"What's the capital of Puerto Rico?"
This is a glorious thread. Thanks for the laughs.
Off-topic, but still slightly relevant:
I take it this means it's okay to NOT archive sites if said sites are actually on our side, like this one, correct?
I misread that as "shakes game" and, being a pinball fan knowing how old that hobby skews, it still worked.
Subversion is hostility.
That WAS a funny comic, though.
Only in the US versions.
A rare example of acceptable changes in localization--even rarer for DRASTIC changes.
I know a lot of you will disagree with me here, and if I'm downvoted for this, I'll understand.
But the changes made when the first game was brought over in 2004--changes that would never be allowed today--were so entertaining that I let them slide. It's probably the last series I can accept this on.
Were the series to be brought over to the US for the first time TODAY, knowing what I know now, no, I wouldn't like it.
It just...let's just say I thought the resulting world the US writers created, it was really interesting to me, and I wanted to learn more about it. That's one of the things that separates a good series from a great one--you don't just want to play the games, you want to learn how its world works and how things got to this point.
I do agree, though, that it also resulted in taking a LOT longer for that prequel series, set in medieval Japan, to get released here because of it. But at least we have it now.
I will go to my grave believing that the Ace Attorney games were intended to be a satire of the Japanese judicial system.
"Man shot three."
Shinji Aoba is on video pulling a wagon full of gasoline to Kyoto Animation to commit the arson and kill almost 40 people.
He SHOULD give up.
Not a fan of Antoons' work at all, but he has the right enemies, and as someone once said, "you shall know a man by his enemies..."
Naturally, they do it to the devout Catholic character who once punched out Mephisto.
Holy shit. Case in point.
No no, that was in regards to Soctatic's comment.
Though I can name at least one comic book storyline that changed the identity of its main villain because its plans got leaked...in 1991.
DC's story Armageddon 2001 was supposed to have its main villain, Monarch, revealed to be Captain Atom. However, somehow, word of this got out--keep in mind this was before any of us had the internet--and they changed it, after most of the foreshadowing had already been done, to have the reveal be Hawk, of Hawk and Dove.
NOBODY liked this change...that being said, with over 30 years of hindsight, the story wouldn't have been that much better even if Captain Atom had stayed Monarch.
Note to self: Never change stories due to leaks. Always stick with the original plan--it's better long-term.
Said swimsuit issue would probably be a lot hotter and more aesthetic than what they use now.
I just used my thumb directly on said screen. Never needed a protector, even after hundreds of hours.
You are correct that it's a great game, though. In fact, it's one of my favorite games of all time.
I wonder how a remake would translate the controls. The thumb-on-touchscreen method was almost as precise as a mouse for me.
Fair enough.
If anything, we know now that the creator was a woman.
That is the only identifying detail I will share. Because I know that alone is a deal-breaker to some here.
I'm on Social Security disability. I still feel guilty about getting it.
If getting it meant I had to give up my ability to vote...Fine. So be it.
It's been abused by welfare queens for far too long.
"Defense is for the weak and insecure."
Hades, Kid Icarus Uprising
Eat 36 raw eggs a day.
Raw. Eggs.
Vince Gironda did.
Thank you--South Park isn't my thing, not my kind of humor.
I respect what it does, but I'd rather not be grossed out.
The first episode I ever saw was from 1999 or so, it had the frozen man from 1996, and I did think that absurdity was funny, at least.
It's not my joke. I first heard it years ago, not knowing how true it was.