GamingTheSystem-01 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a choice. You have control over exposure and saturation levels when developing film or processing digital. It's like how every game in the early 2000s was brown, following in the footsteps of quake. Now there's an excess of cartoon rainbow shit due to fortnite.

GamingTheSystem-01 11 points ago +11 / -0

>these journalists and the intelligentsia claim to have a high IQ

In the industry this is known as a "lie".

GamingTheSystem-01 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Mate there's video of the guy on site, video of him on the roof, video of his dead body, close up pictures of his dead body with a hole through his head. He's not an alien from a crashed spaceship. What could you gain from studying the body? 10 days? Even in a fridge he'd be starting to reek.

GamingTheSystem-01 2 points ago +2 / -0

This video is going viral because some people are offended that there are no black girls in the group.

Is it though? Or are we just farming rage engagement?

GamingTheSystem-01 12 points ago +12 / -0

Bro I have files on my PC with modify dates older than the average south american government

GamingTheSystem-01 19 points ago +20 / -1

Your favorite clearnet site is one MSM article away from being raided by police or turned into normie central or banned from everything and turned into a digital ghetto.

GamingTheSystem-01 7 points ago +8 / -1

There isn't a single country in south america that can go 20 years without having a coup. And why are you specifying "the west" like there's all these free speech platforms blossoming in russia or china. You can't be real.

GamingTheSystem-01 32 points ago +32 / -0

>When our enemies control the courts and imprison people, that's good

>No one will find my secret club website

>This will never happen to me

How does this tripe have upvotes? Are you botting or is everyone here actually mentally retarded?

GamingTheSystem-01 2 points ago +3 / -1

The United States did it. Biden told everyone they were going to do it at a press conference.

GamingTheSystem-01 1 point ago +2 / -1

>It's okay to talk about the game with your buddies

Unless valve unilaterally decides otherwise. The sign says "do not share anything about the game with anyone". You own nothing and you sound pretty happy.

GamingTheSystem-01 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm predicting they're gonna take the ugly stick to Jessie.

GamingTheSystem-01 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Kool, it's just a thing you're forced to comply with or they ban you from the service. Call it whatever you want. It's an adhesion contract limiting your freedom of speech.

If any other company did this, everyone would rightfully excoriate them. I guess ethics only apply to your enemies.

GamingTheSystem-01 -3 points ago +1 / -4

>Oppressive adhesion contracts and gag orders are ok when valve does it

This board, I swear.

GamingTheSystem-01 7 points ago +8 / -1

The chinese economy is based on paper mache apartment buildings.

No one can use the gold standard anymore because there isn't enough gold to represent all of the goods and services available in the world. If you tried, a gram of gold would cost > $100k and you'd wouldn't be able to use it for electronics.

GamingTheSystem-01 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every time you point out the problems with crypto, some bro will tell you that there is a band aid layer that goes on top that solves everything, such as the lightning network or trading on a particular exchange or some DAO on the ethereum network or some theoretical white paper that hasn't been implemented yet. It's different bullshit every time, and none of it works because the problems are systemic.

GamingTheSystem-01 10 points ago +10 / -0

We're gonna end up with every country having their own internet and banking system. Well I guess it's a win over the globalists...

GamingTheSystem-01 6 points ago +7 / -1

Because the primary feature of crypto is that it has no central authority and is non-reversible. This makes it ideal for scams and unsuitable for basically anything else.

It also doesn't scale and takes too long to process and is too expensive. "Oh and what about the lightning whizz bang white paper network exchange?" that shit either A: doesn't work, or B: is just a bank with extra steps.

Then there's the state of computers, where at least 10% of computers have some kind of malware on them and it wouldn't surprise me if it was 50% or even 90% if we start including stealth back doors from state actors. This means that you just can't safely store your stash of digital gold on a computer. The current computers we have just can't do this safely.

Oh what about hardware wallets and paper backups, etc? Then the danger is that your device will break or get lost or you'll screw up in some other way and lock yourself out of your own funds.

Currency exchange is a social issue. You cannot solve it with technology. Attempting to do so will likely make it worse.

GamingTheSystem-01 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah those people you don't know in your hypothetical fantasy scenario sound like real pieces of shit.

GamingTheSystem-01 15 points ago +15 / -0

> Short of the internet collapsing

Even if that happened, physical media is just too dense and fast for rental to make any sense. A $200 hard drive can hold just about every movie you've ever seen (certainly every good one) and in the future it's just going to get more extreme.

You know how you can buy random chinese gameboy knockoffs that have every NES rom built in? The future will be like that except it'll be every piece of media ever made. We've probably already passed the tipping point where hoarding makes more sense than streaming and people haven't realized it yet.

GamingTheSystem-01 2 points ago +2 / -0

When covid happened and people stopped waiting around aimlessly in airport boarding lounges, they lost half their audience. Never recovered. Sad.

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