Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its almost certain that it was an entirely original work at some point that they just slapped the Halo IP on to pull in "Existing fans" to justify its budget. Like Starship Troopers the movie was.

But they can't own up to that whether due to contracts or ego, so they pretend they totally love Halo but also don't.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well this game harshly limits your ability to settle new cities to a point where Tall is almost the optimal/meta playstyle for a long chunk of it.

But it shows the problem with the Tall/Wide balance. Anything that might make Tall viable either comes by gutting Wide with harsh restrictions or will also apply to a Wide player anyway and keep the gap alive.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Its even worse because Amplitude was already a successful "Civilization at home" company. Endless Legend is a very good game that manages to successfully turn Civ into a fantasy game that its all around pretty enjoyable. Except for the combat, we don't talk about that.

So they clearly knew how to make the game functionally, and something about the unique elements made it fail. Making it even more baffling that Firaxis thought taking one of those was a good idea.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its an innovative idea that everyone can see the potential in. In a way, Civ 3 having your leader "progress" every age from a caveman to a well dressed gentleman is the seed of that idea. But neither Humankind nor Civ7 actually managed to make it work in anyway that feels right.

So in this case, it feels like they arrogantly thought they could take a failed game's call to fame and use it for themselves. And ended up doing even worse. Because afaik Humankind's version was just kinda boring and not impactful enough for how important it was. Which ironically is the opposite of Civ7 which has it so impactful it ruins the game with no ability to mitigate or truly control it.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well of course its not dead, it can never die. As long as humans have instincts and we have a major political party unscrupulous enough to manipulate them, it'll always come back somehow.

Adamrises 20 points ago +20 / -0

They built an entire mainline game to steal Humankind's "your civ changes through the ages" mechanic and its literally one of the biggest reasons why people hate the game.

Like, we can dab on the retarded leaders and how fucking stupid Tubman is, but even if all of those were great the game would still be fundamentally broken, ugly, and terrible on a gameplay fundamental level.

This isn't a game missing crucial features that will be made whole in the inevitable Expansion, like 5 and 6 were. Its bad on such a central level that they will have to swallow their egos and change entire major mechanics they considered good things to make it work, and they won't do that.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

And almost every one of those reviews is from someone who bought all of it, because the early release period was only available to the 120$ version and lasted the prior 5 days.

Its actual release date, today, has seen it go up marginally. Probably from people rushing to defend their baby from those hateful Nazis.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

That or your empire collapses because it was never financially viable to begin with.

Most of them aren't because they've given all their executives and top brass such ridiculous salaries and bonuses that the only way for their company to remain solvent is to pay those peanuts, because those guys will never vote to reduce their pay. If asked, they would golden parachute out and leave the company in shambles.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kanye cleared his entire store of all products except a single white shirt with a swastika for 20$, which meant he wasn't making them a dime anymore and likely influenced the decision like you said.

But yeah, look at how many guys get cancelled long after their prime. Neil Gaimen is a recent one and it took a decade of him being irrelevant for it to finally breach the surface instead of just sliding off his back like all the previous attempts. Cosby took 30+ years before anyone would hear it. You could go on and on.

The other end of that coin is that it mostly happens to guys who its beneficial to cancel for a lot of people. A random nobody dunking on Nick Fuentes during one of his retarded spiels is likely to get a lot of Leftie seals jumping to his store to give him money, which people will notice and repeat. And once this happens enough it becomes a tidal wave that can crush people who aren't stable enough (mentally or financially) to wait it out.

Adamrises 21 points ago +21 / -0

The gutting of DEI has made a huge step in that regard, as those were often jobs designed entirely for useless white women to be given a ridiculous wage for her skill/productivity. Which meant she was limited to the small amount of men who could beat her infinite grant/government money job.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Nearly every man in my family worked in the oilfield, most of them offshore or in the Middle East/Africa. They usually had a fucking line of guys out the door willing to work those jobs.

Anyone whose worked them can tell you its fucking grueling, dangerous work that expects you to have a short shelf life in it. Yet they never have any problem getting staffed. Because they paid good money for what they asked of you, enough that you would put yourself through hell willingly.

We shouldn't need to convince these companies to not outsource or import illegals they can pay like slaves. If they cannot pay competitive wages enough to attract employees they should go fucking bankrupt and drive up the demand on the product enough that a new company can afford to staff itself reliably to fulfill the market need. Illegals are fucking illegal already and outsourcing should be met with the necessary tariffs to balance them out.

We shouldn't need to treat companies like girlfriends we are convincing to give us a chance. We should be letting them rot until they play ball, because we don't owe them shit. And if they are willing to do so, then we let them be American institutions, with all the leniency that brings.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, but the point is that he was able to successfully swap his supporter base from the Right to the Left by saying "orange man bad." I think many RINOs will be eyeing that shortly in certain areas.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

It is a factor for everyone, but the extent in which its influential differs heavily.

Palin wouldn't have mattered if she didn't also exude tough, self-reliant energy which is a major plus to guys on the Right. Well she would have still been picked by McCain and forced down our throat, but she would be a forgotten VP loser whose legacy is trivia cards like Pence.

Compared to someone like Trudeau who I got to hear legions of women vote for because he was "young and handsome and has tattoos!"

