Gary Coombe came in 2018, still their CEO even after one of the biggest clusterfuck of an ad campaign in the history of marketing. I truly believe the pandemic saved his stupid ass because "people stopped grooming due to lockdowns."
I went ahead and checked on twitter because some of them just use AI pics.
Here is one with no makeup from a post hairline transplant. Mr Gay, he is bleeding!
and here is one that is certainly doctored (note the eyebrows from this and the recovery pics) of his transition update.
Honestly, this one seems to actually put in effort unlike like 90+% who are just fat bald men who get their rocks off from wearing pantyhose in public.
At a public speaking engagement Friday, DeSantis said he doesn’t “support giving taxpayer dollars to professional sports stadiums, period.” But DeSantis, a gun-rights supporter who is pushing the state to allow residents to carry concealed firearms without a permit, also suggested that the Rays’ support of a gun-control organization also factored into his decision. “Companies are free to engage or not engage in whatever discourse they want, but clearly it’s inappropriate to be doing tax dollars for professional sports stadiums,” he said. “It’s also inappropriate to subsidize political activism of a private corporation. Either way, it’s not appropriate. But we were not in a situation where use of tax dollars for a professional stadium would have been a prudent use.”
He could've stopped at doesn't “support giving taxpayer dollars to professional sports stadiums, period.”
Even if a team is pro-life and pro-2A, taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidize their stadiums. Teams should do everything they can to draw revenue and they can start by not alienating their fanbase with bullshit politics.
This was written yesterday by the New Yorker (of all places) about the NYC subway shooting. Wonder if they'll take it down because it won't help fuel the narrative.
^ archived link
Early episode had one of the best on the spot joke I've ever head. I can't remember who Locke's teammate was but Locke told his (male) teammate something like
"If you get this one right I promise I won't spit on you when we make love tonight"
the crowd laughed because it was such an absurd and shocking thing to say. And the teammate replied:
"I don't think you want to try me dry."
the crowd lost their shit
I'm about two series behind, watched a few from each season but couldn't keep going, it's bad the guest are so bad and they don't even try, I mean they never did but these new quota guests are literally retarded.
It's a shame, I love doing my cardio while watching Countdown because I can get a little mental workout at the same time and Cat Does Countdown was a real treat for me and they ruined it.
edit: oh yeah Rachel Riley was 10/10 back in the day but yeah... the wall is coming hard and fast for that one :-(
I sleep. Stopped watching Dr Who after David Tennant made the right decision. British television been dead for years. They ruined 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown and Taskmaster with quota casting so now they have just the biggest retards on those shows as contestants (both shows uses comedians as celebrity contestants.) That and I can't remember the last time Rachel Riley wasn't preggo on Countdown.
Can't wait to see this show crash and burn in the ratings.
I watched the season a while back so I don't remember much (I game with the tv in the background) but for the most part it was an okay show. You can tell it was a pandemic show the way it was shot, limited cast and extras, with plot that caters to the limitations of the filming restrictions, Ritchson was a good choice for Reacher given his size but I can't ever look at him and not think of him in Blue Mountain State eating a butt cookie.
Only other thing I remember is the race swap of Frances Neagley, of course they had to, couldn't help themselves and probably wouldn't get the greenlight on the project without hitting that checklist. At least they cast well for the thirsty deputy.
Can't wait for next season when they fuck everything up.
after complaints over Epic Games making the character’s skin tone darker to match its original design.
♫oooooooooh oh my god... stap fucking lying♫ (link to Jules original design)
Did this idiot ever look at the skins people made for the RE 2 & 3 remakes? You know what the fans wants you idiot. Give the people what they want. Also, Sheva Tribal is the best skin of the series (fite me) and you know they'll never bring that back either if they ever remake 5.
One of the earliest memory of pre-gamergate gender-swap incident that got me to tune out. I watched season one of Elementary when it premiered because I like Jonny Lee Miller but not only did they gender swap Watson they apparently made Moriarty a female and Sherlock's lover or something. Never made it thru the season.
Also, Lucy Liu looks straight out of the movie Ants.
Deadass never heard of CNN+ until today. Is it more of an indictment of me living under a rock? I don't know? I keep up to date with the culture war stuff and CNN+ didn't even blip on my radar even as something infamous, it was irrelevant.
LOL eating disorders in the Army used to mean too many damn fat cakes, I guess now our coddled tranny soldiers are too worried their hips might look too big in their ACUs.
I'm so glad was I in the Army and not in the Marines. Once a Marine always a Marine. Me, I'm just an ex-soldier and we were cool and winning when I left the service. I have zero affiliation with whatever the hell... this... is nowadays.
Someone from the twitter reply said:
I legit think the only way to enjoy mainstream movies at this point is to get the chinese cut. I might actually consider going back to the movies if this kind of edits were screened, even at a small premium.
I can just hear the reeeee from the left if someone started uploading "Don't Say Gay" editions of new movies and shows.
As someone who graduated from college debt free because of the G.I. Bill; student loan forgiveness is a fucking slap to the face to all who joined the armed services to put themselves through college.
Not gonna lie tho, the post 9-11 G.I. Bill may have been a little too generous. After it switched over it was like going to college on easy mode.
"The family of the victim did want to press charges for this vicious attack and assault caught on video and witnessed by hundreds of people. The OCSD deputy told the family that if [my client] pressed charges then he would also be arrested for battery."
what a fucking madhouse
Just check my stock Android phone, no cap when I used black people in a sentence.
Last apple phone I owned was an used 4s, looks and feels good but damn if that wasn't a shit phone. Bad connection and data issues all the time, went LG and never looked back.
If you need another reason to stop using Apple phones. The guy took two brand new iphone 13 and switched screens and other components between the two and the phone disabled and restricted features. Making at home / 3rd party repairs impossible.