BollocksToBolsheviks 20 points ago +20 / -0

Buckley is one of those that I don't know who he was working for, but I know he was working for someone. That goes for all the Neoconservatives that crushed the grassroots conservatives of the 40s and 50s. The Neocons being Trotskyites after all.

BollocksToBolsheviks 20 points ago +20 / -0

I doubt anything regarding the ADL would be surprising but the article is worth a read for the brazenness alone. These guys still openly admit to doing this stuff (updated for the digital age), and have government contracts.

BollocksToBolsheviks 55 points ago +55 / -0

The horses' mouth: "The last thing I’ll say is that one of the admirable things in the 1960s about the ADL and the liberal coalition it belonged to is that it built support for landmark legislation like the Immigration Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of ’65. '

Forgot to archive because much dumb: https://archive.is/hPtqY

BollocksToBolsheviks 19 points ago +19 / -0

Hart-Cellar was essentially made possible by CRA of 64. I've become partial to the idea some have put forward that CRA64 is essentially a crypto Constitution that Americans are unaware of. If inequalities are against the law and the government believes it has a mandate to stamp it out, then it has authority to control every aspect of public life. Americans would never have voted in favor of requiring schools to hire homosexuals, change the demographics of the country, or any of the other milestones of the past 60 years. But the government seems to move independent of the people using said crypto constitution as justification. It seem that HC is just one of many implementations of this idea.

BollocksToBolsheviks 47 points ago +47 / -0

First, he is wrong about Americans: prior to 1965 Americans were a Nation largely described as comprised of White Christian descendants of various European countries. Note here nation means people not government. Country, Nation, and State are not synonyms. Were there other types of people living in the United States? Yes. Doesn't change anything.

Second, if I were to say in public what this guy is saying, I would be accused of anti-Semitism.

BollocksToBolsheviks 7 points ago +7 / -0

May I introduce you to Executive Order 6102?

in exchange for $20.67 (equivalent to $487 in 2023)

Current spot price: $2,351.70

BollocksToBolsheviks 51 points ago +51 / -0

Their primitive ways are speciali, while mine are not.

This FUCKING right here. They will worship the ground walked on by some backwards culture then criticize their neighbors for "regressive old fashioned ideas that have no place in modern society." Muzzie good, white man bad.

BollocksToBolsheviks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Methinks Americans should put as much effort into owning Killdozers as we do guns. Not much the local jackboots can do if a few of these come rolling down the street.

BollocksToBolsheviks 17 points ago +17 / -0

associate the JQ with communism

I don't think Tony is doing this. Even if he was, that leads to a discussion of who exactly the Bolsheviks were, not to mention the 1918 German Revolution.

BollocksToBolsheviks 40 points ago +40 / -0

I mean OP's post literally has the new Mexican President standing next to the man who runs one of the most powerful equity firms in the world and has openly talked about using that wealth to support things like DEI an other similar causes. Just because Rick doesn't get invited to those kind of parties doesn't mean nobody does.

BollocksToBolsheviks 56 points ago +58 / -2

There was a time when the JQ was taken seriously by people who were definitely not Nazis. What changed? And why can't we point out the very odd international and statistically improbable prominence of Jews in power?

BollocksToBolsheviks 13 points ago +13 / -0

Always funny that, even with a poor pope, the answer to "is the Pope Catholic?" remains the same. Francis is still always cutting it close, though.

Edit: The Italians have always said: "after a thin pope, a fat pope." I hope they're right.

BollocksToBolsheviks 5 points ago +5 / -0

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and calls abortion a sacrament like a duck. . .

BollocksToBolsheviks 6 points ago +6 / -0

Since its all piratical in nature, why couldn't a viewing involve a UTC start time and all comers bring their own copy of a certain torrent?

BollocksToBolsheviks 4 points ago +5 / -1

Never trust anything from the Government that is designed "to protect the children".

I accept your terms, provided that jackboots don't get in the way if my town wants to tar and feather lqbtq teachers and pornographers then burn their houses and drop them off at city limits. "Think of the children" is a lefty meme from when lefties could still meme. It meant, and still means: tolerate bullshit you would never otherwise consider because "the constitution or something." We should think of our children and we should be willing to hang folks who would harm them.

BollocksToBolsheviks 19 points ago +19 / -0

But leftist seem to love heroes

Power. It all comes down to power. Anyone who pays attention to leftie shit knows that that they would all love to be the person putting bullets into wrongthinkers. What a wrongthinker thinks is not important, only that they think wrong and a leftist gets to put a bullet into their head.

BollocksToBolsheviks 19 points ago +19 / -0

Griggs v. Duke Power Co.? Most people don't realized that the proliferation of expensive McDegrees and business requiring a college education for the most basic entry jobs is a direct result of government action.

