Devidose 16 points ago +16 / -0

Only half? Male bedbugs will attempt to fuck every other bedbug they meet because female bedbugs have evolved to look more like the males as a means to avoid males. Rather than deter the males they simply fuck everything. Also the females have no analogous structure for a vagina so males simply penetrate the bodies of other bedbugs wherever possible through a mechanism called 'traumatic insemination'.

Devidose 6 points ago +7 / -1

4045 posted as recently as 11 hours ago to the gaming community so the account is still active, it's just purged from KiA2. He is however still whining about Dom being a Zionist plant as recently as 2 days ago so attempting to screw with this board isn't a surprise. Because that's totally something to do with gaming.

Devidose 17 points ago +17 / -0

No. Your account is literally 6 hours old and you're trying to fracture the site, here's a reply I made about this very thing over 3 years ago.


Repeated rebranding was something early anti-GGers kept trying to push as a means to get rid of things. Maintaining the same banner regardless of whether a previously used one becomes available again prevents confusion from happening amongst other things.

i.e. Splitting from KiA to form KiA2 and keeping KiA2 even if the option to use KiA ever happens.

Not only does it keep things consistent and less complicated, it means less chance of false flags caused by the new brand being used once a reversion has occurred to a previous one.

E.g. Trying to use KiA.win would mean KiA2.win was possibly up for grabs. Anyone wanting to cause drama could then pretend to be 2 or just honeypot it.

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

Camera lens can do magic for someone's pudge, but it can also do that thing about adding 20 pounds.

Devidose 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Do this.


😯 "How dare you?"

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was also posted to the News win 4 days ago but that place is verrry quiet despite some of the new stories posted to it.


Devidose 42 points ago +42 / -0

Seeing as how it's an election year: all of them. They will sit and wait to be activated nearer the time and attempt to rely on a slightly older account age than "made on the day" as a means of credibility.

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

Please wear something retarded that isn't flame retardant 🔥

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

Eurovision died when they banned Wogan for insulting all the hosts and acts. One year he called one of the hosts "Doctor Death". God knows what his reaction to this lot would be - literally, Wogan has been dead for a while now so only God would know that one.

Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

Probably the subscriber list to various social media block lists that have been going for years now.

Devidose 13 points ago +13 / -0

Fair point 🤔

But they've only had 14 years in power from three consecutive governments and, hang on I need to actually count this next bit... four five Prime Ministers!

I almost forgot about the lettuce!

With so little time it's a wonder they can get anything done... 🙄

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Someone should really make a movie with little to no dialogue that plays entirely from the monsters' perspectives. That would be cool.

Can't help but think it would end up being something like this


Devidose 21 points ago +21 / -0

I feel this joke would have worked better if the hypothetical grade was a B, or even an A- for how high that still scores.

Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

people who wear a t-shirt of a thing exemplify that thing

Can confirm, have Superman t-shirt, am in fact Superboy.

Shit, there goes my secret identity 🫣

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Gummi ships in the first game basically ended up as an engine with as many forward facing tier 1 blasters as you were able to strap to it then firing non stop. Kind of like the bastard love child of an A-Wing and a Y-Wing.

T2 and T3 blasters in ended up being less effective because T2 was something dumb like split fire that didn't even fire ahead of you, while T3 was harder hitting but also much slower blasting.

Meanwhile spamming T1 meant rapid fire and simply carpet bombing space so much nothing could even fire back at you.

Devidose 13 points ago +13 / -0

If you're unaware, the Green party in the UK

Different group, the Green Party isn't involved in this.

While the name and policies may be similar to other green parties, the Scottish Greens are a distinct party in Scotland compared to others in the UK hence the specific name of the party.

This is unlike Scottish Labour or the Scottish Conservatives which don't technically exist as they literally are just "branch offices" of the larger parties known across the UK.

Scottish Labour is registered with the UK Electoral Commission as a description and Accounting Unit (AU) of the UK Labour Party and is therefore not a registered political party under the terms of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

Which is oddly based

Doubtful, the SNP have been driving over the same cliff as the Scottish Greens on many topics and includes topics relating to gender identify and adjustment. For it to stop now should raise questions rather than praise.

I guess being a massive racist isn't enough to stay in control when you go against the other psychos

It's not even that, he's just deeply unlikeable before even getting on to any topics surrounding race. He has zero humility and attacks anyone who criticises him even in a lighthearted way. There are videos of him using an electric scooter insider a government building and because he's going far too fast, highlighted by the aid trying to keep up with him, he falls off it. Which led to a lot of people laughing at the situation as is going to happen almost everywhere that sees such a fumble. Instead of having just a shred of humility about the whole thing and bothering to admit he fucked up going too fast, he attacked those who laughed at the situation which did him no favours with being likeable or relatable as a public figure.

Devidose 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's a salient question whether it should stand if the key proponent not only resigned so soon afterwards due to a lack of support but also for having dismissed the power sharing agreement at the time which would have garnered support for it.

Such stipulations would probably need to be rigorously maintained as the history of impeachments in the USA shows just how often some groups try to remove others from power. If there is further incentive to do so in the form of repealing legislation then all hell would likely break loose every time something controversial was passed, and a lot more blackmail would likely be going on.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which is the entire point of the film 'Shakespeare in Love'. You would think a fairly modern ish telling of the issue would sit more in the mind of the general public but then this is the same group who reelects the same fuckups only after a few years so their memoirs evidently count for squat.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

If it's a full body costume like Mickey or any similar character then that can certainly bring up the question at times but only so much. A 6' 5" dude as Goofy will be fairly obvious vs a 5' shortstack as Minnie. It wouldn't surprise me if those costumes are all only one size for production issues so only certain people would get put in them anyway.

The issue becomes greater when it's simply someone dressed up but still showing their face like Gaston and whoever else works like that. The article mentions the "Evil Queen" so if it's the one from Sleeping Beauty then that could be either option while some others are far more likely to be whole body costumes like the later appearances of the similar character from Snow White when she turns into a crone.

Devidose 19 points ago +19 / -0
  • Barges into government
  • Pushes through Hate Crime Act
  • Tears up Bute House agreement with Scottish Greens
  • Refuses to elaborate further
  • Resigns
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