at 18 years old you are obliged to work and you go to the mine. (if your family bribes the officer you go to the factory). if you got to go to the factory you go at shoveling the coal to the furnace all day (if your family bribes the head worker you go to the conveyor belt instead). while you hammer the metal parts and wrench those bullions 14 hours a day you withness those who had more money than you who bribed the head workers better, to play cards all day, nap, play with their thumbs, smirk at you, and even bully you.
you return in your plain grey cubicle house. you are destroyed and tired as hell, you have no strength nor will to do anything. the cubicle you live in is not yours it belongs to the factory and the resident are changed often at the whim of the officer. your companions are jealous and envious at there is at least one that will rat you out if you even produce something like a comic strip. he thinks he gets some benefits you get the punishment.
If you rebel and dare to strike, the factory supervisor comes with his henchmen armed with rifles and tells you straight in the face that or you go back to work or they will fire you and shoot you on the spot. once you are fired you are a burglar caught in the factory area.
if you are lucky to not get in the factory, and you get a better job you will still spend hours every day in a queue for the gummy bread and expect to work 20 years to be able to afford a grey house with one bedroom for your family. now work your ass off to put aside enough money so you can bribe your sons into the army or a state worker position.
either you get to a point where you hate this cursed world and seek only to destroy it. or you die so much inside that you submit to perform anything even the most souless deed just to improve your rent-seeking position and live better.
13 minutes video tha Archcast talk about this. good stuff
yup. properties are used as collateral in investments. you can't find nobody to rent that store for 100K year? want to try 50K year? but that lowers the value of the propriety! first, you ask for the written permission of everyone involved in the lot. then after you successfully make 50 people and 7 banks agree with you, you may proceed.
people with the job of bringing money from point A to point B telematically, pry with their head in and want to check if the transaction is morally adequate. bullshit. They should never own such power. operation chokepoint has never ended seem.
and the camthots they deserve only two words:
if in order to suppress some you don't like you allow entities to wield power to inflict "consequences" on them. these entities will eventually inflict consequences upon you too.
make your own camthot platform.