Jo351 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is effectively a requirement to be a data hoarder these days. Between problematic content, cancel culture, subscription services, and DMCA any media you don't personally collect is as good as gone.

Jo351 6 points ago +6 / -0

European Speedrunner Assembly seems mostly free of the identity politics junk. I'd recommend the VODs on YouTube if you were wanting a replacement.

Jo351 1 point ago +2 / -1

Would like to be able to access KiA2 on reddit. Was mostly a lurker, but I have commented. Hate losing access to the massive resource of info and archives. Name same as here Jo351, but understandable if you don't.

Jo351 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mobile is the single biggest limiting factor for me. It also doesn't help that there are plenty of communities that I jump between on reddit and KiA2.win is completely divorced from them. Slowly losing subreddits, but for now there are still some that avoid SJW/culture war nonsense.