Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Music is one of those things that just sits in your subconscious from your youth and you'll just always be attracted to it without any good reason because of that. Its hard to even verbalize why you enjoy it, you just do regardless of its quality.

I think if more people recognized that instead of trying to argue that their nostalgic band is actually good we'd get a lot less of these angry rejections of now irrelevant bands.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Almost nothing about Kurt or Nirvana is special as a musician other than the fact that they everyone else tried to copy them, which pushed them from just another idiot to this "icon" everyone hypes. Same with him dying before he could really undermine himself fully, just like Sid Vicious.

Like, its beyond bad how much almost every genre and even most bands fail the basic human decency tests. They are riddled with druggies, political nonsense, and overall the most damaging lifestyles out there that make Hollywood stars look normal.

We could even repurpose your title for them and it works. Metal is just a bunch of Scandinavian Leftists screaming about Satan. Rock is a bunch of different junkies whining about sex and drugs. Rap is a bunch of niggers acting like they are heroes. Country is a bunch of Rich whities LARPing as poor rural guys.

Point being, we need to raise our standards across the board for musicians if we judge them by anything outside their music.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well considering that both of my parents and a bunch of direct family members all got sucked in, and I myself consistently struggle against an addictive personality (see aforementioned near gambling hole), I'd wager whatever genetic component exists is likely present.

I'm not "immune" due to being unable to be addicted, I'm immune because I never fucking put myself in a position where I begin to consume in the first place. You don't just wake up addicted to alcohol or heroin by accident, you have to actually use it in some way. And for those with legitimate uses like pain killers, you don't become addicted due to using it once, you begin down a path you need to watch yourself from going down through personal discipline.

Nothing you've said is wrong, but it just jumps over the most key component. Personal agency. Its not a random tragedy of life, its a deliberate choice made at some point that spiraled out of control. Even you yourself weaseled in the phrase "using the first time" as if its just a thing that happens through magic and chance.

I won't waste effort looking down on those who are mostly only hurting themselves, like a smoker who keeps that away from his family. But I won't offer them any sympathy either when their consequences come.

Adamrises 3 points ago +4 / -1

It doesn't help that its probably the first time most people got to meet an actual non-obese black woman and see what they look like constantly.

Hint to everybody, they are incredibly mannish. The fact that most of them are fat hides this for most of them, the same way being fat makes men better pass as tranny women. Its why they need "mixed race" blood for the hot looking ones to appear.

Big Mike just looks like every middle aged black woman in America that isn't 200+ extra lbs of weight. The fact that people think its a tranny is just proof of how rare of a specimen it is.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've never touched anything harder than caffeine, and I've kicked that a few times just to prove to myself I could. Almost got in the gambling hole, but recognized it happening and got out.

Which is why my stance on it is so hard, for both those who come have everything like Susan's son and those who think they have nothing but to turn to it. I've lived as proof that there is no excuse, ever, for it.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

He got injured and got a prescription for opiates

Self control is a taught virtue and it applies even if its not some "evil sinful" temptation in front of you, but one you should partake in regardless.

My most of my immediate family, including both my parents, died young from either lifelong drug habits or overdoses. No one will recieve an ounce of sympathy from me for junkies and their deaths, even if its from a necessary drug like pain killer. Including myself, who does not take most of the prescribed anti-pain meds after major surgery and simply lives with some of the pain to avoid developing a habit, and doesn't even consume alcohol in the slightest.

Allowing people to become "blameless" due to victimhood is to start the path of removing their agency, and in doing so create an entire culture where things "just happen and its tragic" instead of a teachable lesson we can glean to prevent it from doing so. Even if it means beating down a parent burying their child cruelly.

Adamrises 3 points ago +4 / -1

If someone you were responsible for goes off and does a bender of Cocaine and Xanax, you've forfeited being called a good person by failing as both a parent and a citizen by sending such a fuckup out into the world.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

What's funny is that if they went with "was driven" it would allow them to be equally vague and also not set off half as many grammar bells to alert people to the deceit.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its funny how they keep pulling Harley down like this worse and worse when her literal replacement Punchline is getting more and more popularity for being exactly what us boring nerds liked about Harley in the first place.

Being a psychotic clown villain whose equally hot and deranged, and not some feminist escapist character.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ethnicity is something you are born with, its always in your genes and we can't escape most of it anymore than you can change your gender just because you want to.

Religion is adopted, you have to choose to be part of it. It only gets treated as interchangeable because a lot of religions are either insular or exist in specific ethnic regions. You can call Arabs Muslims and be right 95% of the time and vice versa. Same with Hindus and Shintos respectively. Heck Jews even more so because they consider themselves "by birth" culturally.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

because the Ontario College of Psychologists can hold it's members to whatever standards it pleases.

