These people need to learn about reciprocity and estoppel.
Or to put it in simpler terms, stop trying to keep the scorpion warm, you fucking faggots.
Eh. I hate Dev less for his voting habits and more because he's a statist authoritarian bootlicker who thinks that it's perfectly fine if the state murders someone, because they clearly deserve it, otherwise they wouldn't have been murdered.
And thinks leftist terrorism is perfectly fine while J6 is the worst thing evah.
And a hypocritical warmonger.
And a so-called 'centrist' who went masks off the moment he could stop playing 'both sides'.
And... well, you get the picture.
'America as a melting pot' goes back as far as the 1920s and was first used by a European tourist to describe New York city.
Do you want the whole of America to look like New York city? I don't.
I'm mostly coming at it from an American point of view; a lot of liberals seem to view Europe as the land of milk and honey when it comes to their personal politics, without really knowing anything about it.
Hence the irony.
It's hilarious that you, as a European, says this(Apologies, as I don't recall offhand which country you're from), when most European countries have more restrictive abortion requirements that most states.
When you eliminate any other successful, admirable male figure for young men and boys to emulate, what you're going to get are the utter scum who just don't give a shit and refuse to play by your rules. Surprise surprise. You get what you fucking deserve.
Otoyomegatari and Victorian Maid Emma, written/drawn by a woman, both by the same author. Some of the best historical fiction I've seen. Very comfy and heartwarming.
And good fucking riddance. There are few web comic writers I hate more than the guy who does XKCD.
Yes, I'm still fucking salty about his 'free speech' comic. Talk about a masks off moment, and probably one of the first instance I had shoved in my face about how alien leftists could be about things.
Slippery slope implies that they weren't always at the bottom.
NAMBLA was still a valid and 'respected' part of the Alphabet community up until the 90s, until they quietly shoved it into the closet to make said community more palatable to the normies.
Now that they think they've won, they can start to pull the masks off. Just a little.
I think people have been pointing out(or replies have been getting through to him) that his focus on X/Twitter than 'men are at fault' is making him point out 'both sides'.
This is one of the few points of contention I have with Hoe_Math. I think his stuff is great, and makes alot of great points, but then he start channeling Boomer energy and acts as if he's getting up on a cross when he points out that women don't find anime and video games attractive, stop focusing on them.
My reply to that is, well, start making women more interesting that anime and video games, then.
Acting director.
Sadly, IIRC, Brandon himself stated that while it may have been in the cards at one point, it's very unlikely right now.
...not going to stop me from huffing the copium, though.
We get bitched at and blamed for if we buy the games unseen, we get bitched at and blamed for if we do our research ahead of time and skip over shit I'm not going to enjoy for one reason or another.
You can't fucking win with some people, but it atleasts lets me know who to ignore.
Daily fucking reminder that when it was voted on in California, California of all places, it didn't pass.
...until a progressive Judge went 'nuh uh' and pushed it through regardless.
'Ruling from the bench' has been fucking over Ameirca for a very long time by this point; I'm glad to see Trump showing some teeth and putting them on call for this bullshit.
Zach Hazard does alot of LPs - while I'm sure he leans a tad, hmm, progressive in politics, most of his stuff tends to focus more on all his twisted experience in the military/work and rant on guns in video games, without going into his specific political beleifs.
Accurize is also another guy I enjoy when I'm in the mood to play the Long Dark - he does alot of Long Dark LPs and tends to be a very cozy streamer.
State Suicide Theory.
Man, I could go into a long rant about that and it's consequences.
I was barely a teenager and I still recognized that this was a thing that happened.
I can't really fathom just how much of an NPC you have to be to think it doesn't.
Fair warning: Buying raw land with no homes on it is nearly impossible using normal banks. And while it may be different in other states with other banks, even land with a trailer on it is something they don't want to touch.
If you do go forward with this, you'll have to go to special banks made specifically for this, and they'll likely have a lower cutoff in terms of land-size.
