictment?
it gives me hope for the future of America!
My point comes from respect for combat veterans. I'm sick to death of bullshit patriotism that justifies slaughter for the gain of nobody but the rich and powerful. Using fake and awkward martial language is the stuff of half-literate armchair generals.
And when you're dead you're dead. Period. You don't go to the sawmill to be made into tasteful furniture.
Euphemism is a form of metaphor.
You're right, but not for the reason you think.
I'm just interested in language, and if this point seems trivial and tortured, I hope my explanation in response to HellsBells00 shows where I'm coming from.
My point is that the cliche rather diminishes the respect intended by the metaphor. It's overused and too easy, reflecting badly on the lazy writer and disrespecting the fact that these are our people, not trees, and their deaths in bullshit wars like those foisted on us over the last 60-odd years were/are unnecessary.
It also makes dying in war seem romantic, which is offensive to anyone who actually has had to face death or disfigurement in war, "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" and all that rot. An old, old story.
I dunno . . . the SS probably feels it's being loyal when they clam up about finding Hunter's bag.
Not on point, but . . . is there anyone else offended when dead troopers are referred to as "the fallen" like they were majestic redwoods or something?
Holy crap! I forgot what year it is!
They used Jordan Peele as a model.
OK, thanks Uncle Adolph!
Blut und Boden, eh?
My father fought you fuckers in 1943-44. When will you learn to stay dead?
How can we get those numbers up? Get out there and call trannies by their correct sex! Let's get that number up to 90% by next year! Our new slogan: "90 by 24 or Bust!"
Editing this for the correct year made me feel like Winston Smith for a minute.
England is well on the way to becoming a Muslim theocracy without any formal jihad, without a shot being fired. That is to say, major English towns and cities will be Muslim run while a hollowed out Parliament goes through the motions.
The English intelligentsia has always been self-loathing, always willing to denigrate England while elevating their real enemies. Orwell has quite a bit to say about this in his essays
"Not with a Bang but a Whimper."
Anthropogenic Climate Change supporter
After looking at four of those postings I had to stop from getting nauseous.
With the gigantic years-long campaign advancing the concept of "whiteness" as a sort of social disease, "structural/institutional racism" now actually exists, but it's anti-white.
Talk about projection!
Kennedy talks the talk. The Ds fear him so much, they'll do anything to keep him out of the White House. He's probably more dangerous to the entrenched bureaucracy than Trump because he has, unlike Trump, useful allies both inside and outside of government.
I had to turn off the video when that hulking shitbag Stench Yogurt's massive head filled the screen.
gender norms
If I hear this idiotic expression one more time I think I'll have a stroke. I declare eternal hostility to trannies and their evil totalitarian political movement.
The Cathedral/Establishment is all in on SocJus. Faux News is just another corporate machine interested in profit and the truth be damned.
Just came across this:
I had assumed the large number of church arson cases in Europe involved Muslims. It appears as if the left considers Christianity "racist" and another target for their rabid hatred.