I doubt there were any direct orders.
The smart way to do this is to find people who already agree with you anyway and then just 'support' them to write the things they would write anyway, just more and to a wider audience. You won't need to explicitly tell them to do anything, so there won't be any orders for anyone to find later. The recipients of your largesse will be grateful for your funding, rather than consider themselves sellouts or employees. And if ever you don't agree anymore, you can just pull the funding again.
you may see a shift politically
The fact that Labour won the last elections isn't because people supported Labour more than before. Labour actually got less votes than in the previous elections, 9.7 million as opposed to 10.2 in 2019 and 12.8 in 2017.
Labour won because everyone to the right of them is so disgusted with and disillusioned by the Tories they stayed home. Turnout was the lowest since 2001. And of the people who did show up, many voted Reform, which split the right-wing vote.
The political shift has already happened. You just can't see it yet, because of the traitorousness and incompetence of the Tories, and the details of the UK election system.
OTOH, nobody could've seen these protests and riots coming. The immigrants have been committing crimes against the English for decades, and worse crimes too than the stabbings that were the proximate cause of the current riots. And they sat there and did nothing at all. Until now that is. It's the final straw that breaks the camel's back. This isn't about the recent stabbings, it's about the sum of everything they've previously sat through with clenched teeth.
I'm not expecting this will go anywhere, but on the other hand, it isn't impossible. And if it's not this, whatever will set it off won't need to be much bigger.
Black solidarity is mainly a thing when there are outsiders to gang up on.
Because the solar eclipse has no political implications, they have no reason to lie. There's nothing to be gained.
Also, the math behind predicting eclipses isn't all that fancy, the ancient Mayans were already doing it about as well as we're doing it today. You can do it yourself if you want.
Poland and Hungary have been blocking the EU's attempts to deal with both. If Poland stops doing that, which it will without the PiS, Hungary is also fucked.
I don't think it's even really the abos. It's some organisation working "on behalf of" five tribes. In other words it's a WEF puppet org using the abos as a front. Some grifters will get rich off this but the average abo isn't going to notice a thing different in his life. And I doubt anything would change even if 95% of the abos were to come out and denounce this.
Meanwhile the WEF is going to use this to destroy the farmers and miners in the area, with "muh sacred land" as a cynical excuse.
Double points if some ruined farmer goes and takes it out on some actual abos, then you've got a racist incident!
One to three people doing all the serious work, while everyone else just took advantage of them and/or did a half-assed job when it came to be their turn.
Most of society is like that nowadays.
It's the EU. There's always something up. I don't see what it is right now, but I bet we'll find out in time.
Honestly, the progs getting their deserts isn't something I can't sympathize with anymore. You imported them, now you've got them, have fun.
Immigrants suffering at each other's hands is something I can't sympathize with anymore either.
Proud South African. Born in Johannesburg. Splits time between London and Vancouver.
Very proud South African indeed. (To be honest, I'd get out too. But I wouldn't lie to myself about why.)
It's the Mr. Garrison tactic.
Not being able to leave except with permission, however, is despotic.
And you bet they won't ever get to the part where they actually put the things you need in the zones.
There are only about 4 million foreigners in Thailand total. That's about 5% of the population. The vast majority of them are from neighbouring countries.
I doubt there are anywhere near enough white people in Thailand to have any effect on anything.
"ONIMAI: I'm now your sibling!"
By the looks of it it doesn't try to auto-detect "extremists", it just has a list of people, with e.g. Trump on it, and then when someone mentions Trump this bot replies.
The list of people is probably manual given that there's a description.
The closest one was Romania, and it was because all power had consolidated into Ceaușescu personally.
This is what Xi is also doing in China. And hurting the economy to do it.
I have only just now learned who Lizzo is. I would say, don't give it attention. I think it grows fatter on it.
My revulsion for her does not affect my revulsion for anyone else.
TBF, all I've actually seen it do is raise skepticism in normies.
Plenty of people who took them at first, but have now not just stopped taking Covid shots but also flu shots. Even childhood vaccination is down a bit.
The people who'd take shot after shot after shot were already way too trusting of the authorities, there's less of them now.
There's plenty of diversity in Sweden by now. They don't need to fly someone in for that.
It's better than nothing, I guess. We can hardly expect extrajudicial executions.
Perhaps we should stop mandating them, then.
They'll just do some more covid lockdowns. You don't need to deal with a crowd if you stop it from gathering in the first place.
Not really. The activism is only tolerated as long as it gives the government an excuse to do what it wanted anyway. Can't get it through the legislature? Have your pet activists push it through the courts instead.
The activists themselves might even be sincere, but their organizations exist by the grace of their funding, which will simply be pulled once they're no longer useful. They'll be too busy working real jobs to annoy anyone much anymore.
When I was little, ~25 years ago, the schools started teaching the kids to tattle.
The worst thing you could do was to deal with your bullies yourself. We were both explicitly taught this, as well as them making a big show of punishing people who dealt with their bullies. I remember it quite well, because this changed after a reorganisation where they also replaced most of the teachers. Before that time we did it the traditional way.
My parents were furious at the time, but I can't assume it's gotten any better.