This is in large part due to the education system. It encourages people to defer to authority and experts and treats their opinion as gospel. No actual problem solving or critical thinking, just memorizing the correct answer and doing call and response.
The way a child acts is usually learned by how their parents act before them. If he's trying to be bossy and explain everything, you have to wonder where he learned that from.
Also if you punish your child for trying to explain himself and converse with you, he's going to become asocial and hate you later in life. In about 10 years she's going to be upset why he never wants to talk to her.
There aren't really any sites I would go to, just follow people on twitch and youtube who aren't super progressive and you'll likely get a good view of the games coming out.
For more obscure Japanese games I used to go to Siliconera but I haven't been going there as much recently so I don't know if it's gotten worse.
Parler is almost definitely a honeypot, which is why they would talk about it at all. You need to give your phone number to even make an account, as well as other information if use it on mobile I believe. Not trustworthy at all. If Parler was actually a threat to their system they would never mention it, and payment companies would be shutting it and the people who own it down.
This would probably be the "Dark Winter" that Biden talked about, or at least a precursor for it. It's very clear that they just want to exercise totalitarian control over the population and don't actually care about some virus that 99% of the time does not affect people seriously. Always take note of how many times people talk about "cases" rather than deaths or hospitalizations in order to justify this.
Yeah like I've been saying, if you like Trump or not one of the major benefits he's had is bringing issues that are normally hidden and private right in front of the public eye.
The fact that "the system" doesn't have full control of the situation means they are lashing out and have to spend a lot of resources. That's what all this "fact checking" has been. Them desperately trying to control the narrative while people slip out of it's grasp.
As Stonetoss has also made this comic here it can be confusing.
There are many reasons for it, but the easy way to explain it is that they both have the same enemies.
Because they're just following the media signal cues. They don't need to know why something is, just as long as the media and "experts" give them the "correct info".
No matter what Trump did he would be an enemy of the media. If he leaned into the lockdowns and hysteria they would still pivot in a way to try and make him look bad. You cannot compromise with your enemy.
Their "Great Reset" is about getting as much control as possible and wiping the slate clean. They don't care about democracy or whatever else they tell you about. This is an unelected group of corporations declaring a heavily suspicious election before courts and Congress. They know what they are doing.
Try to homeschool if possible, or homeschool in groups. Just make sure kids have enough social interactions with other kids and aren't totally sheltered.
The bigger problem is the Universities and the fact that you basically need a degree to get any management position.
Be in control of your own environment. This means online and in real life. If you are letting an algorithm dictate what you see, you need to have alternative sources for the same kind of content. Always have a backup of what you do not want to lose. Music, videos, games, etc.
Trump is up 600k votes in PA, 100k in GA, NC, and WI, and 200k in MI. They have stopped counting votes because it would probably lead to a quick Trump win. Instead Trump is going to take it to the Supreme Court if it's not ended soon.
Yeah they ended up making this tweet afterwards.
Both. The more I learn about both the more they seem diametrically opposed.