Y'know, the Tales series is a perfect example of how you can make a fantasy story that has heavy (liberal) political messages, yet doesn't beat you over the head with it and try and tell you that you're a terrible person for not accepting it.
Pretty much all of the Tales games are green aesops that say "nature good, technology bad", or are about otherwise traditionally liberal ideals such as anti-racism. And yet there's always some nuance to it. Like how in Tales of Symphonia,the villain's entire thing is about how he wants to eliminate racism from the world, and decides that the best way to go about this is to force everyone to become identical puppets. Whereas the protagonist is like "Okay yeah, racism is really bad and we should do something about it, but uh... that ain't it, chief."
I wonder how many of today's liberals would agree with ToS' villain's methods. How many would say "But he was actually right because we should eliminate racism by ANY means necessary, even forcing people!". Probably a lot, I'd wager.
Anyway, I digress. RIP to the artist.
But the Jews totally don't control the media and government, guys! Also we're gonna shut down anyone who disagrees!
I don't know why people ever rallied behind TheQuartering. He's a giant douchecanoe. He's not the kind of person we need trying to represent us in the anti-SJW movement
Says the man who wants to literally put microchips in people's brains...
Even if they do declare me an extremist because I play non-woke video games, just like how they probably think of me as an extremist because I don't support woke shit in any capacity, the end result is going to be the same. I'm simply going to ignore anything they say. I will continue doing my thing and resisting what I see as clear and obvious moral corruption in society, and most likely, nothing is going to happen to me since I'm such small fry to them that I'm not even on their radar. And if for some insane reason, our society and government becomes so fucked up that they start sending the FBI to bust down the doors of people who play anime tiddy games, then I will happily exercise my 2nd amendment rights to defend myself against threats to myself or my family.
The people have spoken, bro. Get ratio'd
Always has been. We've also always been at war with Eastasia.
Fuck off, we all already know you're JIDF. Considering that I got 31 upvotes from that comment, I think it's safe to see we all agree with me and think your Jewish propaganda is bullshit.
With JIDF like you around, I wish he DID kill 6 million Jews.
Oh nah, the gas chambers are made up.
I mean, I would agree with you, but my grandpa literally helped liberate a concentration camp. The numbers are definitely highly skewed though and they've been using it as an excuse since then.
And don't forget that the Russians and the Japanese killed MORE people than the Nazis killed Jews, but those little factoids are swept under the rug.
The Holocaust happened, but the vast majority of what happened is blown way out of proportion. The Nazis were meticulous bookkeepers and there is NO record of 6 million Jews being killed in concentration camps. It's closer to about 1.5 million, which is still not a good look, but it's not 6 million.
In short, fuck off JIDF. Israel is a terrorist state and uses their fake Holocaust numbers to garner sympathy.
Hmm, but if SBI are the good guys, why would they want to hide which games they're involved with? Hmmmmmmmm...!!
I mean we knew from the start of Gamergate that Silverstring Media was funded by DARPA, so...
Pretty much yeah.
Yep, they're doing what they always do and trying to divert the discussion away from the truth - that they're trying to erase white people.
"And if you have a problem with sharing a bedroom with Tyrone, you're a bigot!"
I've been looking for a new job recently and it is disgusting how many job applications ask you for your pronouns, have imaginary genders listed, and just straight up say "we support diversity and inclusion". I feel like I'm being ignored on most of these applications solely because I'm a white guy.
The irony is that I just torrented Remake like 3 days ago so I don't have this trash "update". Piracy wins again!
I just did actually. Tried to get it to generate a criminal and a prisoner and it refused to do so, telling me that it wasn't allowed to generate pictures of people. Even though it immediately then generated a picture of a secret agent (all minority women of course) just fine.
No clue, haven't played it.
All game negroes look the same.
I live in Florida and I don't think I've had a white doctor since I was like 10 years old. It's all Hatians and Latinos that barely speak any English.