Recently it's been shown that the UAE has made an artificially induced downpour by spreading chemicals in the air, and are testing to use electricity. The US has undoubtedly been using this kind of technology for years by now.
They don't care who put up the monuments. They are taking them down because they represent white people's achievements. No matter how "progressive" that person was at the time, because they were white or represent white interests and depict that in the physical world, it must be destroyed.
This is likely the case with Sparta as well. Of course it had a very masculine culture, it had a legal system where women ended up getting most of the money. Eventually Sparta just declined into a very minor city and everybody else kind of just ignored it, there wasn't any explicit collapse I think but it was taken over by other powers.
Of course a system that allows women to hold positions of high power also means that other subversive actors would have been able to enter and exploit things as well. If the men of a society think that women doing a man's job is alright, they also would not object to an immoral outsider working in positions of power too. Since the end result would be similar either way.
Yep, and by the time people are finally willing to address the problem the worst offenders would have probably already fled to China or other countries. That's what happens when you have a near monopoly on news and media.
Yeah, their goal is not to earn money. Money will only accomplish so much, so they are spending money to try and achieve their aims in different ways. The Stonetoss burgers comic still shows that perfectly. Do you really think so many companies are advertising in a way that does not sell products? That's because the real "product" is something else entirely.
Basically every huge company that runs on losses is doing this. Amazon, Netflix, etc. They partner up with the government and people close to it because they have effectively unlimited money. It does not matter how much your company loses if the government just prints money to offset it.
Yep, that's why it's almost worse to be "normalizing" getting regular mystery injections than if they're actually bad or not. If people give the government consent to constantly be shooting them up with whatever they want, it will not end up in the public's favour in the long run.
Even now they try to blame them by saying that since the whites owned and ran the most prosperous farms that it was still enabling "white supremacy" or something to that effect. It will never be enough.
Yes. 2 of the black players they had doing the penalty kicks were not even in the game. The manager wanted them to look like the heroes who won England the game. Some people think their only role was to do penalty kicks like that, and it's all they practiced and still fucked it up.
A lot of people are worried about whites grouping up on the basis of race. Despite the fact that just about every Western country prior to WWII did exactly that. The media and institutions in general have drilled it into people's heads that "going back to the 1950's" is pretty much the worst thing that could ever happen.
They claim that 1.1 million people were killed in gas chambers by using a pellet based insecticide. Where are the piles of bodies, the ashes? And no, using Soviet accounts is not reliable.
You don't even know the extent of the claims about that. Do you know about the supposed masturbation machines, hooking people up to car exhaust, making soap and lampshades out of people, shrunken heads, sticking guns into walls where the barrel bends and they shoot themselves. I could go on for a while.
He can't even get a proper vote audit on a federal election, nobody should expect that he would be able to do anything to the information control centers. If this is anything, it's purely to try and drive public support.
This isn't about republican vs. democrat, this is about white vs. anti-white. It doesn't matter how non-racist you are, whether in the 1800's or now. You will eventually have your legacy destroyed and defaced if you are white or help support white interests.