To be fair, did c/gaming ever nominate a new mod? I saw about five posts going “hey, we should probably decide who we want the admins to promote,” but I don’t recall if they ever made a real decision.
Really? I thought they removed FishyMan in about a day after the mod ragequit. I know he was gone quickly, and I doubt he resigned on his own.
This looks like a bunch of videos or articles that aren’t clearly relevant. What connection am I supposed to be making?
He’s doing ebonics. Read it as a fat black woman saying that school fights/violence/bad grades/crime are “just part of dey cultchah!”
Honestly? If you like Ubisoft games, I think it’s probably not a bad deal. They make what, 2-3 big releases a year (plus the smaller games like Trials, or I think Anno is theirs too?), that consistently follow the same formula, and each cost about 60-70 bucks for the base game. The subscription gets you DLC and add-ons too, so as long as you haven’t grown sick of their formula or their wokeness or have some ethical complaint about them, you will play each release for a few months, finish it, and end up paying less overall than if you bought each title outright.
Of course, that’s quite conditional. If you do have any ethical issues about Ubisoft, or have grown sick of Far Cry/Watch Dogs/AC/Ghost Recon… you’re not going to be happy with it.
But there’s probably a decent chunk of “normie” gamers who do okay with it.
When you say subscription service, do you mean separate from the existing Ubisoft subscription service? They’ve offered a monthly fee to access all their games for quite a long time; is this exempted from that?
That’s not exactly true; rather, it takes one complaint from a person empowered to make complaints, against a target it is acceptable to complain about.
That’s what Skull and Bones started as, right? And we all saw just recently how that turned out.
Siege has a story?
It doesn’t help that much, though. It just raises the brainpower bar a tiiiiny bit to “generate an image in the style of a painting from [historical period,] claim it’s contemporary art depicting your fake historical event.”
See, that would be more believable if you didn’t keep slipping it down to 10/12/middle school in all your comments.
If a consulting firm makes every product they worked on worse, why would one not seek to avoid products they worked on?
It's a Gearbox game, I think Sweet Baby or a similar DEI consultant (maybe even internally) can be assumed from that alone.
His response did help me make a decision, yes.
Admins should definitely be censoring pedo pajeet, and I'm on the fence about you.
Well, he usually pops in about once a week. It's worked okay because we're small. Now that the people really shitting up other boards have started to show up here in the last day or two, we could be in for some trouble.
Probably scored admins are more responsive than our mod.
This guy is probably u/trump4045 a long-time user who caught a silly ban recently. Can’t be sure, though.
I read his comment as saying that the light sentencing was the deliberate enabling of said “useful idiots,” and more broadly that women’s movements supported /encouraged by “Fabian Socialists” have encouraged marital strife and intersexual hostility. Not that he literally meant someone had told her that she should poison her husband.
Honestly, the most unusual part of his comment is who he ascribes it to. If you rewrite it as “feminist influence” rather than “Fabian Socialist,” (or “Jews,” or “Communists,” or “China”) you could use it as a pretty standard talking point for various sections of the right.
What do you mean?
Most people (schizos excepted) who say things like this don’t mean that some random person was actually receiving orders from whatever group they blame, but that said group has manipulated societal incentive structures to produce this kind of outcome more often. Your performative incredulity is misplaced because it doesn’t address the point; it’s as though you saw someone talking about “Soros DAs” releasing criminals and went “wow, of course George Soros personally ordered Jamal to mug that guy and Shaniqua to release him afterward!”
No one was suggesting that, and you look dumb and/or hostile for implying they were.
Of course, like a true milquetoast, he picked the feminist angle along with the “bad for the baby” angle. Sure, the “victim” is the one who’s getting paid and willingly entered into this evil deal. Right.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely believe woman agreeing to surrogacy will probably change their minds and regret it. I think the biology at play in pregnancy and birth makes bonding with the baby inevitable, so unless you’re surrogating for an infertile relative and can stick around in the kid’s life, it must be a gut punch. For that matter, if a woman says “I regret this, I want to be his mother,” and means it, I think it’s a forgivable error. Better to let her try than give him to the gay guys.
That doesn’t make her the primary victim. It doesn’t make her the victim at all. It makes her, at best, a fool her saw the error of her ways, and at worst a willing accessory to the selling of a baby who is now feeling like she didn’t get enough money for her role.
The only true victim is the baby being ripped away from his mother and thrown into a home that is disproportionately likely to abuse him, and provides bad role models even if they have no nefarious intentions and try to do everything well.
The Fallout one was a little dumber, though. “It’s not woke, it just has a female lead in an action role, a black-white leading romance, and a scene where they rewrite all the lore so that the evil capitalists started the nuclear war for profit!”
If that’s non-woke, this is straight-up right-wing.
Maybe some of it is inorganic, but every account talking about “agecucks” and the like is actually an old account from a single guy who made dozens (maybe hundreds) of alts over the course of a couple years to do the exact same bit on ConPro until I guess the mods finally got too good at banning him. So he decided to take his show on the road to less defended communities. This isn’t an election year issue, this is one guy who’s been a chronic problem elsewhere finally showing up here.
That’s why Dom showing up for one day and going “guess I got them all, time to leave for another two weeks” is particularly bad here—the troll just waits a day for him to leave again and then logs into his next two accounts. Cycling through them all this way will literally take years.