Decrixxx 46 points ago +46 / -0

basically mass banning of NSFW subs.

the reason given is bullshit because things like a trans surgery subreddit that cannot find a moderator is not believable.

you can find more info in this 4chin thread, mostly look a the pics.


Decrixxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

if a game is not woke, just say publicly that is not woke when inquired by a fan

if you want to play safe state that you don't think there is anything woke in the game. you can play ball in multiple ways at that point and you can turn a defeat into a success if you play your cards well.

when the reaction is not the above the game is likely gonna be woke. we will see.

Decrixxx 4 points ago +4 / -0

assuming that the kidnapper must be in the right because they kidnapped the children, big circular argument essentially assuming the conclusion they are trying to prove.

petitio principii + consequence fallacy as well.

you will lose neurons if you waste time on this,

Decrixxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

mm ok but why the reference to mute cinema 1920?

Decrixxx 5 points ago +5 / -0

mmm is NYPost. I state that it is fake and gay. no, I haven't read the article I don't need to. if I am wrong, better coping than sorry.

Decrixxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

keke all these years of brainwashing the women, all that shit about men that crying and emasculation, destroying IP, franchises, destroying your industry, unleashes never-ending flow of misery against your male fighting age population under the belief you can swap them with new males immigrants, all those sinecures and positions of power given out to civilization destroying spiteful mutants. all for the sake of controlling a critical mass of votes and especially women votes to stay in charge.

then one chud shot one of yours and the women cream for him instantly and the lefties still want to kill you, was it worth globohomo? eh tell me was it worth it?

Decrixxx 8 points ago +8 / -0

not earthbendig your leg


Decrixxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

more info is needed, he seems to not have the majority in parliament

Decrixxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

and it will cost 300 million, sir

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