JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

She wrote some fairly decent children's books too, that has to be worth something.

JuanTitor 8 points ago +8 / -0

It is possible, but there is no chance the current regime would say so. Suppose it was terror, then either the CIA/FBI/deepstate planned it, or while they were busy trying to convict Trump for what he ate for lunch last week, they let a major terrorist attack happen.

Still a chance it was something like a drunk captain or the rudder broke, but for me the seed of doubt is sown on whatever official story is put out.

JuanTitor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully it will be good once they patch out Denuvo after it gets cracked.

JuanTitor 3 points ago +4 / -1

The main demographic is children under the age of 12. They aren't making videos on the internet about it, but I have no doubt most of the sales are parents buying their young children a Pokemon game.

JuanTitor 10 points ago +10 / -0

Article admits 1 in 4 Germans are immigrants that have no blood ties to any Nazis, what it doesn't say is that most of those 1 in 4 immigrants approve of the holocaust.

Also, I never made some of my leftist friends more angry than when I was still on Facebook and just posted this Bible verse: "the soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself."

I didn't even give any commentary, but it is clearly against the commie agenda of things like white guilt, or Germans feeling bad for what their grandpa did, so it compelled some to angrily argue against it.

JuanTitor 8 points ago +8 / -0

Probably need to change the laws to make it illegal at this point, and, well... $700k in the primary is going against those willing to change the law.

JuanTitor 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maybe the judo reversal move is to call using Adderall and antidepressants eugenics.

JuanTitor 15 points ago +15 / -0

Relatives, and a couple gals from my church that moved to places like Idaho.

JuanTitor 9 points ago +9 / -0

My cousin gets up early and works four 12-hour days, is gone for like 15 hours because of the drive. While gone, his wife takes care of all the animals (feed them, get eggs, milk goats), cooks for the homeschooled kids, helps teach the kids, cleans the house, sometimes will patch a fence or whatever, maybe take the kids to Jujitsu practice, and then makes sure my cousin has a good meal when he finally gets home.

All that to say that I agree with you: my cousin and his family are a very rare situation. Not many people are in the sticks on a lot of land with animals and young children. Dude doesn't go on vacation with the whole family, him or the wife always stays behind to watch the animals because, in his words, "do you know how hard it is to find someone to milk the goats if we are gone?"

JuanTitor 16 points ago +16 / -0

A true trad wife should be cooking nearly from scratch, should be doing many chores, taking care of the chickens, and probably doing things like canning food. There are some like that, and they are great.

I bet that isn't most of these people.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's almost certainly the halal one to give to Muslims, primarily for humanitarian handouts.

They were sacred early on in Iraq, a Marine infantry friend has a story during Iraqi Freedom where their supply line got cut off, no food for about a week, but they had a truckload of these MREs. After not eating for about 3 days, the soldiers asked if they could eat the Muslim food, officers said no, that's only to give to locals.

Who knows though, maybe this whiner is right and not eating was better than this MRE.

JuanTitor 13 points ago +13 / -0

The point many like Walsh often avoid is these same arguements were made against baseball 150 years ago, and persisted for decades after. Somehow, though, many conservatives are okay with a guy obsessing over sports that he doesn't even play.

I keep up with sports enough to make conversation, and used to like most a lot so I understand all the rules, so I'll watch with friends sometimes. Still, the guys who spend all their free time following every tiny detail for their fantasy league, it blows my mind, seems like the biggest waste of time, even with $100 on the line.

To be fair to Walsh, he probably is against obsessing over sports too, he seems like the kind of guy to shame people for anything outside of reading non-fiction or digging a hole.

JuanTitor 1 point ago +1 / -0

If GTA 6 sticks the landing, Rockstar will survive. I haven't played RDR2, but my understanding is that it is very well regarded and that game is fairly recent. I'm sure there will be plenty of woke stuff in GTA6, but I think a lot of the talent has stuck around, so the core of the game will likely be good.

Japan still will have big studios too.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just about every American Marxist end up being the most materialistic, envious kind of person, so I wouldn't write off the money aspect too much. For instance, I bet all these people involved have the latest iPhone and spend a lot on clothes.

JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Rumor is Tik Tok won't sell because the CCP don't want to give up their algorithms, so it actually might just die.

JuanTitor 18 points ago +18 / -0

Privileged Americans targeting a poor Brazilian!

JuanTitor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Say what you want, but her control on that 70 MPH fastball is going to dominate the game!

JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost makes you want to meme Chinese propoganda lies into the public sphere before they can, something like "Narrm isn't correct, this was actually a Chinese colony 2500 years ago called "Xijipinghua."

JuanTitor 1 point ago +3 / -2

"That's literally the same arguement" doesn't mean the arguement is never appropriate; a hammer isn't the right tool for every job, but it is the right tool for some jobs.

If the character names are Satoshi, Satoru, Sakamoto, Yoshitaka, Yoshimitsu, Yamaguchi, Yamamoto, Yamasaki, and so on, guess what will happen to a little kid who doesn't know Japanese? They will zone out, they will forget who is who, and they will be less likely to enjoy the show. Children don't like things that confuse them, it's the same reason why the kids the suck at math all hate math, whereas the kids who are good at math enjoy it.

JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

For people under 40, I suspect many know/like Dr. Phil because of Pewdepie milking his content for a while, that was the first time many younger people actually watched Dr. Phil.

JuanTitor 6 points ago +6 / -0

Localization =/= censorship. Nowadays localization has been intertwined pretty closely with censorship, but changing Satoshi to Ash wasn't censorship, it was just good business 25 years ago, especially for a target demographic that was like 4-12 years old.

JuanTitor 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm bet she is really good at throwing rocks at the gays.

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