The United States entered the war because Japan attacked it. Japan attacked it because the United States cut ties with them. The United States cut ties with them because they were acting like subhuman monsters. Neither refusing to support a rampaging death cult nor going to war with said death cult when it turned on them was incorrect, and we shouldn't start acting like dindus in the death cult's defense to own the Democrats.
I'd take that to mean that the @watchTENET alias has been disassociated from the channel. So instead of pointing to the channel and returning the "this channel was removed" message, it's gone back to being an unassigned alias pointing to nothing.
If you're going run this kind of unsanctioned online library, the bare minimum requirement is that you don't lend out more copies than you own. You can't copy one book and lend it out to two people at the same time, and you can't lend out the copy without holding the original in escrow. I have seen it said that Internet Archive wasn't doing this, or else they could reasonably argue they were acting in line with existing case law (that copying media you own for backup purposes is permitted) and the spirit of the law.
I didn't realise the character was meant to be trans. The voice acting probably would have made it obvious if I was going by more than a screenshot, but I thought it was intended as a woman with 80s shoulder pads and not a glow-up for a delusional man.
The atom bombs promised the Japanese military leadership a death without honour. There would be no glorious last stand; they would surrender, or we would exterminate them like vermin. Even to a death cult that did not believe in mercy for the conquered, this was enough to shake their resolve.
The people who pretend that Japan didn't need or deserve to be nuked are at best useful idiots parroting an enemy propagandist. The claim is just another facet of the Marxists' attempts to pretend the Westerner has no culture, no achievements and no moral mandate.
To repeat my argument from the other thread, I believe that abortion contributes to the problems #2 and #3 are supposed to be preventing. Culling the leftist population isn't a clean cut - training them to believe murdering a child out of convenience makes them worse people, and once they've done it they are never going to confront their beliefs and admit they are monsters.
all Republicans have to do is renege on their position on abortion
I still say this is a shortsighted idea. Drugs, trans nonsense and abortion aren't just carrots the left waves over the heads of their followers, they are tools to radicalise them. Train a leftist to kill their own child, and they will gladly kill yours.
There are obviously practical issues with making it an illegal strategy, but a lawyer should not knowingly make frivolous legal arguments any more than they should file frivolous lawsuits. Morally speaking, making a legal argument you know is false for tactical benefit should get you smacked down.
That's just stupid. Say shit like that, and people are going to start suggesting punitive damages delivered by firing squad. At most you should be arguing that although you've tried to accommodate the needs of an allergic person, at the end of the day it's a public restaurant and you cannot completely remove the possibility of cross-contamination.
I'd point to the simpler piece of evidence that Biden told everyone on video that he was going to destroy the pipeline, before somebody destroyed the pipeline. You don't have to be a superdetective to find the shooter when the first suspect is the guy who said "I am going to kill you."
Open border libertarians are short-sighted individuals who do not understand the need for preemptive defence. The first requirement of a libertarian state is that it is able to defend its libertarianism - if China can skip the One Child Policy by sending all their surplus population to the United States, you'll soon find you've been outvoted and are now a Chinese vassal state.