Knife-TotingRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol. I passed by the local arena after running an errand about 10 years ago; I hit it letting out on my way home. Happened to notice that everyone seemed to be my age or older, and I started wondering "geez, what's with all the geezers?" So I stumbled across this couple, or rather, they stumbled across me, asking if they were going the right way back to their hotel. They were, and I had a chance to ask them what concert it was that was letting out.

"Bob Dylan".

lol. Biggest bunch of old white folk I'd seen in a long time, or since.

Knife-TotingRat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I actually saw people getting upset over the "you can legally leave a kid with a fire station" (or hospital, or church, historically) as "legal abandonment is evil" kind of knee-jerk reaction thing. It's like they have no inkling that people have and do abandon their kids in dumpsters and forests instead (and yeah, there's a reason the recovered "feral children" of India never learned to be fully human, except for perhaps one case - they were retarded, and that's why their parents abandoned them, possibly near a carnivore's den ....)

Catholic nunneries have had "angel's cradle's" since at least the medieval period.

Knife-TotingRat 49 points ago +49 / -0

Two of those three cons I don't care about (all gameplay becomes repetitive after a while).

And it HAS diversity, the MC is a monkey who was born from a rock. That isn't a diverse enough character for them?

Knife-TotingRat 10 points ago +10 / -0

Someone needs to tell the niggers that twerking is cultural appropriation of gorilla mating rituals.

Knife-TotingRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's why the whole tranny thing looks like it's pushed by an accellerationist out to mock the very idea of individualism. "See? This is what American Individualist thinking leads to!" while at the same time eradicating the childhood bullying that used to keep individualists more or less within societal bounds.

Knife-TotingRat 9 points ago +9 / -0

But they are practicing original American values.

Knife-TotingRat 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ah, ok. Well, the CGI is so fugly ...

Knife-TotingRat 12 points ago +13 / -1

They did the same thing with The Nigger Mermaid. They couldn't even find a young, pretty black girl to steal the role of Ariel, no, they had to use someone who was all that 40 years ago instead.

Knife-TotingRat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh, that started at least as far back as the 70s, when it was "You're special! Just because you're you!" bullshit they used to show in between cartoons and Schoolhouse Rock. I find it related to "You're special because of your species membership" mentality.

Knife-TotingRat 13 points ago +13 / -0

Someone missed the point of her cleaning up as a way of Earning Her Way into the dwarves' house. She didn't just traipse into someone else's house, demanding she be helped because she's a damn princess. We were shown she doesn't consider herself too good for manual labour; her evil stepmom meant it to be punishment, but she found joy in simple labour, and had company while she did it because she's a nice person.

Oh, and she thought CHILDREN lived there. Everything was child-sized. And yeah, all kinds of discarded people lived in the forest in medieval times.

The original is a classic, and fuck everyone who made the remake for shitting on Walt's LITERAL master-piece.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +3 / -2

I dunno, kids can think hippos are pretty rad until adults start reshaping their opinions.

I remember having to chill for the better part of an hour by the hippo's enclosure at the Detroit Zoo when my kids were little, because they just couldn't get enough of her.

And all the things humans brag up about themselves re: cleverness, resilience, and ability to eat anything, well, those qualities are very much shared by swine ...

Knife-TotingRat 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well, look at all the tards who think that a live-action Goku needs to be played by a Japanese dude, when Goku isn't even a member of the human species and Japan doesn't even exist on Earth 7 (even if the cultural trappings or phenotype does, these things do so completely independently of each other.)

That being said, if Brock from Pokemon were made today, there'd be much sperging over the lines for eyes, I'm sure.

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Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, that sounds awesomely bonkers, too.

The other two I saw were Allegro non Troppo and one whose name might be "Lock Them Up", but I'm not sure - it's a live-action comedy about some prosecutor with long curly hair who has lots of enemies in high places, so ... he gets them all locked up.

deleted 4 points ago +8 / -4
Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

An Italian film called Unicorn Wars*. I have now seen three Italian movies, and they were all ... something else, but in a good way. The Army chaplain is no joke.

*Not to be confused with Genndy Tartakivsky's Unicorn: Warriors Eternal which is fun, as was Primal.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything about humans is fake and gay, and always was.

Knife-TotingRat 7 points ago +7 / -0

My 4th gen intel cpu is still chugging along nicely, lol.

Knocks wood vigorously

Knife-TotingRat 31 points ago +31 / -0

Sharing a species designation with these things disgusts me more every day. Sharing it with pakis is bad enough.

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