Just giving you a heads up, if you've never had to purchase land before. My own experience was quite the revelation, and definitely answered some questions of mine as to why purchasing and building homes are so difficult nowadays.
Gotta love 'Beat your Wives' Shondo. She's always good for hilarious takes.
Tranny Vtubers tend to be really obvious, though. It's more likely they'll just say 'fuck it' and go straight fot the femboy look.
As it stands, Vtubers tend to be weirdly resistent to infection by woke. I think the primary reason is that, at the end of the day, there's no way to fake that level of acting skill or honest personality(depend on which side you fall on).
At one point, I saw a series of videos that were basically bitching about how there's not really any 'black' Vtubers. None of them seemed to click that, one, it's a contentious political landmine, so anyone NOT black isn't going to step into that arena. Two, just being 'black' isn't going to sell yourself as a Vtuber, as no one really gives a shit, they need to bring something else to the table, and they're actually a minority. Three, there are already black Vtubers that don't make a big fucking deal about actually being black.
Vtubing so far seems to be this weird little niche that apparently leans right-ward, atleast slightly, when it does. When it doesn't, it's violently apolitical.
At the end of the day, it's very much a popularity contest, democracy in it's purest form. You can be a niche Vtuber with a small audience, but you still have to bring something to the fore. And God help you should you fuck with anyone's oishi or turn out to be a horrible person, as Nijisanji so foolishly learned in thier arrogance.
women attempt suicide more often
I don't believe this number anymore. Someone once pointed out that a Woman's attempted suicide is a cry for help - a man attempting suicide is taking out a loaded gun, staring at it for an hour, and then putting it away. Completely different circumstance, and entirely unreported.
TradCuck is a meme for a reason.
If I want to be very generous, I can understand the point of view they're coming from - having productive, stable, and coherent families is one of the building blocks of civilization as a whole.
However, the majority of them are hellbent on channeling some serious Boomer Energy and simply making the assumption that 'Man marrying woman automatically good', while discounting all the excess factors in place, which are many.
As such, they fail the messaging. The keep trying to harass and shame men into marrying the local town whore, unable to realize that ship has sailed, and more men are either checking out or demanding better.
(Side note, this is one of the few things that aggravates me about Hoe_Math. He'll occassionally harp on about how men shouldn't be sucked into video games and anime, and how it isn't attractive to women. My reply to that is 'Make women more interesting than video games', and this is one of the few areas Hoe_math doesn't wants to admit women are at fault, as well.)
At one point during the run up to the nomination, when it was basically Trump and Ted still fighting it out, there was an actual conservative protest about something or other.
I don't remember what, or when, exactly, and yes, that's going to annoy me for a very, very long time.
The part that stuck with me, however, was a clip of Ted and Trump being asked about said protest. Ted basically went with the mealy-mouthed, standard GOP blather about how conservatives should be good little boys and stop protesting and just go home and not make a fuss. (Paraphrased.)
Trump, however, was basically, 'No, they have a right to protest, they should be protesting' and that's basically when it clicked for me that, oh, he wasn't playing by the 'fail gracefully' GOP playbook.
Plus, there was constant 'attack, attack, attack' debate style and refusal to let democrat talking points stop him. That also helped.
Deny, attack, reverse victim & offender.
Ethnic Nepotism is alien to most Whites. They've never seen it, never experienced it, have no idea what it's like, and in the worst cases, can't even conceptualize it as a thing.
They are, perversely, still stuck in the core fundamentals of 'race blindness' so popular in the 90s, even as they decry it as a bad thing.
Asians are better at testing when being driven by family pressure and culture, but Whites end up being better at self-motivating over the long-term?
Granted, there's alot of factors that can influence GPA, but it's possible that for Asians alot of the effort is front-loaded(gearing up and studying for the ACT), whereas for Whites it's all back-loaded(attending and scoring high in college).
Just a stab in the dark.