Most boards and licensing councils do this across most of our nations, Canada just doesn't need to obfuscate it with extra language and faking like they aren't openly threatening you.

The APA in America literally demands you pay thousands of dollars in travel costs yearly to attend indoctrination festivals under the guise of "Continued Research Credits." Which is how they filter out wrong thinkers and people who don't toe the line.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

There have been "Gamergate 2.0" since like 2018, about countless little blowups that ended up so underwhelming most people don't even remember them.

Calling it Gamergate now just limits its scope and saddles it with unnecessary baggage. Such as being Games only.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gamergate was basically just a battle in a long string of an overall war, its just one of the biggest and most decisive of those that had been relatively underground prior so it got the most traction.

People treating Gamergate as a thing that was the opening salvo that also ended at some point is like calling WW2 "D-Day."

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are all just scams of trying to be the one guy who manages to screw a different guy over for profit. Its the same as the Stock Market Sharks who destroy entire companies for a quick buck, but this time the barrier for entry is low enough that regular guys can get in on it.

As you said, its all worthless until you can use them as currency like a Dollar, which leaves mostly just Bitcoin as anything but scams for chumps. And no one in these circles seems to be interested in "legitimizing" them in that way either.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

You keep putting in triple the effort I do to accomplish less.

Adamrises 28 points ago +28 / -0

I expect to see more of this in the coming years. These little throwaway nonsense panderings to appease the masses who are getting a little too close to recognizing the culture war happening.

Its literally there so that your normie friends might go "Google just showed a Christian thing man, you are too paranoid" if you try to discuss it.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

This faggot only blew up recently

He has been around for a while with a decent online following and enough backing to have huge-ish rallies in the past, so its not entirely as fake as Tate's "sudden" mass appeal.

Now whether he has been a Fed or some sort of plant going back years is a good question, as there is a lot of evidence to that point, and that the recent happens are his protection running out or some push to get him back his lost relevance. But he has a pretty well documented history of doing everything in his power to become some sort of pseudo cult leader like he is, and whatever he is now came after that.

But unlike Tate, who was pushed to give a face to a boogeyman and is otherwise irrelevant, Fuentes seems to be a honeypot fed into to control people The Powers That Be (whoever it might be in this case) couldn't otherwise reach. And now they feed right into their plans, giving the Jews a credible "threat" to push all their "Fighting Hate Speech" laws in while doing nothing to actually combat them in anyway.

Adamrises 4 points ago +6 / -2

It takes minimal effort, but they will expend triple that effort calling you lazy if you call them out on it.

But its also usually a sign that they are just reposting an image they found on twitter/pol/elsewhere and haven't read the actual information either. They don't want to admit that so they instead get pissy about it.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

That braindead reaction is a growing issue, as shown by the fact that Fuentes had any power at all.

And those in power are happy to stoke it, because it makes the JQ incredibly easy to dismiss and kept from ever accomplishing anything.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

A personal favorite of mine that is criminally underrated is Reign of Fire from 2002. A movie about a bunch of non-cucked dudes literally fighting dragons and having to fight each other over competing adult philosophies.

Such as do we wait to harvest our crops so they have seeds to plant for next season or do we harvest now so we have any children left not starved to death for there to be a next season.

Or do we sit back and protect what we have with everything we got to survive into the future or do we go out and take a risk on ending this threat forever through sheer force against a superior foe.

Its not high class cinema in any way, but its one of the last times I remember seeing a movie that had basically no questionable elements in it. Just pure fun and enjoyment.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its also why they will jail and destroy your ass over child support where they get to skim money, but couldn't give a damn about literal lying on official documents (paternity fraud) or the child even being given some of that money.

Adamrises -2 points ago +1 / -3

Enforcement is another thing.

Rules not evenly enforced are just suggestions and favoritism.

My entire point was that he, specifically, says it literally every day multiple times going back weeks and months. Using heavy words like "not allowed" does not describe the situation in the slightest and reeks of victim seeking.

However, I ought to be able to say some government Jews are conspiring

Nothing I've said has been to the contrary and is often in fact agreeing with such. But a lot of people seem to be unable to separate "you are being a sperg, calm down" from "you are wrong and I only attack people when I think they are wrong."

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is minor league shit for elites to be involved in

It is, but its also the type of thing that gets legal precedents set that can be called upon in the shit elites do get involved in later if someone tries to take them on.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

They can't be an invader either because most of them were welcomed in, especially in Europe.

Which is why I went with Traitor. Because if they are choosing to live here then they are part of this nation in some minor way while actively working against it by doing so.

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