JustHereForTheSalmon 8 points ago +8 / -0

You vill watch ze ads

JustHereForTheSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I allude to that meeting at Jekyll Island, the conspiracy to create the Federal Reserve and skim off the wealth of a nation's people.

JustHereForTheSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

They don't need 200 years. They need one night with the same crew that did Epstein in.

JustHereForTheSalmon 13 points ago +13 / -0

I can only laugh because allowing the reality to sink in -- that the republic has been dead for decades, killed by people who are no longer even alive to exact my revenge upon, and the hundred years of strife and slavery that will follow when the well-earned collapse comes -- leaves little left to look forward to. There is no where in the world for my son to go, and he's going to have a shit time.

JustHereForTheSalmon 33 points ago +33 / -0

It's pretty entertaining to see leftists suddenly love police, courts, and law after "Fuck 12", burning down courthouses, and advocating for breaking laws you don't like.

JustHereForTheSalmon 27 points ago +27 / -0

What is or isn't in the Constitution hasn't mattered for over 114 years.

JustHereForTheSalmon 6 points ago +6 / -0

Coding in obscurity can feel pretty bad, if you're used to seeking validation through this hobby. For those types, it's only natural one might try to rouse people into running your stuff.

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0


The more leftist their candidate the more that 3% sliver of the general election will steal from Democrats.

JustHereForTheSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Knowing what they signed away in order to "get famous, anonymously" just makes me pity them.

JustHereForTheSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

One of the big appeals of Foundry at the time I paid up (at which time there was none of this nonsense I could find anyway) is a pay-once non-subscription model that I can self host. I own the assets in my game world just as much as I own my three ring binder of notes.

After playing both in person and online, I think I like online play a bit better. Theater of the mind is great, but I do like a good tactical game and I find in-person tactical battles really cumbersome. (And I do mix the two anyway, no one expects to actually move tokens 10ft at a time along a river bank). I don't have a big collection of minis, monsters, terrain, etc and while we can all play pretend, seeing a skeleton and where it's looking is objectively more pleasant than staring at a spare d4 and remembering that the 124 side is it's front. No arguing and butthurt players when they think their Fireball or Anti-Magic Shell should reach when I can just plunk down a template that shows it doesn't.

Also a lot of conveniences to be had running your character sheet digitally including never burning through the paper after erasing for the 200th time, easy to transfer items, rules cross reference, etc. Dice are out on display (when you want them), nothing falling on the floor, no passing around dice trays or towers.

I guess I'm just salty I put down my money to a formerly non-political company only to get a dick shoved in my face.

JustHereForTheSalmon 13 points ago +13 / -0

I figured the writing was on the wall when they signed a deal with Wizards to distribute digital versions adapted to their software, but they couldn't even resist the urge to virtue signal about appealing to trannies and pedophiles.

JustHereForTheSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hopefully she keeps it under control until there's a party in power that wouldn't nominate someone to replace her like Garland (who, as a reminder, was "very well qualified" according to all the urinalists out there).

JustHereForTheSalmon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't watched Rackets in a long time, seeing some choice clips online and they do not look good. It's hard to look some of that stuff and NOT think something isn't up, but as with Fentanyl Floyd, it's easy to let a video take control of your brain.

But something didn't sit right with me: https://archive.is/HbI8h#selection-1309.0-1313.146

. . . law enforcement attempted to execute a search warrant on May 23 at Rekieta’s home in Spicer and was greeted by a girl at the front door who would not let them inside. . . law enforcement used a door ram to get inside

Aside from the extra charges not seen in the picture, a search warrant? "Curiouser and curiouser"

SJWs finally have his scalp, and that's regrettable because if I were still a gambler, I'd bet they dropped some anonymous tips on the police to get exactly this to happen.

Some talk from some of his former guests/associates like Legal Mindset and Dragon's Hoard seem to suggest people close to him have known he's had problems for a while, so I'm not going to suggest otherwise. But I'd really love to know where that warrant came from.

* Edit: More reading of the thread, u/Benevolentdictator take sounds perhaps more likely, an insider take on what's going on in the house would definitely encourage police action.

JustHereForTheSalmon 7 points ago +7 / -0

What is Brain Bridge?

... which uses state-of-the-art robotics and artificial intelligence...

Oh. Another VC scam. Congrats on your 60 hours of work in Blender to generate millions, I guess.

* Edit:

Although, if it were real, it would be hilarious when the 13%/50% statistic is blown away because black brains will get stuffed into white bodies, since the destruction of the body by drugs, untreated STDs, goyslop consumption, and straight up homicides would mean very very few "perfectly healthy" black bodies in the donor pool.

JustHereForTheSalmon 25 points ago +25 / -0

Because "bad thing is caused by the right". It's just the brainless cooking up any lie to avoid dealing with the cognitive dissonance staring them right in the face.

JustHereForTheSalmon 16 points ago +16 / -0

The needless deaths here are going to be some genuinely innocent folk looking to migrate away from war torn areas being killed

No. Fuck them.

They made a choice. They could have chosen their nearest neighboring country that wasn't war torn. Instead they chose a country where they knew they would get maximum handouts, no mileage limit, at the expense of the people who rightfully feel like they've had to eat enough shit for a lifetime.

JustHereForTheSalmon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Which could be a solved problem overnight if Nintendo would just cut off Treehouse. Which they don't. For the obvious reason that they approve.

JustHereForTheSalmon 2 points ago +2 / -0

"We get to keep our monopoly by playing ball with the NSA."

JustHereForTheSalmon 5 points ago +5 / -0

There was also cross dressing in the west.

In all instances, no one celebrated these freaks. It was a point of mockery and a source of entertainment.

Compare to today where people are pretending biology is altered based on what people wear, that freaks are entitled to extra rights for being freaks, and that anyone who laughs and mocks is a mini-Hitler that needs to be murdered.

JustHereForTheSalmon 8 points ago +8 / -0

I don't understand this obsession with protecting Nintendo by blaming Treehouse -- a group entirely housed, funded, and enabled by Nintendo -- instead of Nintendo who entirely houses, funds, and enables them.

"I didn't shit on your doorstep, I just dragged my leashed dog to your welcome mat and stood there for 20 minutes until he shit."

JustHereForTheSalmon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Just like the "muh rape and incest" to justify blanket on-demand abortion up to the day of birth. It's entirely possible, and completely routine, to codify moralistic objections into legal exceptions without throwing out laws entirely.

JustHereForTheSalmon 22 points ago +23 / -1

They faked Obama's birth certificate and laughed about it by distributing a pdf with the layers not flattened. Who thinks they wouldn't also be able to fake a piss test?

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