Grant_us_eyes 6 points ago +6 / -0

Unironically, going to war with Mexico over it's various bullshit would probably have alot of people signing up real quickly.

Grant_us_eyes 11 points ago +11 / -0

Drugs don't help.

I'm not referring to hard drugs, no - but stuff like anti-anxiety pills and the like? Chances are, if you're in a corporate environment and you've got women working in your office at any level, they're on drugs.

Women can only operate in the 'modern' world when they're high on meds.

Grant_us_eyes 10 points ago +10 / -0

They've got a demon by the tail; Left-aligned institutions are learning that non-white ethnicities don't have white guilt and don't give a single flying fuck what their nanny propaganda apparati tell them to think.

And because said non-white tribes and ethnic groups are racist as fuck, now that they're getting attention, they're scrambling like mad to make it so racism is a white-only thing, regardless of all the flaming hoops and chasms they've got to jump through/over to make it work.

Well, work for them, atleast. Who knows how the normies take it.

Grant_us_eyes 6 points ago +6 / -0

I hate to shove more blackpills down your throat, but this is pretty much a world-wide deal.

I have to deal with paper supplies for the company I work for, and over the past two years, getting reliable shipment of the paper brand we need has occasionally gotten a little... shakey.

From some of the printer technicians I've talked to, other places have it even worse.

Grant_us_eyes 15 points ago +16 / -1

My primary issue with Jews is that they can indulge in ethnic and tribal nepotism with impunity while denying the same to others.

I know some people try to pass off the weird over-representation of Jews in certain industries by quoting IQ tests and various ethnic groups, but, nah. It's just nepotism all over the fucking place.

Make any noises about criticizing them or the above, however, and the hysterics start.

Grant_us_eyes 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't have the dementia patient stumble badly enough that the normies start asking some awkward questions, afterall.

Grant_us_eyes 11 points ago +11 / -0

Funny enough, the Fallout series does have a bunch of, y'know, blacks, lesbians, so on and so forth.

Except that they work, because they were written as actual characters, rather than aiming for a diversity checksheet.

Plus, it has Joshua Graham. Who doesn't like Joshua Graham? Godless communists, that's who.

If you do get into Fallout, word of advise; Even if you don't end up liking Fallout 3 and 4, atleast give New Vegas a try. You won't regret it.

Grant_us_eyes 12 points ago +12 / -0

Oh look, more man-made horrors.

Great. Now I'm going to have to suffer through a flood of idiots trying to get into the various Fallout games. Wonderful. Delightful.

Meh. Atleast it won't be as bad as Star Wars. Maybe Witcher-level.

Grant_us_eyes 6 points ago +6 / -0

A valuable albeit depressing lesson in learning who'd be the one to gleefully shove you into the train cars if given half the chance.

Something to keep in mind for the future, I suppose.

Grant_us_eyes 13 points ago +13 / -0

Because teachers freaked the fuck out back during covid, when all of a sudden parents could actually sit in and listen to all the lessons these teachers were doing.

For some strange reason, they took offense to that. Can't imagine why.

And teacher unions are a big, big thing.

Grant_us_eyes 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sigh. I wish I was surprised about Warframe. I still remember logging in a while ago and having to listen to some sassy black lady mutter on about one of the latest quests with no option to turn it off.

Given Warframe's typical habit when choosing language and aesthetics, it was a little jarring. I logged out shortly thereafter.

Grant_us_eyes 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm beginning to suspect that AI is a narcissists mirror - the slightly above-average midwits whom are screaming about AI takeover and how it's a threat are simply projecting their own motivations onto what they read.

You know the type. The people whom were just smart enough and socially retarded enough to be persecuted in high school. Whom took the persecution and interpreted it that they were simply too smart, too intelligent, better than the lynch mob and hoi polloi that got them at every turn and stop.

So when they look at something that they see as 'super-intelligent AI' and they start screaming about how it's a threat, it's pure projection. These people are thinking 'What would I do with this power' and the answer is 'Kill and/or takeover everyone else'.

