MasksAreChildAbuse 10 points ago +10 / -0

Technically no justice until the prosecution is tried, convicted, and sentenced to execution by firing squad. But it is something.

MasksAreChildAbuse 4 points ago +4 / -0

As in clear display in this video. Two Asian men just allowed this...creature, to assault them all. The only one who tried to step in was the tiny Asian woman and the creatures ganged up and beat her to the ground.

MasksAreChildAbuse 57 points ago +57 / -0

Probably the person who wrote it also reported it lol

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t remember specifics at this point I watched it a while ago. I just recall many blue pill bullshit by JP to rationalize modern behaviors.

Even Hafeez, who is pretty based, was star struck and agreed with stuff he has railed against before lol

I just hope JP wakes up. He’s so smart about so much but still believes in the system too much I think.

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every one of those cops needs to face justice and sentenced permanently to what they have coming.

MasksAreChildAbuse 6 points ago +6 / -0

He’s one of the smartest stupid people I’ve seen.

As perceptive as he has been on many topics, he’s REALLY naive on government, modern relationships, women, and more.

I can forgive him on his naivety on relationships maybe because he’s older and not dating. I can probably even forgive him on modern women, because his daughter epitomizes many of the problems with modern women and he probably has rose colored glasses on for her.

But the government keeps affecting his personal life, and he’s just fucking sucks Daddy governments dick, slurps and smiles, then complains after it happens only to get on his knees the next time the door knocks.

Like my god wake the fuck up JP

Edit: if you wanna hear the smartest man rationalize delusion, watch his The Roommates interview.

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is there even a game where the point is to just kill everyone? Even shooting games with “deathmatch” modes, that is rarely the point.

MasksAreChildAbuse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly the only person I trust on that list is Bolsonaro, and I only trust him to a limited extent as my exposure to him is very limited (but he seems the most authentic of them all since he’s willing to call out certain phrases and people others are too scared to do)

I like DeSantis and some others here, but they are still playing the globohomo games. We aren’t going to win when we give the globalists a position of legitimacy while we fight them with both hands behind our backs.

MasksAreChildAbuse 18 points ago +18 / -0

holy shit her brain is literally tied into a knot, she needs to be committed to an insane asylum for being that incapable of recognizing reality.

MasksAreChildAbuse 7 points ago +7 / -0

Completely agree. I thought the boy or witch might like wink the bully out of existence in a cute bewitched way. But no, she uses the full force of her anger to end him, and then knowing she murdered him says “we should probably go” and runaway immediately.

It was not cute haha when she used her witch powers. Bitch was angry.

MasksAreChildAbuse 6 points ago +6 / -0

I did a research assignment on academy award winners through all of history and found out basically that they are over represented astronomically. Asians too.

Sadly I was still kind of a libtard at the time and self censored my conclusion to be like “They win less over all and das rayciss” but in my heart at the time I knew what I know now.

I’ll have to find my report and post it some day, I literally went through every single race/ethnicity of every single winner/nominee from the first until I think 2014 or 2015 whenever I did it.

MasksAreChildAbuse 9 points ago +10 / -1

They won’t, because it’s gonna make them sociopaths.

Obviously not all, but most are gonna be programmed to not view the humanity of others, they will gladly play into the system to survive, and be willing to do horrible things to other humans on the hope it won’t happen to them.

by Daucus9
MasksAreChildAbuse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Netflix probably will as they look to get the “muh diversity” news headlines again after having to fire one their hamplanets the other day.

MasksAreChildAbuse 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just gave me an idea. If your company ever has a vax mandate, NEVER discuss it. In fact for all intents and purpose they think your gonna report you are. But just before the deadline be a total fucking ass clown proclaiming you are gay and proud and trans or whatever. Just be fucking obnoxious with it. Barge in meetings “Hey I’m gay. And there’s nothing you can do to STOP ME! I’m gay!!!!!”

They will be like wtf?? It won’t even occur to them to ask you about vax status as they will hold several meetings to determine how they can fire you without being liable for a hate crime.

After enough time you will be fired and can claim unemployment lol

MasksAreChildAbuse 11 points ago +11 / -0

Didnt she used to be attractive? Now she looks like some Mexican dude who uses stolen EBT cards to buy products to resell at his unlicensed food truck.

MasksAreChildAbuse 22 points ago +25 / -3

maybe not official communism, but it’s currently controlled by globohomos, so is that really a benefit? They are buying into covid hook like and sinker, vaccine passports, a feminist centric society that promotes and enables single mothers, acceptance of prostitution (1/20 women are admitted prostitutes), the destruction of the nuclear family through isolation, etc.

Japan is in bad shape.

Edit: not to take away from him, because he is a hero. But my point is our enemies are more numerous today. They didn’t lose yet, and must still be eradicated.

MasksAreChildAbuse 3 points ago +4 / -1

I’ve read that depending on the debt, they have provisions built in where depending on how much inflation happened they can adjust the debt accordingly. This is what someone on here told me.

I didn’t look into it too deep because I’m just in overdrive right now to pay off my debt. But if you plan to hold it you might want to look into it.

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

They still have audience scores but just don’t include them on the search result listings or in any ranking or anything. But if you click in each video, audience can still vote and the score is visible (although they only let audience ratings to occur a specified time after release to prevent prerelease bombing)

MasksAreChildAbuse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why does archive always require me to do 2 captchas? It’s annoying as hell.

MasksAreChildAbuse 15 points ago +15 / -0

Guide to Rotten Tomatoes Scores [current year]

  • If high critic and low audience = Insane levels of propaganda, terrible movie. Never watch.
  • If high critic and high audience = competent, and safe, popcorn flick. Not too boring but likely cliche.
  • If low critic and low audience = just a terrible movie.
  • If low critic and high audience = One of the greatest films ever made in world history.
MasksAreChildAbuse 36 points ago +36 / -0

On no it’s almost like they purposefully set out and asked for it and are now facing the repercussions of their society destroying behavior oh nooooo

MasksAreChildAbuse 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will be all for the best. Honestly I have been in that group wanting to get away from smartphones. They are destructive in my opinion for so many reasons, but are sadly necessary for many things within a society.

I’m slowly working towards my long term bugout plan, which will include no phone or internet in or around my home.

MasksAreChildAbuse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting style, looks like it’s got just a hint of various familiar styles and shows, but still seems 100% it’s own thing.

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