Jack 20 points ago +20 / -0

There are more people obsessed and have QAnon living rent free in their tiny New York studio apartment brain than there are people who takes QAnon seriously.

Change my mind.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Peak Rachel Riley was the best, but she's got that fuller mommy face going on right now. Also, Being in her mid-30s and having 3 kids doesn't help.

Like all television I've been watching in the past few years, thank God old shows.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

American here, I thought 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown was an amazing show (Rip Sean Lock.)

The quality went to shit a few years back and I stopped watching. This year I watched an episode from the newest season, it has gotten even worse, just garbage. The token checklist guest doesn't even try and worse they're not funny.

Thank goodness for old episodes I can go back to in a few years.

Same thing happened to Taskmaster but even quicker they started with heavy tokenism and got more checklist requirements added as the seasons went on. Shame.

Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, yeah and the local Estonian restaurant closed because people ate too slowly.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

I was gonna try my hands at ebsynth and trying to "paint over" Death with matching frames from the comics. But this, this is leaps and bounds better than anything I can accomplish.

They should do Sandman while they're at it. And dubb over woke narrative with poop sounds.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dark Souls: the Little Mermaid Edition

The right is what happens when Ariel goes hollow? That's what they're going for yes?

Jack 13 points ago +13 / -0

Been expecting something like this to happen. Still waiting for some nice folks trying to rob an Asian elderly lady only to realize it's an ambush and get romper stompered.

Jack 22 points ago +22 / -0

The DC Mayor criticized Abbott and Ducey for their roles in creating the “growing humanitarian crisis,” but also took aim at the federal response, which she said “has been lacking in some respects.”

Blaming Abbott and Ducey for the "growing humanitarian crisis" is like blaming the supermarkets for running out of food during a famine.


Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

They'll dock it from their overall payout.

Also, Gamespot is owned by CBS Interactive, CBS All Access is an add-on service on Amazon Prime. All these major corps, they're all in bed with one another.

Jack 18 points ago +18 / -0

Do teenagers really need whipped cream in pressurized aerosol containers? aka the assault rifle of cream based desert toppings.

Until you're of responsible age, it's tubbed Cool Whip for you!

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are you currently under contract with them? If not you can always call and ask them what promotions they're offering at the moment. It'll involve signing a 2-3 year contract but if you're already with them and they offer you a deal why the heck not? Just tell then you want the most basic package and get a quote.

And it sounds like comcast don't have much competition where you live so that will gives you little to threaten them with. I've been with comcast for years and I always swore I'd leave the moment fiber comes to town and the moment AT&T lay fiber at my neighborhood Comcast has done everything short of giving me blowjobs to keep me as a customer. Still, doesn't hurt to threaten them with leaving or asking them to match your local competitors even if century one suck balls.

If you're a poor there's programs you can take advantage of. No shame in taking something you qualify for especially when it's your tax dollar anyways.

Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

Here are some key bits

men (52.3%) women (47.7%)

average age of MAID recipients in 2021 was 76.3 years, slightly higher than the average age in 2019 and 2020 (75.2 and 75.3 respectively).

The greatest proportion of persons receiving MAID in 2021 were in the 76-80 age group (16.3%), followed by the 71-75 (15.8%) age group and 65-70 (14.7%) age group. This is a slight change from 2020, where the majority of MAID recipients were in the 71-75 (16.2%) age group. Similar to previous years, in 2021 the majority of MAID recipients (95.1%) were age 56 and up, with 83.3% who were age 65 and older.

4.9% of recipients were between the ages of 18 and 55.

Jack 19 points ago +19 / -0

as a trans person, as a queer person, as someone with a uterus

What the heck are you? Had the Sphinx asked this riddle to Oedipus he would've never banged his mother.

Jack 22 points ago +22 / -0

From Canada health's own annual report

In 2020, there were 7,595 cases of MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying, kawaii cute naming assholes) reported in Canada, accounting for 2.5% of all deaths in Canada.

The number of cases of MAID in 2020 represents a growth rate of 34.2% over 2019. All provinces experienced a steady year over year growth during 2020.

When all data sources are considered, the total number of medically assisted deaths reported in Canada since the enactment of federal legislation in mid-2016 is 21,589.

2.5% of all deaths with 34.2 percent growth year over year? Yikes

edit: oh... article linked the report towards the bottom, I didn't read that far before I stopped reading and looked into it myself because everything on the internet is a lie until proven otherwise.

by folx
Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0

I choked on my lonely men soup for one while reading your comment.

Jack 13 points ago +13 / -0

Have any of these twitchcon event organizers been outside in the past year? Sporting events? Wrestling shows? Only people wearing masks are Luchadors and Jets fans.

At this point going to a "super-spreader" event is probably safer than going to a Penny Arcade Expo in the early 2010s.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

Roger the Alien has access to our runch codes?

All kidding aside, isn't this thing in charge of nuclear waste disposal? If so, it would be more appropriate to say that he has access to classified information rather than "oversee." Just a little nitpick.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Problem with the Walking Dead is that they drag out something that ought to take one episode to resolve and turn it into 3 episodes. The trick to watching the show is to wait for the season to end and watch it on DVR and skip ahead a lot of the talkies, especially ones with the women, you won't miss much.

Jack 18 points ago +18 / -0

The genius behind cards against humanity is that it allows non-funny people with zero imagination to have a combination of cards in their hands that allows them to get laughs and know how it feels to be funny.

Sound like anybody you know?

Jack 10 points ago +11 / -1

I think they'll find his falsified tax returns, cooked business books, paystubs from the Kremlin, secret plans to insurrect the US Gov't labeled "Personal Jan 6th Diary KEEP OUT"

Heck, I bet they'll even find evidence for crimes Trump has committed that they haven't even made up yet!

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