So, yeah. It's gotten to the point that whenever I hear someone bleating on about how AI is a threat, I don't consider the argument a serious one and instead mark that person as someone to look out for and consider suspiciously, because there's a good chance that's the person whom would likely kill me with an inkling of power.

Maybe I'm completely off, though. Dunno.

by folx
Grant_us_eyes 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've said it before; the NPC is unable to understand verisimilitude. QED.

by folx
Grant_us_eyes 22 points ago +22 / -0

Ask them what percentage of the population is black, and I guarantee you'll get some stupidly high number. (Spoilers: It's around 13%)

Funny thing; Apparently the population of redheads in America is around 2 to 6 %.

Redheads are more of a minority than blacks. Stop the redheaded genocide.

Grant_us_eyes 16 points ago +16 / -0

Alot of manga is straight up autistic passion projects that can only really happen in an environment where getting published is comparatively 'easy' to happen.

Keep in mind, damn near every manga gets it's start in these huge, phone-book-sized, cheap-as-fuck compilations. Entrance cost is stupidly low, and the Japanese publishers have access to all the metrics, so if something isn't doing well, it gets the boot. It's a type of 'fail fast, fail often' environment with a large amount of churn that also produces a fair bit of gold.

There's nothing really like in America. American comic book 'people' nowadays are straight up activists operating in a nepotistic environment and are immune to most market forces.

Grant_us_eyes 22 points ago +22 / -0

There's no fear involved, here.

It's disgust.

Plus, there's the added benefit of stopping all that grooming and preventing abusers from abusing people with mental illnesses to fuel their sexual fetishes.

Grant_us_eyes 12 points ago +12 / -0

This American Life did an article about testosterone a while back(like, several years ago).

As part of the article, every one involved got their T-levels tested.

Every last goddamn man involved had T-levels below a healthy recommendation. Every. Last. One. The one with the highest T-level? The gay guy. Some of the women had higher T-levels, iirc.

If there was one unfettered scientific experiment I could do, it would be enforcing T supplements on all male democratic voters and seeing what happened.

Grant_us_eyes 10 points ago +10 / -0

Writer and artist.

Who sometimes ends up being both.

I see some artwork in comics with the human characters looking like sacks of stuffed shit and think to myself 'Who the hell thought this person was worth getting paid money for this abomination?'

Grant_us_eyes 13 points ago +13 / -0

I mean, 'she' already looks like a fat dwarf in some screenshots, so...

I'd bitch more about why modern 'developers' want to make women ugly, but I know why.

Grant_us_eyes 2 points ago +2 / -0


Any position that you see in a school system that's above Assistant Principal(and even that's a strech) has nothing to do with meritocracy and everything to do with politics(in the old-fashioned sense) and nepotism.

It's all in who you know and has nothing to do with how effective you are at your job.

Grant_us_eyes 14 points ago +14 / -0

Midwits, retards, bots, and no bad tactics, only bad targets.

Ask those self-same individuals if they think the word 'nigger' should be taken out of the old Mark Twain books, and see how they react.

Grant_us_eyes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sure there are groups of individuals that have more of a over-inflated sense of self-importance than teachers... But hell if I could name them.

Maybe lawyers, I dunno.

Grant_us_eyes 24 points ago +24 / -0

The retarded midwit blithly parroting words that other people put in his head for them, ignorant of the notion that language evolves and changes, and statements from over two hundred years ago might have different meaning from what they think they mean.

And that's being nice. More than likely, this is just yet another boot-licker that hates you and wants you nice and helpless.

There really shouldn't be any debate about what the 2nd means. You've got quote after endless quote of politicians and thinkers from before, during, and after the fucking thing was written about what 'militia' means, which is basically everyone except politicians.

When you start looking into this stuff, you'll find statements that make some fedposts look positively benign in comparison. Those guys back then didn't fuck around.

by folx
Grant_us_eyes 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes, let's discuss this supposed 'conservative culture'. Ignore any changes that has been happening to fandoms for the past twenty years or so. Ignore the people that have infiltrated the places you used to love and now openly espouse how much they hate you and want to see you gone and how much they're going to change what you love because fuck you. No, it's all the conversative's fault. Cause the comic says so.


I hate these people so fucking much.

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