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Considering how much happened instantly when Trump came into office, it clearly could have happened this entire time and a lot of people wanted nothing to happen.

We had a lot of years where nothing changed, all victories were either short lived or taken away somewhat after, and overall it felt insurmountable. I can't necessarily blame a lot of them for falling into despair and thinking its impossible.

Its only a problem when they are trying to pull others down with them and convince them to give up too.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know, McCain successfully managed to become a hero to most of the Left by simply opposing Trump, even if he didn't party swap he acted as if he did. If they sell it as "I can't be part of this fascism!" they'd almost certainly get a huge amount of Leftie supporters in certain states.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Unfortunately history has shown that "attractiveness" is a hugely important factor in popularity of political candidates for women, so this is a very effective tactic at getting the women vote back in line.

Sadly for them, they need to have an attractive charismatic alternative to show him against for their side, instead of a cackling goblin lady, and the Left hasn't had one of those in years. Newsom seemed to be the selected one, but he is too weighed down with baggage now.

Either way, its a very effective tactic that works so they have no reason to stop other than morality and scruples, and we know they have neither.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

The last month has shown a deluge of consequences for anyone who tries to "nothing ever changes" stonewall like the Republican Party has done for decades, whether through mockery or being pushed back, which they aren't used to or capable of rebuking. And Cocaine Mitch is clearly very close to death, so the head of the snake soon won't be able to protect them.

I think it'll be soon that a lot of them will have to party switch to stay in office, as the old GOP methods aren't capable of continuing for much longer. And Grug breaking rank is showing the same is happening to the Left in some form.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

Genuinely surprised he wasn't removed the last time he went off about Jews, that's usually a quick switch flip for them.

Guess its a good example that if you are rich and connected enough with unyielding fans, you are still somewhat protected even when you cross the red lines. For a time anyway.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

It always has been. It has like dozens of times our active userbase and has a few guys who seem to literally exist to post every news things possible for them. Not shitposting from their favorite Antisemite on Twitter with JPEGs but someone who has a huge net to repost from.

And its still on reddit, which means it has organic growth capabilities.

You don't leave KIA1 because this is a viable competitor. You come here because KIA1 is full of Apologist Leftists who think its just extremists making Liberals look bad, that trannies and gays can be based, and that Jews/Niggers/Spics/etc are being oppressed into being bad and it has nothing to do with them as a people.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well that and because the only way to do such an action is to either kneel before them, or place them on such a high seat that its effectively the same humbling act.

Its why despite shoe shining booths being such a common thing at airports, the only people using them are the prideful and vain. The people who expect others to kneel before them.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I meant New Reddit as in the actual changed formatting and UI that they created a few years ago which they called that.

But everything else you said is accurate regardless.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think two things made the Ukraine system unique in that regard.

The first, it was already a war. Someone shot first. Lefties are cowardly and hate to take initiative, its why they always tend to be following some Elite who organizes and fulfills their need for collectivism and hivemind leadership. Ukraine had that covered, with clear black/white sides (to them), so they could just join up with something that already existed and go.

In the US/Canada sense, they would need someone to start the battles before they could overcome this. And maybe some loon might be unfettered in this regard, but not enough to truly feel like they were being a follower.

Which leads into the second part. Russia has this stereotype across Western media of being this broken, poor nation of imbeciles. The Ukraine situation was sold to them as "show up, dab on these evil idiots, GLORY." Most of them didn't really feel like they were going to be in real danger, they'd have superior firepower and tactics, plus RIGHTEOUS MORALITY. They'd play it up for the attention, but you saw many videos of them falling apart the moment the gritty came around.

The US isn't that. We have our stereotypes of being violent, gun toting retards now under the thrall of a fascist with an ego. That's a recipe for actual danger, even if they feel secure in their victory it wouldn't be an absolute slaughter like they expected against Russia. This will preclude everyone except for the demographic you mentioned of young men looking for adventure, but the Foreign Ukraine thing was a lot of older men and women bolstering its numbers. At least in videos, maybe not on the ground.

So I expect the Canadian "response" to be much more petty and pathetic. Like them messing around with people on the border, especially the Washington one where people are used to crossing back/forth regularly. Maybe violence, but more hooliganism than warfare.

Adamrises 2 points ago +4 / -2

Hey now, one of them posted that he knew nothing about Assassin's Creed and wanted to know its history, and then days later started spamming posts about how it was always woke and a bunch about how ugly the asian girl is.

Either way, culture or not, plenty of people here have an agenda or not too much care for vidya. Mine is anti-woman, obviously.

But magically, we can criticize and call them out for it when they are wrong or being spergs. Only this one specific group is it suddenly a conspiracy and a problem if we dare call them out, as they recoil crying that they are being censored (and you are "one of them" out to stop them).

The irony of them being literally identical to the Jews themselves in this regard should not be lost on anyone.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think we probably have too much in common, which is why we default to arguing and headbutting despite our history of cooperation.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

You guys have history, so it wouldn't be duplicitous even if it existed, unless clear malpractice was being shown (such was KIA1's super secret Discord they always teased but hid away).

And I've known Antonio long enough to know he is too upfront and enjoys dabbing on people, sometimes to his detriment, to be that subtle.

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