Reminds me of this video which covers an old movie about the Rothschilds, where the "hero" actively hides his tax books from the police and bribes them to leave him alone.
Other than CalArts there's what I call "diversity hire art" and other people call globohomo art which is corporate art that all just looks like this.
We started out from the original KotakuInAction, which was about posting how terrible games journalism and social justice in games was. The mods kept wanting to restrict what people could post about, so KIA2 was created with greater freedom. Now there's mostly posts about general politics, but with a bit of a slant towards those original topics.
We really do live in a fake society. It's been hollowed out and replaced ship of Theseus style so that nearly none of the original parts remain, but it still has the same name.
Gamergate was one moment that revealed that quite a bit. The tactics that the media uses especially. It wasn't until I read and understood that the exact same things were happening in the Weimar republic that things began to fall into place.
In a sense that "Gamergate is creating nazis!!!" is somewhat true. At least in so far as it caused people to learn the truth about previous historical narratives. The defeat of the National Socialists was used as a foundation to create a new society. So any event which would cause people to question that founding is a heretic, even if it's as innocuous as people who want games journalists to stop lying.
A nice read, although the author could have been more succinct. I do like the term "vibrants" for ethnic minorities.
The way I would say it is that America stopped creating organic entertainment and culture, everything made comes with an agenda to influence people in some distinct way. Either to make people buy more, or to push their beliefs in some direction.
Japan largely hasn't created entertainment like that. Many creators make what they want to make for their own sake, and because they live in a quite homogeneous society that means they are able to satisfy a large audience and make a profit. This leads to media that feels more genuine, what people call "soul", as well as covering a greater variety so nearly everybody will have some kind of entertainment that satisfies them quite a lot.
Americans who lack that kind of in group cohesion can grasp it even if it's in a foreign product. For instance look at how many anime (and JRPGs) are about friendship saving the day. That's a message about staying together as a people group, and making sure you are helping build up society instead of destroy it.
Essentially all of the modern "liberals" and nearly all "conservatives" for that matter are simply just cowards or traitors. They reject what is good for all in exchange for what is good to them personally and parasitical to the whole. However, the ones who are the primary drivers of that are people who do not consider themselves a member of the nation, they would go anywhere to lie, cheat, and steal.
It's projection at it's utmost, they are traitors because they would like to see the nations they are in get drained and turned into zombies.
The difference was that was the management of those companies and not the creative content of the games, like today. It wasn't until the 360 era that companies really began to push what customers were comfortable with.
I don't think you understand what fascism was. It does not just mean totalitarian or oppressive. If you think that Trump and the right wing have been slandered, then you shouldn't be surprised to know that very similar propaganda was used against many other nationalist parties in the past. The more successful they were at opposing international finance, the worse the propaganda.
I'm just saying that "Free speech but not obscenity" isn't far from "Free speech but not hate speech" because where you draw the line is always subjective. As long as they have clear criteria for what is allowed and what is not then that's fine, but they don't need to dress it up to justify themselves.
I'm fine that they don't allow it as well, but the way they justify it can be bad. Saying "We aren't developing this platform for porn" is good, but saying "Porn isn't speech, stop being a degenerate" is just asking to push people away from your site.
It seems like you need a phone number to use Telegram, which could be a deal breaker for some people. And I believe Element/Matrix can ban you based on your user name, but they still can't see any of your encrypted messages.
China is still heavily dependent on the western world. The US has been at "record high stocks" as well, which doesn't actually mean much when talking about the overall economy. China is only influential because the forces within the western world allow it to keep growing.
I've known some on social media. From my experience the things that stand out the most are being overly self-important and no introspection or no desire to admit mistakes. I just watched this video of Marx's life and I can see the connection there.
Of course it's just personal anecdotes, but I haven't seen any communists who act anywhere close to a "noble" manner.
Yeah all of the corporate statements say stuff like "We denounce the horrible violence that happened at the capitol" I'm guessing they really wished there was a shootout and not the most notable thing being a civilian killed by security.
Stonetoss hitting the mark there. Also Jonathan Gitlin, Brandon Friedman, and John Schwartz listed in that article are all Jews. So it's no surprise they are out of touch with the people of America.