NeoGecko 25 points ago +25 / -0

To sincerely put themselves in another person's shoes, even for a few minutes, would mean having to acknowledge the possibility that they could be wrong about something. Can't do it.

NeoGecko 4 points ago +4 / -0

"A race that is inherently evil and needs to be wiped out" Sounds like what Critical Race Theory says regarding whites, just without saying the latter part out loud.

NeoGecko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Adam Green made an excellent point the other day - It makes no fucking sense to wave the flag of the country you DON'T want to be deported to.

NeoGecko 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wonder how long before someone who "was personally affected by the shooting" chimes in on here.

NeoGecko 5 points ago +5 / -0

The pauldrons look like they would really get in the way, especially for Sun WuKong who would be prioritizing speed and dexterity in his fights (being a monkey-man).

NeoGecko 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's fine dude, they just died suddenly

NeoGecko 68 points ago +69 / -1

Literally the very next day after I said " his "hot takes" aren't all that impressive, and he doesn't have the strength of his convictions to even stand by them."


NeoGecko 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've never understood why this guy draws such a big audience.

He doesn't have a likeable personality, he's not particularly funny or witty, he's not knowledgeable or has industry connections (I distinctly remember him saying he "doesn't care how games are made"), he doesn't seem to be especially skilled as a gamer, his "hot takes" aren't all that impressive, and he doesn't have the strength of his convictions to even stand by them.

Every time I've listened to him talk, he comes off as a midwit with an inflated ego.

NeoGecko 22 points ago +22 / -0

It's true, the proof of this is that they bitch about things without any sexualized female characters too.

NeoGecko 5 points ago +6 / -1

Having it fade into obscurity is preferable to the the continuous public necrophilia going on with Star Wars and Marvel. If people can't/won't treat these IP's with respect, I'd rather they keep their hands off them.

NeoGecko 3 points ago +3 / -0

These people have no respect for their craft.

NeoGecko 4 points ago +4 / -0

To clarify, I didn't mean long-time loyal fans of Pre-2008 Marvel. The MCU has barely given a fuck about what they wanted since these movies started. I meant casual fans of the MCU and people who actually liked the Captain Marvel movie (however many that is).

Now a Folie a Deux-tone Captain Marvel sequel would be like "She's a completely useless bitch, she fails at everything, she completely rejects her superhero role, then gets raped and dies". While I can imagine that would be wildly popular with a few people, it's similarly ill-advised.

NeoGecko 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Arthur was creepy, that's why bad things happen to him and I couldn't feel bad for it."

"Women are more empathetic", my ass.

NeoGecko 11 points ago +11 / -0

For all the flaws of Morbius and The Marvels, they weren't intentionally written to destroy the lead character and piss off most of the audience. I think that was the big stake to the heart of this movie.

NeoGecko 52 points ago +52 / -0

It sounds like a movie made for the Murray Franklins of the world.

“You thought Joker was going to be a criminal mastermind? No, that’s not how it works in the REAL WORLD! He accomplishes nothing! That’s what happens to people who fight back!”

“You thought he was gonna get a blonde jester girlfriend? No, she says he’s pathetic and dumps him!”

“Oh you incels want your precious hero to get laid? How bout some prison guard rape? Why? Fuck you, that’s why!

“And then he gets shanked to death at the end! Take that, punks!”

NeoGecko 4 points ago +4 / -0


That's fucking great. I'm stealing it, but it's okay, because God granted it to me.

NeoGecko 2 points ago +2 / -0

" the constant over representation of black/lgbt/female (girl power)."

I've started calling black lesbians "Threefers", because every time they include one in something, it's three check marks in one character. It damn near guarantees whatever you’re watching is going to be a pile of woke crap. Watching American media today, you’d think nearly all black women were gay.

“Also, people know the lgbt population is small so naturally it makes sense to get annoyed with it being shoved into everything or some racial narrative constant being talked about.  “

Something I wanted to note regarding that – you ever notice how, even with the deluge of woke content, you never see a gay male protagonist in a movie/show, unless it’s explicitly about being gay? There’s a reason for that. Straight men don’t want to identify with gay male characters. They just don’t. No amount of calling them “homophobe” will change this. When they need LGBT rep, it’s almost always a lesbian lead. Another thing – straight men have zero interest in a lesbian character that isn’t hot.

I don’t have an issue with gays and lesbians having their own content, or the occasional character who just happens to be that, or even a larger amount if there’s some intentional reason that isn’t virtue signaling (i.e. all-female civilization or whatever). But shoving them front-and-center into stories that having nothing to do with being gay is inherently off-putting, and the woke do it intentionally because they’re compulsive iconoclasts who loathe everything normal and need to “stick it to the cis white patriarchy” at every opportunity, even when it’s creating disdain and resentment for the same people they’re supposedly trying to help.

