make friends with me
Fake internet friends don't count tranny.
Brave New World wants its fiction back.
The left truly believes that Trump is going to try to make them the 51st state.
That's only because they didn't explain that the bugs make starships by hollowing out asteroids. They didn't "throw" anything, they piloted it.
They're just taking normal shit he did and framing it as illegal. There is no point in arguing with them, because they're lying and they know they're lying. Not a single undecided person will read this slop nor anyone debunking their slop because it's too long and convoluted.
You got them for buying games, you'd get 300 for a game that was $60. Basically you got 5% cash back in store credit since they're worth a penny each.
He is morally culpable even if he was found not guilty. Baldwin isn't some green actor who had never handled guns on set before this. He knew the safety guidelines, and he ignored the fact that they weren't properly followed when he was handed that gun without verification.
The Swedish Military is known for their ads in English
The bikini/nude barista thing is odd. Doesn't sound like it should be real
It's working!
It is not
Units sold often includes the wholesales to retailers. I wonder if anyone tracks retail sales.
If you know ahead of time that it isn't real and you can't really die, there is a part of your brain that disassociates because you know it's fake. If you dropped someone in without them knowing, like if they had no idea that it was even possible, then yeah they'd have real stress. But the knowledge that none of it is real, that the people dying around you are just really fancy pixels, would prevent that, for well adjusted adults anyway.
Do you know what your obligations are under NATO? You're not giving us money, you're supposed to be paying for your own military at a certain percentage of GDP. None of you fucking do.
The fact that people keep bringing up wars "they" won against the US is hilarious.
The War of 1812 was won by the British, Canada wouldn't become a country for another 55 years.
The fact that we have to go back hundreds of years to a time when Canada was just Britain, and we were a fledgling state to find a time when Canada was militarily superior should tell you how laughable your assertion is. The only reason we would "lose" a kinetic war with Canada is because Congress pussing out like in 'Nam.
How did McArthur put it? A sea of green glass?
Imported some fancy new pickleball court surface last year from Spain. The company couldn't understand why we needed a specific arrival date, they seemed to think that we should just wait until it showed up "sometime in January"
Whose fault is that? Not ours. In fact, Trump wants you all to increase your spending on your military to the agreed upon NATO minimum so maybe we can stop worrying about you.
Giving away someone else's money isn't generous.
Lefty commentators very deliberately call it US"AID" when it should be pronounced U S A I D
It's an acronym, not a word, and it has fooled a lot of lefties.
Doxxing isn't just saying "this staffer is named Jeff" it's exposing private information to the internet. You're a complete fool if you think anyone who wants transparency in government meant that we wanted to have every single staffer's address be posted to social media.
Kinda funny that you're getting down voted when we are saying the same thing.
That appears to be the case, I haven't seen a source that shows anything else. Maybe a few actually have dual citizenship, but I haven't seen anything definitive that isn't an unsourced meme.
Every jew has the option to become an Israeli citizen, no questions asked.
So, apparently, all of them.
Probably like when Branstad got a trade agreement with China for Iowa to sell soybeans direct back in the early 2000s
Women told us to leave them alone, and we listened.