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Motorcycle accidents were counted as COVID deaths.
No matter who loses, we win.
Dear God,
I wish he would.
Same as the old boss.
They create domestic terrorists, too.
Never surrender. Fight to the death instead.
I guess they’re gonna have to stab another guy on live TV with a wakizashi. That held back the tide for over 60 years.
Skip straight to lethal force. Problem solved.
That face when they realize it’s worse.
So, like Detroit or Chicago? Not a great plan.
The truth always is to lefties.
She would quickly discover that real life isn’t the movies.
America has a federal government crisis. All of these attacks have been planned and carried out by alphabet agencies.
Wears mask alone in car.
They all swore to leave the country over Trump, too.
¿Por que no los dos?
His accuser should be facing the same punishment he was.
It’s because Blackity Ann is tired of getting her ass handed to her by Peter Doocy.
Only state-owned propagandists will be allowed from now on.
Forwoken 2
It will be a repeat of 2020.
Wrestling went to shit when they started promoting the pay-per-view “events” over the weekly shows.
You can’t solve poverty by throwing money at it. It has never worked and it never will.
No amount will ever be enough and every future generation will demand more payments.
I see no difference between Neely and scum like AOC.
Motorcycle accidents were counted as COVID deaths.