The only woman complaining about this law are the unfuckable ones anyway
I'll literally eat my hat if it somehow ends up not woke
What a pussy
What are you 12
How the fuck do you get that fat at that age
I'm all for abortions but it kind of makes me sick that these people are so mad that they can't kill babies and also they shouldn't be mad since we live in a world where people can say they are the opposite gender and everybody agrees so what's stopping women from saying they are men and getting an abortion since the law doesn't apply to men
"Hospitals are some of the most dishonest institutions today"
I hate these fucking people
Fucking juggalos
I hope it ends up just being a bunch of fbi and police disguised as the proud boys arresting each other looking like dumbasses
"Missing context" Jesus Christ how fucking retarded are these people this dude could be pissing on their Graves and they would say it's missing context
The fuck is a biwoc is it like a ewok
China supposedly came up with a birth control for men that works but involves injecting you with some metal or something and they use magnets to get it down to your balls but it only lasts a couple days and it shrinks your balls temporarily
Somebody should make a game about killing people wearing masks and vaccinated people just to see if it gets cancelled
Do these retards even do any research at all like where the fuck do they come up with this shit calling this place some Nazi harassment campaign thing
Why the fuck are they even out in that shithole
How many women does it take to break a window
Holy shit they are stricter then north Korea over there
Damn I would literally die
Pledge allegiance to the fag
How are the Biden drones gonna spin this
Great job Biden
How the fuck is a vaccine going to help you with a hurricane
It either didn't happen or the suspect is black cause they would have said he was White even though they supposedly don't release the race of suspects
With a shitty trigger finger and horrible threat detection I highly doubt it and the dumbass left his gun in a bathroom at one point fucking dumbass
Sounds like my whole state