LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shows a lack of understanding of the fundamentals of how explosives work. They had all the right ingredients, but nothing to create pressure

LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's true, but the reason they're more tolerated than before is because other games are gachashit with the added benefit of having to buy the game.

It'd be like if an arcade had a cover charge to get in which covers only a handful of the machines, and the rest are pay to play. It's not really any different than the arcade where it's free to get in but you pay for every play, but it doesn't feel like a scam.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're not different. You're basically asking an advertising company to change their short, easy to grasp catchphrase to something more complicated that fewer people will remember.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you willing to shoulder the tax burden these improvements would incur? What about the increased congestion and subsequent increase in traffic accidents making these improvemdnts in those areas would incur?

Many times the roads are that way because those areas were originally zones for industry and weren't meant to have foot traffic to begin with, but people started building close to the roadway and now major changes would have to be made. A city I used to live in had to pay to have two houses literally picked up and shipped across town to make some of those same improvements and still nobody uses that sidewalk.

LauriThorne 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm well aware of that, but does every street need to be 100% pedestrian? Does every alleyway? Why do beltways need sidewalks when you're not really expected to walk from place to place in them?

Is every urbanite a backpacker now?

LauriThorne 6 points ago +9 / -3

Wide sidewalks, crosswalks and skywalks aren't enough for you? What do you want, no roads at all?

City Urban Libral Type energy right there.

LauriThorne 36 points ago +36 / -0

Only people who live in cities, and have no reason to go anywhere but other cities, are against price car ownership. Those people seem to lack the ability to understand just how far apart rural America is from each other. To them, a bus, train or (ironically) someone else's privately owned Uber can get them anywhere at pretty much any time. They don't seem to understand that even 30 miles would become insurmountable in rural America without your own vehicle.

Although, they probably do understand and just hate us.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reason they give exactly squares with what they've been doing. Assuming they're telling the truth, they obviously would test it over all kinds of terrain. Sometimes even the government tells the truth.

Not that the idea of drone swarms being able to 3D map your town and signature tracking is pleasant.

LauriThorne 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Army has been testing new drones for 3D mapping and surveillance at the research facility in Jersey since 2018. This is journalists being lazy, and the government trying to keep secrets that aren't even secret anymore. There's a publicily available contract for a drone company to provide the tech and the FAA restricted the airspace for the test back in November.

This is a fat load of nothing that journos have propped up to get clicks.

LauriThorne 6 points ago +6 / -0

What, they can't find a more recent Saudi prince or South African president?

LauriThorne 2 points ago +2 / -0

That interview helped normalize supporting Trump in the mainstream.

LauriThorne 11 points ago +11 / -0

You really can't remove protons from a nucleus. You can add them with a particle accelerator, which is how we get new elements, but going backwards requires an enormous energy release all at once.

LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

You have to pretty brain-dead to think it's about American GI's and the author even more so if it turned out to be true.

Unless there's some weird Japanese conspiracy that we didn't really nuke two of their cities in WWII and it was just a hoax and GI's were taking over every part of Japanese life and not just certain parts of Okinawa.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Out of the seven openly gay people I've ever known, not a one ever called their boyfriend/girlfriend their "partner" that's straight prog and tranny shit, the LGB part still acknowledge the biological reality of our species, unless they're Progs.

LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember, when people ask "what would Jesus do?" Flipping over some tables, making a whip, and beating the shit out of people breaking God's laws is on the table.

LauriThorne 13 points ago +14 / -1

Who's putting her on a pedestal? I haven't heard of this chick before, and wouldn't have seen anything that she screamed into the void outside of these posts.

LauriThorne 7 points ago +7 / -0

The game in the screenshot, The First Descendant, isn't even that popular. People tried it out and left in droves because the grind and MTXs are nuts. So hot chicks appear to not be able to carry a game on their own.

LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, and the writer got crucified in the reviews for it. The ending was incredibly unpopular.

LauriThorne 3 points ago +3 / -0

A normie didn't write this. Whether they're on our side or the other side, they're certainly not a normie.

LauriThorne 11 points ago +11 / -0

That baby looks like 20 year old tweaker

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

By that logic we should just give America back to the Brits.

LauriThorne -10 points ago +1 / -11

What are you, a newborn? Every time Israel does anything the media says they're the baddies. One instance of them buying fake bullshit to boost views going the other way doesn't change that fact.

They called Israel and Trump fascists when Trump moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem because it hurt Palestinines feelings and they thought it helped legitimate Israel.

They constantly covered Israel in a negative light right up to Oct 7th when it seemed like they couldn't get away with it anymore. You guys must have short memories, or weren't paying attention until last year.

LauriThorne 16 points ago +16 / -0

Jesus said "go thee unto the nations" not "bring the nations unto thee"

"Love your neighbor" does not mean "just let your neighbor do whatever they want"

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