Prior to Griggs companies almost universally hired people then trained and promoted from within. That's why prior to the 70s most managers and many technical folks had no more than a high school education. The methodology was to hire high school graduates (if that) and train on the job and promote capable people as the need arose. For example a quality control chemist, or even a lab manager, have no need of an undergraduate degree to do the work; it used to be that someone took a job as a lab assistant and if they were smart and hardworking, they had reasonable hope of advancing their pay and career.

Griggs v. Duke essentially ended this approach for the whole country. You see the way companies achieved the aforementioned employee selection/promotion process was using a combination of intelligence, aptitude, and knowledge testing to determine who to train and who to promote. The problem is that Griggs and other plaintiffs were not passing these exams at a rate comparable to white employees. The Griggs decision basically said that if there are racial disparities in the results of testing, using that testing is employment discrimination and that a company would be punished under federal employment law. Yes, the decision technically left open the option for testing that was "reasonably related to the job," but this left the plaintiffs of Damocles hanging over any company that wanted to rely on testing for the selection or promotion of employees.

So employers looked for other ways of choosing and promoting employees. The further the criteria were from their control, the safer employers were from employment law. What shook out was the use of college degrees as a baseline. At first this seemed great: if you had a degree you were guaranteed a job. At first. This is the boomer era of "just go to college." Then basic economics reared its head. Educational institutions were suddenly facing an unlimited supply of customers who needed their product to get a job. Universities grew, bloated their budgets, and started selling degrees that were useful only in that they were degrees. Decades of administrative and budgetary excesses and the irrelevance of the quality of the product lead to today post-secondary education environment.

So here we are. College educations are shitty AND overpriced. And its still borderline illegal to figure out who is and who is not competent, and its defiantly illegal to do anything about it.

BollocksToBolsheviks 40 points ago +40 / -0

Its a little irritating that progressives have turned 'don't go to a black doctor' from a bit of an eye-raising sentiment to highly practical advice. Imagine being an intelligent highly skill black doctor and knowing that "don't trust a black doctor" is good advice. This, by the way, is why Clarence Thomas has to go through life with a stick up his butt, and he's said as much.

BollocksToBolsheviks 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm trying to remember which boomercon / shabboscon tried to claim that "Christ is King" was the same thing as "black lives matter," claiming that Christians publicly expressing their own religion were engaging in the Marxist linguistic fuckery that is so common today. He, and those who think like him, really betray much about themselves. They don't really believe in Truth, and they certainly don't believe in an individuals duty to the Truth. I question if they understand that other people can care about the Truth, and (gasp!) believe their own religion. It is lost on boomercons (but not Jews) that "Christ is King" is proclaiming the Truth.

What if is isn't the Truth? Then you would expect opponent to challenge it, would you not? Why instead of saying "this is not true," did so many instead chose to say, "this is anti-Semitic"? Why can a skeptic say "Christ is not King," but those at the DW cannot?

BollocksToBolsheviks 8 points ago +8 / -0

A bit uncanny how the DW types and their thralls respond to "Christ is King" like Nosferatu to a crucifix.

BollocksToBolsheviks 29 points ago +29 / -0

I feel we were promised this shit wouldn't happen if we allowed women to play with the big boys. And yet, there is a live rendition of "Mean Girls: Got to Ghetto to Get Down" playing out in Congress.

BollocksToBolsheviks 33 points ago +33 / -0

The Butkers speech also demonstrate that liberal / progressives are done pretending that they're OK with people having beliefs outside progressive dogma. As I understand it, this guy was a orthodox Catholic giving a speech to a group of orthodox Catholics. Nothing he said was outside Catholic moral teachings. He was preaching to the choir. For all intents and purposes this was privately held beliefs shared with likeminded people; now a large portion of the populace would like to see him destroyed.

Reddit types like to pretend that the idea of religious persecution of Christians is laughable nonsense, but its been pretty common over the last couple of centuries if the social conditions were right: a revolutionary/reformist/progressive government taking a heavy hand into the running to a society. See: French Revolution, Bolsheviks, the Spanish civil war, and even (close to home) the Christeros War in Mexico. Given that LGBTQ / Feminism/ BLM essentially comprise a state religion at this point, we are already seeing attacks on those outside the cathedral.

BollocksToBolsheviks 11 points ago +11 / -0

Why the hell are handshakes even allowed to create posts?

t. handshake

BollocksToBolsheviks 2 points ago +2 / -0

I rather liked the Dresden files, but I listened to the recordings by James Marsters. He really leans in to the idea that Harry imagines himself to be some sort of film noir detective with a wand, and the first person narrative probably benefits from being read by a voice actor. I could actually see liking them less if i read narrative in my own minds voice. Either way they're defiantly the book equiv a a popcorn flick

BollocksToBolsheviks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Premillennial Dispensationalism and is consequences have been a disaster for the conservative race.

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