Cyberguy64 1 point ago +1 / -0

"You'll never have a nightmare if you never dream" is a wonderfully chilling line.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's because it's new, it's good, and it's actually a game you play, as opposed to a cinematic experience.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

If anything, the visuals of TFA were the only value it had. (And they were still sub-par for Star Wars, though I doubt that's the artists' fault.)

Cyberguy64 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sometimes I wonder if the push to... for lack of a better word, villainize cartoon villains as "unrealistic" is a cover for the fact that the world is full of cartoonishly evil people.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +6 / -1

People act like homeschoolers receive no socialization from other kids and are locked up in their home all day. Meanwhile, I was attending youth groups, Homeschool Co-Ops, and hanging out with the kids in my neighborhood all the time. And I STILL turned out weird because I'm just a weird person. Go figure.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

The devs want to cater to the Let's Play watching audience.

Cyberguy64 16 points ago +16 / -0

I don't understand why these people even want to play video games. The fun is in getting good enough to beat that boss that you spent twenty attempts learning the patterns of. Then you get to feel like a badass because you, personally, are making the character move like a badass. I don't feel like a badass whenever the game strips away my control and makes me watch a cutscene of my character acting badass. (Though I will say Dread did a good job making even the cinematic counters interactive by letting the player mix up what attacks they use so they can find optimal strategies.)

Cyberguy64 10 points ago +10 / -0

For all the faults of the prequels, they NAILED what the end of an age looks like.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +5 / -0

Which is why the founding fathers designed a system to force people out periodically, in an attempt to prevent career politicians from being feasible.

We've just reached the point where the meta has been broken, and a new game must be devised.

Cyberguy64 6 points ago +6 / -0

Given how things are going, can you really say they don't have a point?

Cyberguy64 14 points ago +14 / -0

I think the most damning thing about these alternative sexualities is how vitriolic the communities get whenever someone changes their mind. Even though they constantly try to convince others they're actually part of the club, the very idea that someone could go "Huh, maybe I'm not actually gay, trans, etc" is unforgivable heresy to them.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good ol' Scrooge McDuck. Smarter than the smarties and tougher than the toughies.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

My sister refuses to let me hold my baby nephew because I'm not vaccinated. She'll take him outside and let me look at him. But I can't get too close or come inside. I'm a danger apparently. Meanwhile, my cousin lets me hold his newborn daughter like it's nothing. He invites everyone in the family, vaccinated or no, to come crowd around and see her.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

Everyone I know personally who caught the coof bounced back just fine, including my 60+ dad. Every second hand story I've head about someone dying was someone who had comorbidities. Sad, but not something that could be stopped by destroying society.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +5 / -0

Believe you me, I'd love nothing more than to just ignore the morons and normies that make up "society." Unfortunately, no man is an island, and what "society" decides has very real impacts on me and my daily life.

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't understand why you'd wait that long to begin with. I personally believe abortion is killing no mater how far along in development it is, but how can you justify killing a baby that could arrive any minute?

I just had two nephews and a niece arrive last month, and they ran the gamut from "Perfect health right outta the gate" to "a little trouble, but bounced back just fine." The idea that someone could pop a baby out and immediately kill it....

Cyberguy64 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hanlon's Razor only works when there's a benefit of the doubt to give.

Cyberguy64 13 points ago +13 / -0

Today, young Asok learns how a lowly intern can suddenly reach the upper echelons.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +8 / -1

I think the pervasive prudishness of the past is probably the pendulous peak of a previous period of promiscuity. Simply put, an overreaction to a time similar to what we're going through now. Sex idolized and everywhere.

Sex is like fire, it's hot and powerful. Families gather around it for warmth and life. Children should be taught to respect it, but not trusted with it themselves. When its taken for granted and treated like a toy, it can burn down everything with it's consuming passion. I think the prudes of the past came from traditions of the once burned, twice shy, so to speak.

Of course, never having any fire in the home at all results in freezing, and desperately trying to find it elsewhere....

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