IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Was the perpetrator reported to have said "God is great in arabic"?

by Lethn
IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

if that makes people isolationist so be it.

That also proves being isolationist is a good thing, because their proposed alternative males it impossible to have a functioning society.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 10 points ago +10 / -0

It got memed on hard with lines about "black white supremacists". They had to shut it down fast when people not only started noticing, but were actively calling it out.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you really think the fed is above allowing people to die for the sake of pushing their agenda? Sounds awfully naïve, to me.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Liberty Prime could've easily existed without the Brotherhood. Bethesda would've just needed to write a new faction occupying the Pentagon.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Todd Howard already confirmed it's canon to the games. It's not like I needed more of a reason to ignore Bethesda's next anything after the faggotry of Fallout 76 and Starfield.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 9 points ago +9 / -0

These idiots each think they're "one of the good ones", as if the imported savages could give less of a fuck.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

But we fail to see it in humans.

More like we're trained to ignore it or forced to pretend we don't notice, lest we face the consequences of telling the truth.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Searched for an archive and found two sites with the same article or at least the exact same headline.

Bloomberg: https://archive.ph/YHcyN


the Washington post : https://archive.ph/Oh1qW

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is off topic, but can they not determine how much less the property would sell for without the tree and use that to calculate damages? I swear I've heard of cases where they did exactly that.

The other part is definitely fair. It also raises a few questions. How can there be any "conspiracy" about selling an old diary? Are they not admitting that the content of the diary is true with this move?

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're so retarded that engaging with you might actually be making me retarded from reading any of your retarded faggotry.

What is replacing a people, if not genocide? Do you keep all of the electronics, furniture and other stuff you replace? I certainly don't and I see no reason to expect 'replacement migration' will be any different.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those recent bridge collisions mean the memes practically write themselves.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

This would be the second name change, right? I remember first hearing about this kind of faggotry a long time ago under the name of "affirmative action".

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why are these faggots so hell bent on defending Sweet Baby Inc? What connections do they have, that we're getting this kind of response from Canada's ministry of propaganda?

These retards really can't help outing themselves, can they?

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship. Hopefully they never change this.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 27 points ago +27 / -0

rather than fix the actual causes of the problem.

They are the "causes of the problem", so it's no surprise they aren't keen on fixing it.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 10 points ago +10 / -0

The new question should be "Is the Pope a heretic?" and right now the answer is yes.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

take your kids

Her kids. Ideally they'd be yours too, but there's no guarantee. The only thing certain is that the government will force you to pay her money because of them, regardless of who their father really is.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 19 points ago +19 / -0

I get that you're a retarded shill or maybe just a particularly brain dead troll, but are you suggesting that Whites are conspiring to replace themselves? I've got the proof it's no theory right here, faggot.


IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Duke, unfortunately, has fallen off just about as badly as Lara. There hasn't been a new Duke Nukem game since 2011. At least Tomb Raider had the rereleases of the original games this year, but it's still a dead franchise as far as any new games go.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 53 points ago +53 / -0

It's called "celebration parallax". Put simply, when someone cheers for something that's good, but when they criticize it that's bad. Replacement migration is a good example. Another good example are those who claimed the 2020 election was "fortified" while anyone else claiming there was interference was cook and the elections were "safe and secure".


IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'd be shocked if the English did anything, until it's beyond too late. The only beheadings I'd expect in the UK, will be when the replacements start implementing sharia law.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you've lived there that myth died out before the millennium hit and has seen a massive booms in births since then.

Yes, I'd be shocked if people living in China weren't subjected to a staggering amount of CCP propaganda. The issue is the kind of problems the one child policy caused cannot be solved in a few years or even a single generation.

If anything I'd say younger Chinese will be more of of a problem than the older Communist Chinese as they understand the value of power and have no problem generating it.

What the fuck are you even talking about here? This was a discussion of population numbers, not power. The two are tangentially related, at best.

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