“One thing I noticed first is the constant push for women into male dominated hobbies/interests “

It’s about “fighting the patriarchy”. Male spaces are inherently a threat to women because you leave men alone in a group, it inherently fosters misogynist beliefs and practices, according to their bullshit ideology men are evil monsters who need to be monitored and kept in check at all times. You can see why feminism endears to so many oligarchs and tyrants, they’re never left wanting for an excuse to interfere with people’s lives.

NeoGecko 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem with this is that a lot of the woke aren’t motivated by consistent political beliefs. Their rhetoric is clearly Marxist derived, but a lot of these people are not Communists or Marxist in any meaningful sense. The typical woke doesn’t give a shit about Marx, abolition of private property, seizing the means of production. They have no issues with billionaires or giant corporations, so long as they’re on their side.

Many of them are not revolutionaries in any way, they play defense for the government all the time (Democrats at least), and call people questioning things “threats to democracy”. From what I’ve seen, the only consistent through-line is hating straight white men, and blaming them for everything.

If the proper political term is “progressive”, I have to ask, how is this a meaningful distinction? Is “Woke” not just a pejorative term for Progressive, like Nazi for National Socialist?

NeoGecko 18 points ago +18 / -0

The thing is, it's not that the "Anti-woke" is scoring victories against them - they are falling flat on their ass constantly despite having all the advantages in their court. They’re up against the ropes because everyone else is getting sick of their bullshit.

The term has gained the power it does because of their own actions (namely being insufferable tyrannical cunts), their own projects backed by mega-corporations and million-dollar budgets bombing every other month. They seem to think that just dodging or discrediting the “woke” label will save them, but it’s not going to change anything. People don’t want Dustborn, or Concord, or the Acolyte, or whatever other shitfest comes next, and you can only do the “Popular IP Skinsuit” trick so many times before you piss off too much of that that built-in audience and they stop coming.

They’re freaking out because they’ve finally hit a barrier that they can’t get around with globalist money injections, or calling it racist.

NeoGecko 58 points ago +58 / -0

I’ve never seen a good argument for why people shouldn’t use the term “woke”. The one I see come up the most frequently is “People will call anything with a black/woman/gay in it woke”.

Yeah, that’s what happens you poison the well. That association came about from years worth of very deliberate actions by progressives. They are the ones who made women and blacks(as lead characters) into mascots for their retarded ideology that purposefully incites conflict everywhere they go, and then pretend to be shocked when people start practicing pattern recognition and start rejecting it.

MANY people are absolutely sick of the intersectional feminist commie “frame every fucking thing in the universe through oppressor/victim lens” narrative, and finger-wagging them for using a word isn’t going to make them magically shut up and accept it. Nor is playing a shell game with words going to serve as a reality hack to dodge criticism of this ideology that insists on inserting itself everywhere.

“Why don’t you say what your specific problem is without saying woke, it’s so overused it’s lost it’s meaning”

  1. It has not lost it’s meaning, people moan about the term because they don’t want progressive ideas being criticized. It’s not even the term that’s the issue, they have no problem with “woke” when it’s associated with something they align with succeeding, like that crap ass Barbie movie.

  2. Where is this concern for the sanctity of words when leftists are throwing around “racist”, “sexist”,”misogynist””fascist”,”reactionary”,”incel”, “bigot”,”white supremacist” like potpourri at a wedding? I notice this griping over words is very one-sided, it’s nearly always coming from a progressive, or some normie who doesn’t research anything and gets their talking points from progressives.

  3. A term doesn’t have to have to encompass a thing with total accuracy to be a useful descriptor. No-one actually expects that of any term. Woke is a convenient euphemism for decisions made that 9/10 are based in either intersectional feminism, “white man bad” American racial grievance bullshit, or LGBTWTFBBQ. It’s not hard to define, they just refuse to accept the obvious and go off like a pre-recorded message about “MUH AFRICAN AMERICAN VERNACULAR ALERTNESS TO PREJUDICE”, as if anyone is persuaded by them acting like children, pretending not to understand that words can take on new meanings over time.

  4. Progressives never argue in good faith, it doesn’t matter if you love 100 female-led movies and tv shows and never use the term “woke” once, as soon as you critique some pile of trash like the Acolyte, they’re going to start throwing out the -istaphobes to try and intimidate you into silence, because it’s what they always do. If normies are sick of hearing the term, well, I’m sick of the movement that the term refers to and want it to die already. Neither of us are getting what we want, too fucking bad.

TLDR, Keep using it, the people who bitch about it are either woke themselves, or so low-information/investment that there’s little reason to care about their opinion anyway.

NeoGecko 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Real Harley Quinn has never been tried!"

This is, in a sense, true - the original intent of the character, her being a Hybristophiliac sidekick of the Joker hadn't really been depicted in a live action movie (outside of maybe Joker 2). Taken out of that context, the character just becomes another snippy girlboss in white face paint.

NeoGecko 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you were to become homeless and/or disabled this week, would you still claim a "positive right to live"?

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