The whole Horizon "franchise" seems astroturfed to me. I know only ONE person who's actually played all the games and he's barely talked about em, only said they were okay. Sony seems to want to make Aloy a household name with games that are okay. This isn't how you make a big franchise and I am kind of sick of people pretending it's a big and beloved franchise.
You mean Counter Strike. It was the game that got me hooked on it.
Personally to afraid to talk about that with colleagues directly and openly. At least in family and friend circles it's done the shift a lot. Generally people I talk to mention it themselves even. Maybe it's cuz I don't gender where some people feel forced it it seems, I've caught colleagues "correct" themselves and complain about having to do it.
Glad that the pro Palestine people are opening the eyes to a lot of normal people.
Already working. I know people who will vote for them just to spite the current government. There's tons of people who are just fed up but sadly this still is not the majority. I'll have to get a lot worse before things improve I am afraid. It's why I hope for the Trump effect, him winning giving some more people hope that if they do go out to vote they can change things.
The saving grace is that people are slowly waking up to it. You don't feel safe anymore going outside, women especially have said so yet politicians keep saying it isn't the diversity at fault. America seems to have embraced diversity too much. It works with Asians (not the British way or counting who is Asians) and whites, some Latinos but it does NOT work with blacks as statistics have shown. We get similar stats here now as well and thankfully wide spread.
Rogan is actually the perfect example for this. Everyone saw that interview, it was super wide spread and maybe kamala would've faired a tiny bit better if she showed her human side, even on some podcast.
And you're pretty much right, in the US it seems to be a bit different but all over the world you, the individual cannot do much without having to fight the whole system. Look at Germany where the establishment is doing everything in their power to make the afd lose voters, they use all the tricks in the book and just make themselves look dumb, yet it seems to be working somewhat to keep the afd "small" (although winning 2 elections first and second place isn't necessarily small). I really hope the trump effect with also affect us to bring some much needed change.
And because politics is downstream from culture I actually prefer my chud streamers and based video makers that have their opinions and speak them. There's not a lot but I honestly prefer people who also talk about entertainment since it is indeed a bit of a canary in the coal mine for political topics like the gender craze for example.
Good luck with that. Expect it to be maximum cringe when they "relaunch it" as a "parody". Alex Jones is entertaining BECAUSE he is Alex Jones and not because of the info wars name and brand. But the unfunny onion wouldn't get that now, would the?
Absolutely, they have them on most politicians anyways, no? Would be funny if they forget some.
I am so sick and tired of aboriginal shit. What did they ever do to warrant so much focus? Make mud huts? We did that thousands of years before.
Cool idea. Any good ecchi? I've not read a lot but I've read some of the classics.
Like last time Trump is showing the place he's best at: foreign policy. Last term it was absolutely insane how many things he's done in that department with IMHO the cherry on top being able to talk to North Korea at all. His day 1 peace talks might not even be wrong.
What IS the point even of that aside from the virtue signal points? Do you wanna do the open relationship BS and ruin your marriage or what's the endgame saying you now like pussy and dick too?
We'll have to see, the bar is damn high at least since S1 was so great. I am no LoL fangirl but remember some of the lore could be fun, they ruined it later on I am sure. I do remember the weirdo bitch that uses the souls or bodies or something of skarner's people and it's totally okay and not fucked up(would be cool if it was fucked up and treated as such).
Fucking pathetic, what's wrong with the message? Oh, right it advocates for something positive...
INB4 Biden does some shit to help him right before he goes.
Can we just let both of these duke it out in the middle east? I want none of them in my streets, I want none of them fighting there either.
It's crazy how many Dan Schneider are out there and people just look away. They should all be deeply investigated, the ones found to be pedos woodchippered and the new ones coming in monitored. The amount of kids being abused has got to be even more than we actually know with how many new cases always get shown, suddenly everyone knew but did not say anything. You're fucking complicit for giving them the platform to even get to kids and it's why this industry just lures them in: they are safe from persecution and are able to do their sick fantasies.
The more this goes on the more I just want them to shut the fuck up about their politics, their ideas etc. You're someone paid to pretend to be someone, what kind of profound wisdom would you even have? Nothing. I don't care about either the pandas, women's rights, why orange man is Le bad or any other topic you have no expertise or deep interest in. I don't hate movies or series, I hate how entitled these people get.
We need more Papakin, actually really funny whenever he is on.
I'd like that sick fucks hard drives searched, just in case. Someone with such vivid fantasies has got to be looking at stuff he should not as per usual these people thrive on suffering of others(sometimes themselves, look at what they turned their bodies into). And reddit is totally fine with it or was the thread nuked by jannies?
Also maybe encrypt stuff. People seem to forget that I feel.
Also do not forget: no second term to lose. He can actually do stuff against the 2020 fraud election and have it investigated even if the media is crying
I have a big like for squirrels, always see them where I live, occasionally leave some nuts for them out. I would write what I would do with these people if it weren't for the rules. Let's just say they deserve a very special place in hell for this and I feel for the guy who not only lost basically a pet but a life long friend he's had since a baby.
Not saying the games are bad they are okay, okay isn't gonna make people fans though. Why do people like for example Lara Croft? Cuz it was something different at the time, entirely unique. This is just the same old open world game we've seen everywhere. I can live without.